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Posts 253 posts

I'm a victim of identity theft- true story Aug 31, 2010
imageFirst, let's take a moment of silence for the atrocities I have had to go through today...

Alright. I am ready to speak.

Today, I received a strange message from a tengaged user. In it, she explained that I had not done my survivor challenge on .es. As I didn't *think* I was in a game with her (though .es can be deceiving), I became confused. You see, my username on .es is, in the Spanish tradition, PRINCESAkk (instead of the English Princesskk). My decision to celebrate knowing Spanish and the Spanish language turned out to be the cause of a downward spiral that resulted in my stolen identity. You see, while I was busy being PRINCESAkk, someone snuck in from the sidelines...

And thus was born "princesskk," or "it," as I like to refer to it with venom in my voice. It claims to have no knowledge of me, yet it chose my name, and failed to correct comments such as,
"por Prinveli 17 dias 7 horas atras
seen you from documentaris such as Holder and princesskk - luvsit and put a ring on it"

Innocent? I think not. If you or anyone you know has any information on how to stop this charade from continuing, please let me know. Her picture is located in this blog, though she could change identities in a split second if needed. I feel as though someone has stolen a piece of me that I will never get back. I'm such a victim.

UPDATE: sightings have been reported all over:
[8/31/10 7:40:56 PM] Brooke - Property of Gunnar: awkward...idk i kept trying to talk to it cus i thought it was yuo...but it like joined and ever came on

[8/31/10 7:39:09 PM] Gaga: i thought it was you

Who will be next?!
Points: 200 21 comments
Thank you to all my supporters Aug 22, 2010
I wouldn't have been able to do this without all of my supporters. I'll go back and thank all of you later. I'll admit, I'm a little disappointed, but I tried my best and am so proud to have made finals. This will more than likely be my one and only Stars... I'm grateful to have had the experience, but I didn't like the person I became in Stars (having to lie, backstab, etc). I tried to handle it with as much class as possible, and I hope that I didn't lose too many friends over it.

Thanks again for all of you that supported me. I couldn't have made it this far without you.

<3Kels (which, by the way, is short for KELLY, not Kelsey)
Points: 295 23 comments
Stars 92 Finals: WOW! Aug 21, 2010
imageThis has been such a long road to get here for me. I joined Jubbzy’s The Big Break 4 about a month ago, hoping to win the prize of automatically qualifying for the final round of voting. Though I didn’t win that, I spent nearly two weeks playing a Stars-style game, which made me realize how much I wanted to be in Stars.

Once the polls started, I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. The polls went fairly smoothly for me, and before you know it, I was in the Pollbot round hoping and praying I would be in Stars. When I got in, I think it took a solid hour for it to set in that it was real and that I had really been selected by you guys to be in Stars.

When I say I’ve been fighting for this since the beginning, I mean it. Before I even got in to the house, there was a LOT of talk of me going up for 16th. Thanks in part to rookies, it was really difficult (if not impossible) for me to fly completely under the radar. Everyone knew I was in there and a threat; there was talk of me going up every single DC from about 10th on. In fact, 10th was nearly me vs Sw33t. Sw33t and I had been in an alliance with Danger, who was very much trying to control the game. At that point, we both made the choice to switch sides, which nearly got us nominated, but in the end, got Danger, one of the biggest threats in the game, out.

Alexa and Zimy have played great games, but they have been able to play a different game from me. I have always been at the top of the target list, whereas they have been able to fly under the radar. When talking to Holder about Stars, a lot of the tips he gave me might have been terrific if I had this advantage, but alongside Sw33t, Brookie, Danger, and Jake, it was impossible for me to go unnoticed, especially thanks to the enrollment order. It’s been an uphill battle for me, but I’ve never given up.

Let me clarify something that people have been asking me: yes, I have been working with Alexa from before the game even started. I didn’t know her at all, but Sw33t basically threw us into a chat together and told us the two of us should talk, and an awesome friendship has developed from there. I honestly would not have been able to make it to this point without the other two people sitting next to me, though the same goes for them. At the 8th place mark, I thought I was done. My name was being thrown around, and I was teetering on the edge of going up for nominations. This was the point at which I joined up with Jtotalturtle, Zimy, and Pinacolada (Alexa). Brookie had always been a good friend, but I was in a situation where it was either the two of us going up together or me being safe, and that was what I chose.  Besides my nomination for 5th, I’ve been lucky enough to go unnominated, and I give credit not only to myself but to Brooke, Jason, Zimy, Alexa, Robert, and even Jets, who by the end of the game hated me.

A lot of people might be critical over my final decision to not nominate Alexa, but it was a situation in which it was either the two of us up together, meaning a possible 4th for me, or making final day and nominating Jt/Zimy. This is just another example of me doing my absolute best to protect myself and make it here.  Please vote for me to win Stars 92. I’ve played a good game and would love to finish it off with a win!
Points: 497 29 comments
It makes it even more obvious than it already was that you're spamming against me. SO tacky.

bluemystery210saved jets cause im a jets fan too!
toystorylover20saved jets

First of all, there are lower levels all over the polls. If I leave, it's because you are spamming your ass off. Second of all... I know these white levels haven't built up a bunch of animosity toward me, and I doubt they even know you.

EDIT: Spammer has been found.

Re: No title
From bluemystery210
Re: No title
Aug 20, 2010 23:19:15
to princesskk
It was WWEMRPEEPS. I like the football team Jets too.
>Hey who told you to vote for Jets? Was it like, WWEMRPEEPS or Jets himself?
Points: 417 23 comments
Thank you for keeping me... and FINAL DAY! Aug 20, 2010
imageTHANK YOU SO MUCH TENGAGED! I thought I didn't have a chance in hell because of the spam. I appreciate every single vote and am so fortunate to have survived!!

Final day :O

Before I say anything about how I’ve played or why I should stay, I’d like to thank all of the people that voted me in here. I really appreciate it, and even more, I really want the chance to keep fighting in here.

At the beginning of the game, I think everyone thought, at best, I would be a flavor. I have done my best to prove you wrong by playing strategically and making the best decisions and alliances that I could. I have done my best to prove to you I’m no weak little girl who’s just going to float by… I’ve made tough decisions and big moves when I had to and done my absolute best to avoid nominations, which I did until now.

The first thing someone said to me when I said I wanted to play Stars was that I could try to be a flavor, pretty much believing that was the only way I could win. Anyone who knows me knows I rarely play in a way that causes me to make enemies. I hate lying, flipping, and backstabbing, but this is a one-time opportunity. I was voted into this house out of 200something people to be here and play this game. I feel like I owe it to the people that voted for me and the people that didn’t make it to get in here and fight like hell to protect myself from the block and do my best to control as much as I could. There were many deserving people in those polls that would have come in here and played their hearts out, which is what I do every single day.

Which brings me to my final point… please don’t click the button under my name. I have worked so hard to get here, and I’m not ready for this to end.  GL Jets!
Points: 456 24 comments
It's getting old. Seriously. Aug 20, 2010
I am seriously tired of seeing blogs/polls/people constantly saying that, basically, the reason I've gotten where I did is because everyone else is stupid. It's an insult to me, big time. I have worked so hard to get to where I am, and been playing every step of the way. I think I'm the only person who has been up in the morning for every single dc, and I've been trying my best to stay off the block when I came in with a huge target.

And yeah, I know everyone is shocked that I've gone unnommed... some even seem to be angry (and it appears to be directed at me??). Even if I am nommed, I'm proud of myself for being able to get this far unnommed. It's an accomplishment.

Sorry for this ranting blog, but I was just getting tired of it.
Points: 355 27 comments