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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Mar 10, 2010 by tycoon1234
hi people i am new and i think this game is fun!


how do u get karma?
Sent by tycoon1234,Mar 10, 2010
Sent by sirbeastly,Mar 24, 2011
Sent by aerothunder,Mar 24, 2011
Alexander you are so important to me and you don't even realize it. You don't see yourself as special but if only you could see yourself through my eyes. You are strong, resilient, and over all a nice guy. I could write a 20 page long essay on all the reasons why you are my best friend, and on why you are special to me. However those 20 pages still wouldn't begin to cover it all. There's a depth to you that most people cannot see or if they do see, take it for advantage, and I just want to let you know that I won't ever hurt you, and will be there for you. Through our ups and downs you have always been there for me. We've gone through hell, or at least one of us has ;). But we manage to always come back better and stronger than before. You are an amazing person and when you do finally read this, I hope it brings a smile to your face, and you remember all the good times, laughs, calls, and video chats that we've had. I love you < 3333

You SGHBFF - William3/Benjamin
Sent by william3,Dec 30, 2013
My best friend/housemate got an email that she was exposed to COVID on a train ~10 ish days ago. She told me and asked what to do. I told her that she should go get tested ASAP but she refuses to get the test because she feels:
i) it's almost been 2 weeks and if she had it then she (or me or anyone else she's been around) would have symptoms
ii) its a large time inconvenience to go get the test

I am REALLY REALLY disappointed and upset with her. I went today to get a test and they won't test me because I wasn't directly exposed. Her actions affect me and I dont want to hypothetically bring this into the lab that I work in.. + she just has a social responsibility to get tested in case she is asymptomatic and spreading it. but

I don't know what to do! On one hand - personally - I am very upset with her and disappointed in her selfish behaviour. ON the other hand - practically - I live with her and do not trust her anymore. She's clearly being more liberal than I am with the pandemic and my boundaries are tighter than hers. The other night I saw her and 15-20 others all sitting on 2 park benches getting drunk. I decided not to call her out because I figured that she would get tested if need be and was being somewhat safe. But i guess not. She is clearly willing to take larger risks than I am. I also feel hurt that she won't get tested just for my peace of mind because I would for her.

Anyways.. I am thinking of having a chat with her and explaining that I am going to physically distance myself from her around the house. Idk what else to do - I cant tell her how to live her life, but I'm really upset with her! ANy advice would be appreciated with how to navigate this!
Sent by tycoon1234,Oct 3, 2020
Sent by Kiara_xoxo,Apr 3, 2021

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