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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

survivor miks favorites episode 5 - shoulda seen that one coming

Jan 4, 2011 by mik124
Two episodes in one night?!?! I'm bored feel like writing another one

Paloo returns to camp and suprise and shock is shown by everyone by how the events went that night. Rob confronts Candice and Colby about what happened and they told him that he needed to see for himself that Stephanie was playing him and Lex even more against each other. They then go to Lex and tell him about how shifty Stephanie has been. Rob and Lex begin to talk and agree that should they go back to tribal council that they will set aside their differences and vote out Stephanie because of her flip flopping. Stephanie sees that shes in a tough spot and that both Rob and Lex probably know now that shes been playing both sides so she goes to Candice to get in on their alliance. Candice agrees but any sign of flip flopping and they wont hesitate to vote her off. The search of a new idol at Carror continues as Russell, Parvati, and Amanda search desprately to find it. Amanda manages to spot it in a tree and gets it. She then shows it to Benry and gives it to him as a sign of good faith. Benry decides that hes not gonna tell anyone else about the idol and doesnt plan on using it to save Amanda if it comes to that time. Meanwhile Jonathan, Terry, and James plot to take Parvati out next now that Russell is no longer a big threat in the game. Parvati sensing that her time may be up goes to Benry and Russell to reafirm their prior deal and Russell assures her that the plan is still intact. Benry also sees that even if they make the final 5 with the girls they are still out matched so he goes to James to try and even the odds and states that while everyone knows that Russell and Parvati are shady its Jonathan making all the big moves and no one can see that hes been running things in this tribe and that its time for a power shift to were they control the game.

Part 2 - Immunity challenge

Jeff comes out to reveal Tyson voted out last and that both tribes will be going to tribal council tonight. He reveals that one person from each tribe will recieve indavidual immunity and will be safe from tonights vote. The challenge is that each person will have to hold onto a rope that keeps a platform flat up above the pool. As long as they contain positive control of the rope the platform wont fall and they wont fall into the water. Last person from each tribe remaining wins immunity. Everyone gets on their platform and within ten minutes Courtney, Russell, Colby, and James all lose control of their ropes and fall off. 30 minutes have passed in the challenge and Jenna and Lex have both dropped. An hour has gone by and Julie, Terry, Jonathan, and Parvati have all dropped from the challenge. Benry and Amanda are remaining for Carror and Rob, Stephanie, Candice, and Alina still hold strong for Paloo. Candice is the next to drop for Paloo followed by Rob after an hour and a half. Amanda gives a nod to Benry and drops down so Benry wins immunity! Its all down to Alina and Stephanie and both hold strong for 2 hours now. Alina starts losing her grip and falls next so Stephanie wins immunity!

Part 3 - After challenge

Back at Paloo now that Stephanie has immunity everyone has to rethink their strategy. Rob and Lex are still hell bent on getting each other out but the alliance of Colby, Candice, and Alina arent ready to let either go yet. Rob goes to the three and Courtney and says that now is as good a time as any to send Lex packing. Lex tries a different approach and promises Stephanie that he wont go after her if he helps vote out Rob this round with him and Julie. Stephanie doesnt want to see either go so she decides to stick with the Colby, Candice, Alina alliance in their decision. Meanwhile over at Carror Russell makes it pretty clear that they should vote out Jonathan but Benry and James disagree and state that Terry has been showing weakness lately and that for the sake of winning challenges they should probably vote him out. They go to the girls with it and they all agree and that Jonathan would be blindsided anyways. Benry doesnt like the idea though because if Jonathan thinks hes on the outs he might be more likely to flip so he goes to Jonathan with the idea of getting rid of Terry to stronger the tribe for the next few challenges. Jonathan doesnt like the idea but agrees that it will do them no good if they are down in numbers.

Part 4 - Paloo tribal council

Paloo arrives to tribal and are greated by Jeff. He asks Alina what she thinks about the double tribal and she states that they should have known something like this might happen and to always be prepaired in survivor. He asks Rob what tribe life was like after the last vote and Rob states that it was nuts and that if people werent scrambling before they sure were now and now after tonight they'll be even closer to the merge then expected. He then asks Stephanie what her position at camp is and she states that shes on the outs of two major alliances that have been picking each other apart and that the only reason shes not going home is because of the idol around her neck. He then asks Colby if its pretty clear cut whos on what side and he says that its never clear cut and you dont know whos in power. Julie states that power changes from day to day and that no one is ever in complete control. Jeff decides to get the vote going and asks if Stephanie is keeping immunity and she says yes. Rob is up first. None of the votes are shown. Jeff goes to tally the votes. Once the votes are read the decision is final the person will be asked to leave the tribal council area immidiately. If anyone has hidden immunity now is the time. No one stands up. I'll read the votes.

First vote








5th person voted out

Courtney you need to bring me your torch. Courtney the tribe has spoken.

Well obvious their arent just two power alliances in this game. There may only be one. Time will tell. Time to head back to camp.


Rob - Lex
Lex - Rob
Courtney - Lex
Alina - Courtney
Julie - Rob
Colby - Courtney
Candice - Courtney
Stephanie - Courtney

Part 5 - Carrors tribal council

Jeff welcomes Carror and starts by asking how unified the tribe is. Jenna states that the tribe is still kind of divided but the seems to be more unity since the last tribal council. Jeff asks Terry if he feels like hes up to par with the rest of the tribe. Terry says that even though he hasnt felt good the last couple of days that he can still preform at a high level and help the tribe win challenges. Jeff points out that both Russell and Parvati have made the finals twice and asks if there is any demand to vote them out. Jonathan states that yes they are the biggest threats out there but they are still at the point to where they have to worry about Challenges. Russell says that hes not a threat and that his immunity idol is gone and hes just another vote at this point. Parvati states that no one is just another vote and that they are all playing for a million dollars and the title and that they know Russell really wants the title maybe more then anyone. Jeff asks Benry if hes giving up Immunity and he declines. Jeff then sends Russell up to vote. None of the votes are read. Once the votes are read the decision is final the person will be asked to leave the tribal council area immidiately. If anyone has hidden immunity now is the time. No one stands up. I'll read the votes.

First vote






6th person voted out

Terry you need to bring me your torch. Terry the tribe has spoken.

Well despite all the blindsides and all the manipulation it looks like we finally have a tribe that is finding common ground. Maybe this tribe unity is just what you need. Time to head back to camp


Terry - Parvati
Parvati - Terry
James - Terry
Russell - Terry
Jonathan - Terry
Jenna - Terry
Amanda - Terry
Benry - Terry

Stay tuned for the next episode sometime either tomorrow or the next day. Or when I'm bored.

Here is the current placings

15. Terry
16. Courtney
17. Tyson
18. Natalie
19. Eliza
20. Matty

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