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RoCkErS bLoG pAgE

Posts 47 posts

Big Brother: Suvivor Borneo Sep 10, 2010
Well, since im a huge fanatic of Survivor and Big Brother, why not combine the two together?? This will have all the Survivor Cast from Borneo and all of the weeks will have PoV used. Thanks

Here are the players:

Old time winner Richard Hatch
Runner-Up Kelly Wigglesworth
3rd place Rudy Boesch
4th place Susan Hawk
5th place Sean Kenniff
6th place Colleen Haskell
7th place Gervase Peterson
8th place Jenna Lewis
9th place Greg Buis
10th place Gretchen Cordy
11th place Joel Klug
12th place Dirk Been
13th place Ramona Gray
14th place Stacy Stillman
15th place B.B Anderson
16th place Sonja Christopher

First episode coming up!!
Points: 12 1 comments
I am a lucky charm!!! Sep 10, 2010
Well, ever since my brother got this red nose, he couldnt play castings and kept on asking if he could get it off!!

But then I came on while he is away, and I ask T_M and rando, and they took it off immediatly. Im such a lucky charm <33333333
Points: 25 1 comments
Dustin isnt here :O Sep 9, 2010
I will be filling in for Dustin while he is away, I am his sister Katie and he insisted on me staying on his account, also when he does come back we will be sharing because I have met some people on here too!

But dont be too alarmed, I still own my OWN account:
Points: 31 4 comments
Quick blog game XD Sep 8, 2010
Well all you have to do is sign up you're name in the comments and I will put you in the game. 20 of you will participate, all i do is keep randomizing the names, if you want to try your luck, sign up!

Well since some of you dont understand I will tell you, first I need 20 people, once I get 20 people I will start. First I will them, the person at the bottom of the list is out, then I will go back, eliminate that person from the list, and start over.

1. Taboo
2. KazMan
3. LilAngelBaby
4. nbKiller
5. Pepper
Points: 26 5 comments
Petition For My Red Nose!!!! Sep 5, 2010
Can people please sign this petition for me so I can get my red nose off finally. I would like to get this to top blogs so Jubbzy or Randomize could see this.

If you were wondering why I even got this red nose, its because my brother made an account:

and I got this red nose, he didnt know this was going to happen, I didn't either so please plus and comment so I could get this red nose off, and if you could, can you please ask all youre friends to comment and plus too!

Thanks and all help is appreciated :)

Ill make a list of who commented:
1st: Boyyo
2nd: Ashy
3rd: LilAngelBaby
4th: Caeg
5th: Diddykong99
6th: Etienne
7th: Thomas_Corbo7398
8th: Turney1805
9th: Vanili
10th: FlameonX
11th: Ruli
Points: 78 14 comments
Rocker's Duel !!!!!!!!! Exciting new group game Sep 3, 2010
Well I need some people to sign up for my second group game as the first one didn't go out that succesfully. If anyone joins thanks and please if you do, remember to reply to the application. KTY!!!

Here is the link:
Points: 33 3 comments