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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The reason I haven't been on in a while.

Jul 23, 2010 by mielz2
On Wednesday, I found out that my maths teacher that I looked up to and loved in a student/teacher way, had died in a car crash. I've been so upset recently and I don't know what to do. I don't have a very strong mother figure at home and so she was like a second mother to me. We got along really well and she was such a nice person. It's so devastating to know that someone you know one day can be gone the next. I'm still shocked by the news so I don't think I'll be on here for a while. :///


<3 love you and hope ull be ok :'(
Sent by connorthomson,Jul 23, 2010
Just keep your head held high. Everything will be alright. <33333333333
Sent by The_Domany,Jul 23, 2010
Im so sorry to read about your teacher. Some teachers can really touch the hearts of their students. Just remember her and thank god for the time you got with her. Someone else will come along and be there for you. Just keep your chin up.
Sent by Tabatha,Jul 23, 2010

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