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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

What do you think of me?

15thSep 29, 2010 by princesskk
I want to revamp my profile, and I wanna hear it. Tell me what you think of me/what comes to mind when you think of me/etc.


I think of a kik ass byotch ;D
Sent by Viola,Sep 29, 2010
I played with you on my last account, your super nice and loyal <3
Sent by mosher25,Sep 29, 2010
bitchnesskk, is that girl who isnt afraid to step up in what she believes in. An early annoying T buyer, who turned into one of tengaged's elite
Sent by OwlCity,Sep 29, 2010
I think you're awesome.
Don't know who you are, but worth the compliment.
Sent by SimonJames,Sep 29, 2010
I think that you are simply amazing. You are quite possibly one of the funniest people I know. You stick by what you say and you know what you are doing. Holder is one lucky man and I can't wait until you two start a family. You will make an amazing mother and wife.
Sent by Sass21,Sep 29, 2010
HIIII fellow princess! :D From what I've seen of you, you strike me as a very articulate, intelligent and savvy person, and player. Your skill in newbie stars was super impressive, you know how to play, for sure. You seem a pleasent gal also...maybe we'll play sometime! I wish you and Holder all the happiness also :)
Sent by PrincessTeePee,Sep 29, 2010
I love everything about you, honestly. You're fun to talk to, and you're a very kind hearted person. I've heard other people judge you, but I can't find anything mean to ever say about you, because you've been the sweetest person to me. Frankly, I think you're the most genuine person I've ever met on tengaged. If not, pretty close.
Sent by Mermaid,Sep 29, 2010
KELS <3 You are amazinggggggggg. You were the best ally EVER and one of the funniest and more genuine people on this site. I'm so glad I met you. :D
Sent by Pinacolada,Sep 29, 2010
Sent by Pinacolada,Sep 29, 2010
Kels <3 i think you are an amazing,smart hardworking woman!! you are one of the nicest girls on here. I love your honesty and also your loyalty! You are amazing pretty and funny! <333

Sent by britt0729,Sep 29, 2010
awesome :)
Sent by je7467,Sep 29, 2010
You're a kind, sweet, yet very strong woman, and an amazing ally, and have no problem speaking your mind when your emotions are hurt which I love, you're not a pushover :)
Sent by Uskyld,Sep 29, 2010
Kels, i remember playing with you under one of my multis (banned now lol) and you were a noob. You were sweet then, funny, and we talked in spanish :D

We havent talked much.. I wish we would talk more, but it's the circle of tengaged. We all go our different ways, meet more people. You remind of me the new kid at school where all the popular people take in under their wing and ditches the friends that new kid made prior to being popular. I dont feel ditched though, but i think you are quite the classy lady.

XOXO-SirGaga aka Atreyu :D
Sent by SirGaga,Sep 29, 2010
You are awesome ally. You work hard for your alliance and are loyal to the end. You're also funny and just pretty darn kick ass.
Sent by heatherbear,Sep 29, 2010
I think that you are one of the most amazing people that I have ever met on tengaged! You are the reason that I am addicted to Rookies and the reason that I found my tengaged son, Tennis and my tangaged daughter, Amraaa. You are such a loving, caring and wonderful friend. Ily Kels!
Sent by bluesapphire,Sep 29, 2010
I think your one of the nicest people on this site <3
Sent by cubs0707,Sep 29, 2010
You're beautiful, intelligent, graceful, and kind.  Negative traits do not come to mind.
Sent by Holder,Sep 29, 2010
Hi Kelso/process w/e the fuck your name is ;) Talking to you/playing games with you whatever the case maybe is always a fierce, fierce pleasure. You're full of class, wit and confidence and ily for it. *passes you a glass of dry white wine* yes gurl oh yes.
Sent by Loowis,Sep 29, 2010
OMG I think you are awesome!
you are smart and funny
you are a really great friend
and honestly you are one of the best game players I have ever seen on here
Sent by Brandonator,Sep 29, 2010
A STAHHHH!! But really, i just think of you as one of those players i aspire to be like! Watching you in stars i was rooting for you the whole time! Seeing you in my survivor you have been so chill and down to earth and mainly, kind! I love chatting with you and hope our survivor never ends :)
Sent by TScott,Sep 29, 2010
Kels! You are amazing, We met when we were both kinda new to the game, I remember having more karma than you, boy how that changed. I feel that you are burdened by me with all that you've done for me with not much in return
and it's all meant so much to me, I wish we were as close as we once were, we used to talk a lot, and I want that back. :( And I WILL pay you back someway.
Sent by bigupboy,Sep 30, 2010
you speak yo mind...and i respect dat! loves ya kels!
Sent by tdan13,Sep 30, 2010
hey think that you are a great person, and I am to be able to call you my friend!! you are so nice that you gave me hair, because you were sad that you had to vote me out in survivor!
Sent by DanieleD,Sep 30, 2010
idk you very well!  But glad to have the chance now in Survivor.
Sent by jenani,Sep 30, 2010
kels, my stars sister! I met you in stars! We went on call that one time and we had a blast! After that we became good friends on here and joined a survivor after that which didnt turn out that well but w/e it was fun in the beginning. You have a lovely personality and we always have a good laugh when we talk :D I luvs u a lot! ♥♥♥ ~ZIMY(Jenna)
Sent by ZIMY,Sep 30, 2010
I see sombody loyal, but with a dark side
Sent by greyconverse,Sep 30, 2010
Youdaaa best <3 ifly! Your honest and truthful! Loyal and beautiful :D words can not describe you, <3
Sent by Amraaa,Sep 30, 2010

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