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RoCkErS bLoG pAgE

Posts 47 posts

OMFG! 20th in a castings!!!!!!!! Sep 20, 2010
For the first time, and hopefully the last I came 20th!

It was sad since I have got good placed the last four games (3rd,2nd,8th,7th) and then to finish it off a 20th!

Post what you think about it if you want......
Points: 19 6 comments
Join a casting please ????????? Sep 16, 2010
Well I havn't been waiting for a long time but some people have been waiting for like 3 hooooouuuuuuursssssssssss!!

Please join!

I cant promise not to evict you but I can promise we will be nice :D
Points: 2 1 comments
The newest orange level is.................... Sep 15, 2010

After 25 games, 46 friends and a hell of fun, I finally made it to Orange level! Now Im one step closer to play survivor! Now all I have to get is 24.9 T$! I would like to thank many people but Ima save that up for when I get a higher level. But Im still gonna say it anyway! Thanks to Cass, Alex, Eric, Dan, Chiara, Steevy, Etienne, Turney, Hana, Amanda and many more!!
Points: 34 2 comments
Jackyboy is......................................... Sep 14, 2010
The Best survivor China game host ive ever seen!!!

Ive made it too the final 8 and this is one of the challenges. Please help me!!

Comment/Plus please!!!

also, tell me what you think of Jacky??
Points: 32 7 comments
Big Brother: Suvivor Borneo ep 2 Sep 11, 2010
By a vote of 1-0 Jenna Lewis you have been eliminated from Big Brother Survivor Borneo.

HoH challenge: It was a hunting challenge, with pathetic Sean in survivor borneo, actually winning HoH with 15 fish against food supplier Richard who had only 4.

HoH: Sean

Nomminees: Gervase because he is too nice, and will have everyone as his friend.
Ramona as he thinks she is playing a good game eliminating Jenna.

PoV: Sonja

New Nomminees: Gervase as she thinks he will make alliances with everyone, just like her.
Colleen because last time Colleen was the last remaining Pagong member.

Vote to evict: Colleen Haskell or Gervase Peterson
Points: 3 5 comments
Big Brother: Suvivor Borneo ep 1 Sep 10, 2010
The HoH challenge: All the competitors were really excited since its there second time around comeing in to verse each other. They find it a little harder since they are not on teams but also easier since they know the threats.The challenge was quite tough but some survivors showed there strength,like Ramona but that didn't give her enough power to win, but gretchen!


Post-Veto Nominees: B.B and Sean because she sees B.B as a strong competitor and Sean as a floater

PoV: Ramona

After-Veto Nominees: B.B as Ramona thinks he is to rough and too hard to compete with and new nom Jenna as she thinks Jenna is a stong competitor.

Elimination: Jenna or B.B
Points: 4 1 comments