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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Sep 18, 2013 by mouseter09
To work for them :]
Just basically got hired over the phone for one job and have an interview for another job Sunday. Not to mention the job I already have now.




well aren't you popular
Sent by snelly,Sep 18, 2013
snelly just as an employee. lol clearly not on tengaged
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 18, 2013
At least it is something irl mouseter09
Sent by snelly,Sep 18, 2013
haha. snelly much rather be popular in real life. (not saying I am) but man do i have some haters negging my blog today
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 18, 2013
Probably some annoying noob mouseter09
Sent by snelly,Sep 18, 2013
Probably snelly.... Like Don't be mad because I want to make money lol
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 18, 2013
I'm jealous, I dont even have a job. But I need to focus on school first so a job can wait for now. @mouster09
Sent by snelly,Sep 18, 2013
Sent by snelly,Sep 18, 2013
snelly school is def more important. I am just in a place right now where I am trying to figure out what I want to do school wise.
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 18, 2013
I'm in high school, so I don't really have a choice atm. mouseter09
Sent by snelly,Sep 18, 2013
gotcha. def focus on your studies. and when you do go to college make sure you pick a relevant field. I got my Associates degree and almost had my Bachelors in psychology before I moved. Now I have to find something that will work with me moving all the time snelly
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 18, 2013
I really hope you can find something that works for you. :) mouseter09
Sent by snelly,Sep 18, 2013
thanks snelly. If you get bored you should join this group game

the host is awesome!
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 18, 2013
I plus . Haters everywhere
Sent by xoxokiller,Sep 18, 2013
thanks xoxokiller ;]
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 18, 2013
How much do you make hourly?
Sent by DragonSlayer4u,Sep 18, 2013
right now I am a server so it is 2.13/hr plus tips. Don't know about the next two jobs.
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 18, 2013
dragonSlayer4u not sure why i got negged though.
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 18, 2013
lol mouseter09 so basically you don't have a real job
Sent by DragonSlayer4u,Sep 18, 2013
lol DragonSlayer4u well that's a matter of opinion. I am about to have three jobs whether you consider them real or not. I am sure you are some secret millionaire and are somehow simultaneously on tengaged 24/7. ;]
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 18, 2013
mouseter09 not a millionaire but I am a college graduate earning a 70K salary.

are your other 2 jobs fast food and lifeguard?
Sent by DragonSlayer4u,Sep 18, 2013
haha sure you are DragonSlayer4u ;] never worked fast food in my life and can't really swim but haha funny. Nobody with a college degree earning 70k a year would be trolling around the internet being mean to people without cause. I as well, am educated, but my husband is in the army, and currently in Afghanistan. So the degrees I have aren't well suited for constant moving around. So in the mean time, and to pass the time while my husband is gone. I will work wherever I so well please and not be shaken by some punk using a computer screen to try and make himself look better than everyone else. Good day sir.
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 18, 2013
Plussed mouseter09
Sent by Elvira,Sep 18, 2013
thanks Elvira you are such a sweetheart
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 18, 2013
mouseter09 only dumb fucks join the military.  real men use their minds, not be some puppet's bitch.
Sent by DragonSlayer4u,Sep 18, 2013
DragonSlayer4u For somebody who claims to be so intelligent, you seem to know little of how this country works. If it weren't for my husband and the many men like him fighting for our freedoms, you wouldn't be able to freely berate me as you are now, or have your college degree (if that is actually true.) So REAL men fight for the rights of those who aren't willing to fight for themselves (AKA YOU.) I was willing to tolerate your opinions on me but I will not tolerate you belittling what my husband does for this country. Go crawl back into the dark hole that you emerged from troll, because I am done with your ignorance.
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 18, 2013
Sent by Mia595,Sep 19, 2013
(My posts never fully post!)

Back off please(:

I'm so glad your jobs are going well!!
Sent by Mia595,Sep 19, 2013
Thank you Mia595. ILY girl! Some people just feel the need to troll. It's pathetic.
Sent by mouseter09,Sep 19, 2013

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