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The B-B-Bird, bird is the word.

Posts 291 posts

The Tengaged Theme Song -Written by: Elliot Edittted By: Me! (: Sep 9, 2008
10 guests, 7 days to know them, Do you wanna enroll in the game?


Each game is like a dysfunctional family
With a great big backstab and a flick off from me to you...
Won't you play Tengaged too.
I'mma kill you while you sleep.
I'll get you evicted tomorrow, it'll hurt so deep
I can do it without leaving forensic evidence.
I wish you'd understand i that i fucking hate you, do you have any sense?

Oh, Wont you enroll too.
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LOLLLLLLLLLL @ 10thplace. Sep 4, 2008
There was this game, that COMPLETELY forgot about, and like, first week LOLLL My Inactive ass didn't say anything, and was voted out LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. k.
Points: 0 3 comments
&PermBan On Habbo. ADD CIAOBBY Sep 2, 2008
Mhm. Banned, sent an email, i bet it fails.. -.-' But for now, im on ciaobby <3. kthanks.
Points: 0 3 comments
Smithstone232 .. Give it up. Sep 1, 2008
Um, Smithstone232 if your the good christian as you seem to be, it would be ethical, and religiously-compatitible for you to drop the nickname, and to drop the grudge.. especially allowing it to take an impact over your overall tengaged experience.... Either that or, we can discontinue our communitcation toward each other.. Which i dont like to do with anyone .. ..
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Im over it, seriously. :l Aug 27, 2008
Dude, shut up. Omg. He's making up this total BS; and its all discombobulated, and he's taking this wayyy to seriously, on account of we've never developed anything before that blog entry was posted, and.. like seriously? its not that much of a big deal, Im over it. I really dont care if your over it, and im ready to move on with my life, and with my time on tengaged, with or without your help, i really dont care if im voted out that house, one less prick to worry about taming, to be honest, Shut the fuck up, leave me the fuck alone, and kiss my ass bitch. Thanks :] Now that i've let off some steam im ready to go back into the house, and listen to more of him BS, Only because i want more activity, that is if i stay for the next week. GoodLuck everyone in my tengaged house, and thanks dustin, for your support; but i dont think he's gonna get over it. I guess all we can do is ignore his stupidity, and move on. that is all for now; TAKE THIS BLOG SERIOUSLY.
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' TotallyJudas ' Aug 27, 2008
k. um srsly the blog was out of spite, and i wouldn't want anyone to take my blogs seriously, at all.. but when you insulted me by saying.. 'you have no decency' was hurt, i simply ex-ed out the window, and go onto a different site, then when i got back on, i was still quite offended, so i then blogged about the happenings.. and i really dont appreciate the new name that i was given "TotallyJudas" Its very immature, and i dont think me simply blogging can be compared (IN ANYWAY) to the betrayal of judas and the death of lord jesus christ.
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