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what if you could take that nice green grass with you everywhere?nike free run womens In other words, the great thing about shoes that we know, for sure, is that they protect you against certain dangerous things, that could you know impale your foot on; the heat, the cold; mud... Shoes protect you from all of that, and that's great. But could we protect and allow the foot to be more barefoot-like in motion at the same time? We expressed that to Vin, and he said, "Dang, ... that, if you could do that, that would be awesome." So that's what we set out to do. And before we even designed anything, it was critical was to understand the foot itself, while it was in motion, because we had to create a gold standard that you could compare back to, when you do scientific research, to see if a prototype is actually behaving the same as when it doesn't have anything on it, when it's "not shod," as we would call it. We [spent] the first six months gaining an understanding of the foot. Only when we understood the foot did we start to design.


Well, the one thing that we did know at that time, was that we created the gold standard in the foot, so we knew what the measurements on the foot were, and we called that 'zero'—literally ground zero. And then our traditional shoes that were already around, we can go back and measure what those were compared to the bare foot. So if you established your bookends, you have some guidelines, but we just didn't know how far apart they were until we started measuring. Once we knew where the barefoot and our traditional footwear were [in relation to each other], then there was the thought, "Where do we want to start in between? Do we want to start closer to barefoot, do we want to start closer to..." I think it was literally in a meeting one time, and I said, "Look, why don't we just start in the middle? If we call barefoot zero and traditional ten, let's just start at a five, halfway between where you're at with barefoot and where you're at with tradition."


That's basically was how the Nike Free spectrum was created, and we knew that then we could either go up and down [from 5.0] as well, because we had the testing protocol to be able to do that. We can take any shoe in the world and run it through that testing protocol and tell you where it would fall in the Nike spectrum. However, at that point, we weren't quite sure whether that was something that was important to tell the consumers about; it was more just for us to know where we were at. Once we had a prototype and we were trying to hit a 5.0, in the middle, and now that we had this scale, this spectrum, we were able to know if we hit that or not—so that was originally intended for more internal .
But then, as I was thinking about it more, wouldn't consumers and athletes want to know where they're at as well, if they're going to start on a barefoot training program? I think they would want to know because then you want to work on a progressive nature of getting down further if you were going to start at a certain point. And that's when we started labelling them with the numbers on the shoes. [Which brings us to] the ice-cube tray analogy...


we knew we needed to break up the sole, it couldn't be a slab of foam any more—it had to be articulated, so how do you do that? Well, I was thinking of ice cube trays, how when you have a flexible ice cube tray, how it breaks the ice up into segments, especially when you twist it on both ends. And so when we were thinking about making the molds for our foam piece, we thought about putting blades in there, criss-crossed just like blades in an ice cube tray, especially a metal one. And that's essentially what we did, and it worked really well. Then we have, what we like in design world here, is called 'little sessions,' which are not necessarily on the calendar, officially. nike free tiffany blue is a studio atmosphere—there's no doors, no walls, so everything's pretty much out in the open—so one designer can look at another designer or a developer, and look to see what's on their desk, and that inspires us, helps us ask questions, and see what's going on, if what they're doing over there could apply really well to what I'm doing. So we have these little sessions where we come in and see a designer, or engineer, or developer, and basically we just start talking. Those are really really important for us, so we have a lot of those every day. It always starts with the performance...


but the learnings for Nike Free are being applied across the board in almost all of our other categories, our other products, um, even in apparel and equipment, I mean... The whole idea of natural motion, and working with the body, letting the body do its thing, is something that all [of our] designers are conscious of, pretty much every day now since we've had Free. So it permeates everything that we do here at Nike—you're going to see it a lot, the influence of Nike Free across the board. And then of course we have athletes come in, or we go see them—Phil Knight always told us that it's so important to listen to the voice of the athlete, and it's so true, and that's what Bowerman was teaching me, when he was X-raying my feet [when I was] at South Eugene High School. It only comes when you have the research to really back it up and if it's important to the athlete, and we can tell the athlete how they're going to gain from the shoe. So it's just about the research, [uncovering] information that is beneficial to the athlete... we are still learning and we're still trying to figure out what that all means for the athlete.


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