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Posts 253 posts

Newbie Stars 4: Where are they now? Jan 17, 2011
With Newbie Stars 5 approaching, I figured I would update you on how everything has turned out for the cast of Newbie Stars 4, who got their "Big Break" in August!

I'm going to start from 1st place and work my way down...

1st place: Pinacolada: After going unnommed and winning newbie Stars, Pinacolada apparently couldn't handle the pressure it put on her, posted porn, and is subsequently perma-banned.

2nd place: ZIMY was a fan favorite, but after her 2nd place finish, has been afraid to jinx her chances and hasn't joined another Stars... yet.

3rd place: Princesskk: After making it to the finals of Newbie Stars, she had a bit of a sad 2nd Stars, placing 11th. However, it appeared things would turn around in her 2nd finals appearance... unfortunately, it was just another 3rd. In brighter news, at the end of December, she married Holder (the love of her t AND real life).

4th place: Jtotalturtle: Since his Stars appearance, and near-final-three, Jason has kept a low-profile. We anxiously await his Stars return.

5th place: JetsRock12: After his Stars appearance, JetsRock became perhaps the most notorious of all the contestants with a fake-pregnancy scandal. He, like the majority of the Newbie Stars 4 contestants, still hasn't joined another Stars.

6th place: brookie_cookie: Brookie, the ultimate Stars flavor, has gone on to appear in several more Stars... in each, she has been made a flavor again and gone up for multiple noms! Currently banned and rednosed, we should watch out for Brookie's return... in her next Stars, she'll be out for blood.

7th place: Chapstique: After losing a close battle with Brookie when nominated, Chapstique hasn't attempted another Stars... yet.

8th: Sizzle_xD: After his appearance in Newbie Stars 4, Blake became a black level and joined another Stars; unfortunately, this one did not go as well, and he received 15th. Maybe next time will be his time to shine.

9th place: sw33t: The only Newbie Stars 4 winner to go on and win another Stars, sw33t has made an appearance in several others. Always the competitor, Robert has made all of his Newbie Stars 4 fellow competitors proud with his win. Although currently banned,

10th place: chhsfreshman: After an epically close poll evicted him from the Stars house, Caleb has not gone on to join another Stars, and has taken a break from Tengaged. He makes occasional reappearances, and we hope he will return someday.

11th place: Danger: After finishing 11th in Newbie Stars, Danger went on to get black and join another Stars, in which he got 6th place. If he continues to make the progress he is making (moving up 5 places), I see a win in his future!

12th place: LeXXXy: After her appearance in Newbie Stars, LeXXXY went on to join more Stars (though she did not make finals)... but is now permabanned.

13th place: william3: After his 13th place, william went on to join another Stars, receiving a respectable 7th place. It appears he has gotten lost, though, because he has not logged on for 5 days.

14th place: JohnMorrison: Legendary blog troll JohnMorrison is unfortunately banned at the moment, and I am not sure how his Stars career has gone since he left, though I believe he joined one, went up for noms, and gave up... similar to his appearance in Newbie Stars.

15th place: jakel0vespicklerr: Although for Newbie Stars, Jake didn't have quite the success he had on his old account, he didn't give up. He joined another Stars and went to the finals unnominated... only to get 3rd. I believe that one of these days, we will hear about a victory from Jake.

16th: rdesch1: Unfortunately, Ryan's Star's career since Newbie Stars has been a bit of a sad tale. After receiving two 13ths, Ryan is currently planning his return to Stars... where he will definitely get at least 12th (though I believe he will do better than this).

So, to recap:
2 permaban
3 bans
2 people that have quit/disappeared
1 pregnancy scandal
1 winner

And that's where we all are now! :D
Points: 906 33 comments
Stars 114: A new era for BbDamian Jan 16, 2011
imageFor the first time in at least 5 Stars, BbDamian has actually seemed to join ON PURPOSE! You see, at the beginning of my last Stars (which was also with Damian), someone pointed out that Damian always ended up in Stars, even if he didn't want to join. I did a little research to investigate this claim, and found that this was indeed true... every time a Stars enrollment came around, Damian ended up in there, sometimes against his will!

Many times, upon finding out he was enrolled in Stars, his first comments expressed:

*his shock:
by BbDamian 42 days 6 hours ago
Oh crap XD

*his anger and outrage:
by BbDamian 182 days 6 hours ago

by BbDamian 70 days 6 hours ago
Fuck my life. *next to a picture that says “Go eat a cow KTYBAI”*

*or his desire to just give up:

by BbDamian 112 days 5 hours ago
nom nom nom nom

In his most recent Stars (before the current one), Stars even auto-joined him!

by BbDamian 5 hours 7 min ago

But, at the start of Stars 114, it appears that Damian actually both consented to and wanted to join Stars. He immediately gave out his skype name and appeared ready to play.

Will this Stars be a new leaf for him? Does this show that he has joined with his game face on and is set to win another one?

We will just have to wait and see. But, it is comforting to know that his Stars join button appears to be functioning correctly again.
Points: 911 24 comments
Officially... Dec 27, 2010
Mrs. Kelly Holder :)

Yay!!!!!! The day was amazing, though there were a few funny moments. I'm on the iPhone now and need to get back to my hubby, but thank you all for your support! I promise I'll reply to messages soonish :)
Points: 1251 76 comments
I would love it... Dec 26, 2010
imageIf everyone got dressed up in their fanciest clothes and/or the default suit for Holder and my wedding tomorrow. If you do, please link me a picture of your avatar; when we get back from our honeymoon, I want to make a collage out of them!

Thanks and wish us luck! The next two days are going to be insane

*Update: PLEASE tinypic me your pictures, as I won't have time to look at all of them and save them!!*
Points: 580 46 comments
[PYN] and I'll tell you why YOU'LL get 3rd in Stars Dec 19, 2010
Post away :)


Carmine: You faked a story about your dog dying during Stars, which was exposed by Seal.

Robbster: You had a gigantic, public altercation with the Strawberry Tuhtles, who spammed against you.

Sass: You made it to the finals with someone who couldn't type (a hand condition) and someone who never logged on, but they had made Stars finals before, thus they beat you.

Puma: You got banned 5 times during Stars, thus there was a pretty strong argument that you were "not very active."

Austino: You pissed off NoelSarah. Enough said.

Egaga: Lady Gaga was exposed as being a man, and having Gaga in your name, you received some negative backlash for it.

Brookie: You meant to post your normal covered-nip boob shots, but accidentally posted one only meant for Gunnar. A perma-ban didn't help your cause.

Anthony: Out of a fit of jealousy, the entire cast of Tengaged Idol united against you; if they couldn't outsing you, they would make sure you got 3rd.

Brandonator: An unnamed person continually posted blogs saying "WHO THE FUCK IS BRANDONATOR?", which lead people to believe that you were unknown to win.

Savcodushe: Brookie and Gunnar got tired of your presence, and decided to make sure you were getting 3rd, no matter what the cost.

Mike56: Sharkskin spammed for you and you were exposed as a spammer.

Sash: You were in the finals with two first-time Stars players who did nothing. But, it WAS their first Stars.

Pinacolada: You let Kels go unnommed and then she won. :D

Yoki: Even though you went unnommed, people resented you for sneaking in to All-Stars.

Pepper: People thought that you had the rest of the collection (1st and two 2nds), so they gave you third. Don't worry, you'll get two more so you'll have one first, two seconds, and three thirds. It'll sound cute.

AlexD: You won Tengaged's Next Star 7 and were very popular... but then you ended up in finals with Emmaleigh and the return of Mikedistanz. Sorry.

Dash: In a fit of rage, you managed to scream and yell at all of the most popular players on tengaged. They started a rebellion against you, and thus you lost.

Computer3000: People saw the three in your name and thought that would be the perfect placing for you.

Chelsea: Not everyone likes a Gryffindor, and Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw fans united against you. You think it was the Dark Lord's doing.

Jamhav: Everyone that got voted out blamed you, and united in getting their friends to vote the other two.

Loowis: You were just too fabulous for the HoF page and everyone knew it.

Paypal: Unfortunately, many tengagers have had shifty experiences with the Paypal service, which made you unpopular in the finals.

DanielAllen: You were overconfident and posted your victory speech at the beginning of finals.

Koolness: People thought, by your name, that you were just too cool for them and thus you were not relatable.

Sharkskin: You insulted everyone that saved you by name, causing people to not want to vote for you to win.

WillyEx: You ate some bad fish at 4pm, causing you to be sick and unable to post a pollbox speech until the last 5 minutes. Beware of the undercooked fish.

Kmyster: Your strategy to get to finals was to ride the coattails of two powerful players; sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It didn't work that time.

Runner: That awkward picture of you was a tengaged viral sensation throughout your Stars run, but unfortunately, people got tired of it by Stars finals.

Survivorfan: Peeps spammed you out. Sorry.

Heatherbear: Kingmac tried to do publicity for you with his Rhianna bob and his dog Piper. Unfortunately, this didn't work out very well.

Je: The remaining "contestants" in "The Usual Suspects" group got so pissed off about not playing an actual game that they spammed you out.

Qwert: Some people just don't like the first 5 alphabet keys on their keyboard.

Brittney: Fans of Lane, Hayden, and Enzo resented your name and your Razorbacks sweatshirt.

Survivor8: Randomize publicly said he would bring back castings if people did not vote for you. What did you do to Randomize? It still has us all wondering...

Bengalboy: When Jaym took you off the market, the ladies rebelled and declared you could never win Stars again.

Pepperdude: People thought you were Pepper's multi, and didn't deserve another win on a different username.

Jdog: You didn't get the vote of the cat people out there.

Khart: After one too many t-romances, your ex-t-gfs got angry and decided you would never receive their (or their friends) votes.

Danielvk: You became a flavor in Newbie Stars 5 and people rallied against you in the finals.

Evaa: Due to a T_mod hacking, you were unjustly rednosed and banned during the Stars finals.

Laqueefsha; The blondetourage turned against you when you needed them most, causing you to lose faith in tengaged and post a very sad/angry speech that lost you votes.

Bigupboy: Your popularity went dramatically down after you supported Princesskk in Stars... because... we've seen how well her Stars finals go.

ChapStique: After being popular in Newbie Stars 4, you were expected to win in your Stars finals. Unfortunately, your picture that said "Don't click my button" got stuck and refused to change in the pollbox, which caused people to not click your button.

Viola: After competing very hard and making it to the finals, you decided that it was best for you to quit... though you still came close to getting 2nd, even with this, because you are fabulous

ZIMY: After an amazing 2nd in Newbie Stars 4, it looked like you would win in your Stars finale... until, right in a row, one finalist had a dramatic death in their family, and the other got their significant other pregnant and needed the Stars win to boost moral.

Miami: You made it to the Stars finals with not one but two multis, and although "Miami" got 3rd, you still, in your own way, got 1st... and 2nd.

Dreambabe: Seen as the sweetheart of tengaged, you survived being nominated four times against very popular people. Unfortunately, Tengaged was in a very angry mood, and voted for the people that had "F*ck you all" as their speeches. On the same day, another mass negging took place.

Someguy: Haters decided they would try to frame you and make it look like you were lying about your identity, and that you were actually "some girl". They went to great lengths to do this, which caused you to lose credibility.

Superman11: You accidentally posted porn as your pollbox picture. It got a few votes here and there, but resulted in you getting banned and the first-ever two-person Stars finale:

Kellyt: I got my revenge for you having the same name as me... bwahahahahhahahaha

Skoffin: You were framed for the hacking of T_mod (part 2), even though you had absolutely nothing to do with it. There was no way you'd get a win after that.

Bella777: You made it to finals again and were the only finalist that actually did anything! Unfortunately, people decided since you had already won Stars, you didn't deserve another one.

Drummer: Your series of "save me" video blogs throughout your stars were a big hit, but your "vote for me" finale video wasn't as impressive. Tengaged was disappointed.

Jumbo: You were the first player to ever be nominated at every single dc. Just before finals, it was discovered that you were hacking the pollbox votes in your favor and Tengaged wasn't havin none of that junk.

Criiko: You recruited your entire high school to join Tengaged just so they could save you during your Stars. They somehow obliged, but became bored after you made final 3 and refused to vote for you to win.

Yoshi: You accidentally use a racial slur in the pollbox when talking about neggers. Not cool, dude.

Omghi: Peeps spammed against you too. Ugh.

Danny: You and your closest ally end up going unnommed! But you get 2nd and 3rd to Grayson in his first Stars in ages.

Shabootyquiqui3: You go up against Beast for 4th and Tengaged is outraged for some reason after they vote Beast out. They take it out on you in the finals.

Awesome2210: Turns out you are SO awesome, Tengaged doesn't even recognize the awesomeness and sees it as lameness. Soon after you're given 3rd though, everyone realizes how awesome you are and tries to get a re-vote.

Chicaaa: There are two people in your Starts who just "really deserve" to win because they've been "robbed" before. Tough luck.

Pinkkitten: It is revealed that you are actually a 11 year old boy, and seeing as how it's against the rules, you get 3rd after playing one heck of a game.

Vockle9: You go through Stars acting as if you are Thika's multi. People eventually find out you are NOT Thika's multi, and your chances of getting top 2 are killed.

ZEEnon: You are once again somewhat of a flavor throughout Stars, but Tengaged doesn't award you with another 1st.

Brawl: Tengaged took your username as fightin words. NEVER threaten should know better.

Talldude: It comes out that you're paying some people for their votes and everyone else jealously votes against you.

Soccerguy: During Stars, you start a super-popular group game, but then delete it during finals after you think you have 1st locked down. You were wrong.

Austin: Everyone feels awkward after it is revealed that you are in fact 90's WWF wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Questionable: Ur too questionable, boom.

Hurricane: You make it into Newbie Stars 7 but are SUCH a newbie that people have a hard time voting for you in the Stars finale...even though you played the best game.

Abro: DinoM ended up realing and it caused you to somehow get 3rd. We're looking into it.

Tennis: You orchestrated a massive Skype call with all of Tengaged and accidentally hung up on us. Bad form, CJ. Bad form.

Posiedon: You were in the final 3 with Maggie and Cheznahuf...tough luck, bruh.

RobOzzyO: You went unnommed, but the final 3 was you, RobbyRob, and Robbster1313. Tengaged got confused and gave ya 3rd.

Jm101: It sucks, doesn't it?

Sjsoccer: You created a Tengaged radio show and abandoned it in the final 3 when you needed it the most. You made everyone sad :( and they made you pay for it.

Tofutime: Your strategy of plussing every single blog that was written by Tengagers during your Stars worked well enough to get you to the finals, but once there was a top blog written about it, the whole thing backfired on you.

Hoodieboy: In a bizarre turn of events, you and Fiona go unnommed and lose to another flavor.

Turney: The other two finalists' speeches bashed you so intensely that you only received 10% of the vote.

Paddy: You posted porn on day 1 of Stars to make some sort of statement that no one understood and got perma-banned. Beast carried you to the final 3, but you ended up with a 3rd.

Vessa: You got 3rd in a 33.4%/33.3%/33.3% tie. It ends up being the most legendary Stars result there will ever be.

Vatcheabs: Your dog was in some type of weird dog orgy mishap and you missed the entire finale. No one knew why and thought you just stopped caring. Once you logged back in, you told the whole story and it propelled you to a 1st place finish in your next stars.

Kevian: Tengaged decided that you didn't really love tengaged enough to win Stars, which caused you to fully give up tengaged and move on to your real love, Udoravia.

Jakel0vespicklerr: After losing your closest ally, KingMac, in the 4th place eviction, you did a reveal-all (and very angry) blog about the other former Stars contestants to stir up some DRAMA. Unfortunately, not all of tengaged LOVESDRAMA <3


Any others will be updated tomorrow <3
Points: 954 137 comments
Vote Princess to Win Stars 109!! Dec 18, 2010
imageWell, let me begin by saying thank you to those that have supported me throughout the Stars process. It's been an uphill battle, and there have been times where I thought my Stars journey would come to an end... but... I'M IN THE FINALS <3

My game was completely thrown when I got blamed for a move that I didn't make (Seb/Beast nomination); in retrospect, I should have made that move, because I would have at least gotten on the good side of the other alliance. That left me kind of stranded between groups, and the rest was a struggle. I knew I had Sass on my side, but beyond that, I didn't know who I could trust. When Sass and I went up, I was left without someone I knew would absolutely 100% be there for me.

The next set of nominations after Seb/Beast really demonstrated that I'm not a sheep. The one person I regret nominating in this Stars is Jenn, because she was actually honest with me about everything. Unfortunately, I was the counternom to her, and she was at least honest with me about that. Pepper and Beast both tried to get me to throw my vote (a move to which Pepper later admitted), and when Pepper and Jenn went up, both Beast and Pepper got mad at me for "not voting with them" aka not going along with them and throwing my vote. Unfortunately, many in this Stars were not able to see through things like this, and threw their votes, went along with the crowd, etc. Respect to them, because it may have gotten them a bit further, but I am glad that I didn't play my game like that.

I really tried my hardest and never gave up, even when the odds were stacked against me.  I was also the last remaining unnominated person (made it unnommed until 7th!). I would love to be the winner of Stars 109, and I hope you will vote me!!
Points: 208 21 comments