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The uifoweruio's blog

Posts 19 posts

So I just noticed that if you haven't been on for like forever, your avatar becomes a skeleton...when did this happen?
Points: 3 1 comments
Tengaged survivor questions Aug 19, 2009
I don't know if people know the answer to these, but feel free to provide PLAUSIBLE  speculations:

1. What will the cost/karma requirements be?

2. Will there only be one game running (like stars) or several running at the same time (like rookies/castings) [I STRONGLY hope it is the latter)

3. What would the point of plussing/negging be if it comes down to stats and mini-games?

4. If the game runs forever, how do you think players get paid?

5. If it's only one game running ever (like stars), wouldn't it be unfair as it'll always be the same high leveled players playing, so essentially the cast will never change (thus deeming the game kind of pointless..)?

I'll think of more questions later.

Once 10 people are voted out and new people come in, will it be "winners" vs "new people" or will the two tribes thoroughly mix?
Points: 48 1 comments
Bye Jul 1, 2009
So after half a year, I tried getting back into tengaged, but after two games (casting and rookies...both 10th :/) I realized that I will never get back into that old jitter.
Maybe it's because I feel like a loser (which I've always felt on tengaged, but that's okay. I accepted that)
Maybe it's because I dont have enough money to be in a casting game :(
Maybe it's because I hate the feeling of trying to boost my confidence, and others doing it too, and then it being shot down

Either way, I'm through with tengaged.

I made some "friends" because nice people will always be there if I'm looking. But in all, it becomes a tiring effort to constantly stay on.

And so ends another relationship. I don't regret it; I learned from it; and happy it's over.


I've decided that like any old relationship, it's always good to catch up with a nice cup of tea. Therefore, I've decided to return to tengaged to play VERY occasional games.
Points: 11 5 comments
Anything new? Jun 21, 2009
Hello peoples.
It's been a while since I've been on tengaged (busy with graudation stuff)
Last I was on was, I think, last December (too lazy to look back to my last game)
I'm noticing people's avatars dressed up in crazy I'll assume te shop has finally opened?
Is there anything else new or anything else big that happened in the first half of 2009?
Points: 33 2 comments
SOS (Sunny-side-up/Over eaSy...?) Jan 21, 2009
imageDear people of tengaged,
I be stranded on an island...that has internet...and the island is really small...and there are no eggs :(
I ask yall to PLEASE give me money so that I can come home and eat some eggs again. I miss the succulent egg white, caressing the golden yolk.
I need the money to get off this stinking no-egg island so that I can get my daily intake of essential amino acids.
And if I don't get enough...
I must result to selling my schmexy body on the streets (of my little island...) which I REALLY don't want to do.
So please save me from whoredom, and PLUS MY BLOG.
And if I do result to prostitution, you can find me with my street name:
Rosy Gem (my golden treasure is hidden within...*cringe*)
when I do get home, how should I eat my eggs: sunny-sde up or over easy?
Points: 21 3 comments
swatza...what happened? Jan 13, 2009
What ever happened to swatza's ****TENGAGED PERSON FEATURE***** (sorry if I butchered that :P) thingy that he would do?
It's been quite some while since I've seen the last one, but then again I'm pretty blind to stuff like that.
Not that I was always up to date with them or anything, but they just seemed to be a tengaged..."thing," if you know what I mean.
Anyone know?
Points: 41 2 comments