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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

☆ Featured Player Profile 6 - Jakel0vespicklerr ☆

8thOct 2, 2010 by rippyroo
imageJakel0vespicklerr aka Jake is one of the most recognised people on tengaged with a total of 57 games played and racked up a total of 481 karma having had other accounts and actually being a stars winner jake on a number of occasions is obviously a popular person around the site! currently at brown level and 281st and im sure is hoping to move on up in the ranks :) take a look below to see what he has to say and also what other people have to say about him too :)

How long have you been on tengaged?
Two years, since October. I joined with Brenn and joined our first game together, .

When’s your birthday?
May 17th, 1990.

Where are you from?
Born in Southern California until 9 years old, then moved to Washington state.

What’s your favourite colour?
I don't think I have one. I like all colors. I prefer red, but I also love red and green (Christmas is my favorite holiday and when I'm most happy). And of course, Pink!!

What’s your favourite tengaged game so far?
I don't think I have one in particular... but the best games are always the ones with Mac where we get nominated together for 10th, and then be safe, get 1st & 2nd, and get whoever nominated us 9th or 8th. Seriously... it happens ALL the time. We tell these people if they work with us we will take them to the end (Jermin119, FunnyLookinKid, Nikutoku, to name a few we took under our wing...). Example of people the games where we overcame getting 10th and ended up winning the game. ( ... sorry Chuck, shoulda worked with us.) There are a few other games, but I forgot where they are..

Who’s the person you are closest on Tengaged and why?
KingMac for sure. He's become a friend, rather than someone I met online. I know people have strong opinions about him, but he's a great friend, so I can careless what people say about him. We have so many similarities and we connect. We love boys, celebrity gossip, and of course LOVES DRAMA. I really do want to meet him one day, and it will happen eventually. Just watch. I love Kingmac.

What’s the song that you could listen to all the time without getting bored of it?
Unapologize by Carrie Underwood. It's played over 500+ times on my iTunes.
"Can't unsay what you heard.. I meant every word.. I unapologize."

What’s your favourite/lucky number?
22. I don't know why, it just is and always has been since I've been a little girl.

BBUSA or BBUK and Why?
BBUSA absolutely. More drama and it's more entertaining to watch. Plus, if BBUK was in the USA, people like Rachel would have gone the first week, and that would have made the show BORING. The UK always vote out the good people first week (Rachael/Beyonce-Lookalike)... so USA is way better. It's not opinion, it's fact. Loves Drama!

What do you want be when your older or what do you do as a career now?
I want to be a Radio Broadcaster. I have goals and have a set plan after college, I'm not worried about it. I have a lot of connections in the industry that I can talk to for references, plus my online Radio Show with Mac is a great source of a resume.

Do you believe in pre-made sin any type of game?
Absolutely. I've done it day 1 since I joined the site. However, I find them pointless in Stars and Castings since they never really work out... and I don't think you need a premade in Castings, just stay active. I never join Castings w/ Premades though... only Rookies. (KingMac1 and Jermin119 are my two main premades.)

Favourite big brother contestant?
This is hard for me, I don't have just one favorite... however if I picked one, it would be Renny (BB10). She was the best ever, and I was devastated when she was evicted. It seriously was so sad. :[ I also love Jen (BB8), Dr. Will, Janelle, Rachel, Jeff, and Jordan! (Jordan is probably my 2nd place after Renny.)

Your Favourite Food?
I absolutely love Sushi, however I eat that like once every 4 months since it's too expensive and I have to go visit my parents at home to get it... lol. However, I looooooooooooooooooooooooove Fried Chicken and Mashed Potatoes. I could live off Mashed Potatoes... just add some corn into it... or garlic... or ground beef... it's delicious!

If you could have 1 word to describe yourself, what would it be?

Finish the sentence! In One years time I will ………
be successful in the entertainment industry, making a good salary, and HOPEFULLY find love with someone I want to be with for the rest of my life.

What’s your biggest achievement on Tengaged so far?
I think I created the "sharpie" on Tengaged, now signs are used so frequently... noone did it 2 years ago because everyone was so scared to show themselves, and some people were just faking their personalities, so it is cool to be the start of something that people do. However, game wise, it would be the Stars win with 59.1% and maintaining the highest percentage yet. Although that would never happen to me now, it's cool that it DID happen. And now the 2nd place star, Emmaleigh, is #1 and pretty much the Queen of Tengaged. :)

Look around! What’s the first thing that caught your eye?
A huuuuuuuuuuuge Carrie Underwood poster that I stole from my High School's cafeteria. I am the #1 Carrie Underwood fan, so I thought it was for a good cause since it will be in my room forever.

What’s the grossest thing you have ever eaten?
I've ate a lot of dick, and I'm pretty sure I ate some nasty ones when I was drunk. Regrettably.

What was your greatest childhood memory?
Spending time with my mom. She raised me as a single parent, and before 5th grade I didn't care about things or try to fit in. I used to get made fun of for being gay in school (even though I wasn't out), and that just made my childhood hate school and become insecure. Now, it's in the past and fuck them, but before that all happened, I always loved my mom, so any time I was with her, I was happy.

If you were reincarnated you would be……… Zac Efron, so I could masturbate in front of the mirror everyday.

Please now pick someone to be the next featured profile (cannot be someone who is banned)

One of my best friends on here, and like a little brother.. he has been on this site for such a long time, and he's so full of personality, just not as loud as others on here. He's funny, outspoken, and loyal, and he will be a favorite of mine forever. So I pick, Jermin119. :)

Thanks Rippy for the interview, and to everyone that read my paragraph responses:


Tengaged's Thoughts (Anonymous).....

- Jake has to be the hands down greatest tengager on here i dont think there is anyone more cooler funnier or better on this site! if you want a model on how to be the best tengager you can be Jake is the one you see!!!

- Jake is a piece of shit.

if anyone wants to send any comments for next weeks featured profiler (Jermin119) then feel free :) TY for the comments and i hope you enjoy!


Sent by Loowis,Oct 2, 2010
Sent by BlueLagoon506,Oct 2, 2010
Cute <3
Sent by Utsumi,Oct 2, 2010
Sent by cheznahuf,Oct 2, 2010
So adorable.
Sent by dav_o_79,Oct 2, 2010
luvsjake <3
Sent by Uskyld,Oct 2, 2010
:O "Jake is a piece of shit" but thanks Rippy loves ya!
Sent by jakel0vespicklerr,Oct 2, 2010
jake .
                             ya love 'em , ya hate 'em
         but you cant get enough of 'em
Sent by Claud,Oct 2, 2010
yay jake!
Sent by Clayton,Oct 2, 2010
Loves Jake
Sent by princesskk,Oct 2, 2010
Sent by jenani,Oct 2, 2010
Sent by 2008girl,Oct 2, 2010
He is so adorable and just well rounded with fiestiness and sincerity.
Sent by Emmaleigh,Oct 2, 2010
Jake is and always be an icon on Tengaged.

Question for Jermin
When do you think your peak in popularity was on Tengaged?
Sent by realitynerd,Oct 2, 2010
- Jake is a piece of shit.


So rude
Sent by itsmeagain000,Oct 3, 2010
uh honey we already know kingmac likes boys

not men
Sent by Drench,Oct 3, 2010
jake <3
Sent by AntNikiaBonnie,Oct 3, 2010
Sent by BengalBoy,Oct 3, 2010

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