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Melinder’s Music Taste S14: R7 Results

14thApr 19, 2024 by melindaMrskk
🦩 HELLER! Melinder is back with another Season of Music Taste! Season 14, with 15 Music Lovers who will find out that winning really is the new winning as several weeks the Rounds Winner will have a secret reward! Will the Music Lovers become self obsessed TikToking lovers with the new twist? Or will their Music Taste rise above all… I can’t wait to see how this turns out.. *WINK!*

🍌 Welcome Music Lovers! To the Seventh Round of Critiques! This Round I asked my Music Lovers to Channel their inner Death and host themselves their own Funeral and come up with a bop to be played while their guests gag over this unexpected BOP!

🫐 NOW as only Seven Talented Music Lovers Remain, there is no need for the Safe Club to remain open anymore. All the eyes that I have are looking at ALL of you. With nowhere to hide anymore. Let’s get Critiquing!


🦩 The rest of you Represent the Tops & Bottoms of the Round! Shall we?

⚪️ #Times_Places
🎵 Tori Kelly “Until Forever”
OK, there was parts I like to this and some parts that to me, wasn’t really Funeral Fever, more like fuck me while a funeral is happening kind of vibes, lol which I ain’t mad at. It’s just people went down the more sentimental route for everyone, more then just targeting one person in the song. Obviously there love is Until Forever, but it just felt too lovely for me. But if that’s how you want to be remember when you die babes, you do you. I did like the song but comparing to everyone else’s this Round, it’s just not as strong as you usually deliver. Not everything is forever, hence the funeral wink.

⚪️ #Vixens
🎵 Ethel Cain “Sun Bleached Flies”
Vixs this was good, however because I am a good host and I ALWAYS listen to the full video I am sent, even though sometimes I hate that I have to do that, just because once it becomes too long you start to notice things, it just became a little repetitive and not to be rude since it’s a Funeral Round, but boring hun! I did like her voice and it felt like a perfect Funeral song. But it had like no emotion to me, like she was giving it all she had, with no response from me, I shouldn’t be feeling like that I want to be CRYING having my heart strings plucked at and none of that happened while listening to your tune unfortunately lovely. Take me to a better beach where I can die in peace.

⚪️  #CutieAmy
🎵 Lxandra “Something to Lose”
Awww, from the first note… this felt so peaceful and serine like ahhh this is them moving on, in a light way if you get my meaning. It was a soft song with a strong powerful message behind it and OH the emotions. This is what I was wanting to feel. The feeling of loosing something/someone is the worse feeling and then actually loosing it is even worse, so having this place at your Funeral is the perfect way to make those who love you never forget you and you’ve done this theme beautifully and I can’t wait to attend your Funeral irl. A killer stunning job. Keep it up, you’ll never lose the competition.

⚪️ #Amixoxi
🎵 Birdy “People Help The People”
I always think like Birdy is some 45 year old women with her voice, but she’s literally always the opposite, her voice is just so Mature & Regal, the way I love my emotional songs. My only tiny tiny tiny complaint would be this song is more for saving the WORLD, then thinking about someone you loved/lost at a funeral. But the way the song presents itself does give you the feeling of love all around you, and that’s what is needed. I would say people help the people, but love you was murdered to have this Funeral, the people didn’t help you. Lol. I still loved the song and glad to see your holding your own after your win last round. Keep helping yourself and you’ll make it to the end hun!

⚪️ #hellocat
🎵 Laufey “Goddess”
Hello, hellocat! I’ve been waiting for you to deliver a bop again! I had hope that BTM2 placement kicked your Ass back into Round 1 hellocat again, and I was right! You managed to give me the spice but in a sweet song that I was after. This just had the emotion I was after it felt more you’ve truly lost a Goddess and that’s is how a funeral should be, showing the people what they’ve truly lost and how great you was, without blowing your own toot. The video as well, ugh I loved the little tear drop going down her face, not over the top but just perfect. A goddess for a funeral, I never thought I’d see this but I’m turnt I did. Lovely job welcome back to the Top!

⚪️  #paul028
🎵 UPSAHL “People I Don’t Like”
This is definitely a risk, literally no one did a song like this and I’m not sure how to feel. This feels like a song that would be playing in the pub while everyone’s eating after the funeral, you know what I mean. BUT who am I to say what is allowed and not allowed at a funeral, I did enjoy the song and it did go on line with the theme, I would definitely see a TikToker who died probably using this as their song with all their family members shaking their head at like tf is this? Lol. But she did kill this song, the whole vibe was like yeah your missing out on me, so be glad I’m dead and it was kind of a serve. I’m not mad at it but I wanted to see a deeper side to Paul, who can really pull at my heart strings and make me cry. It’s hard I know, but I would’ve loved to hear it.

⚪️  #rellizuraddixion
🎵 Beyoncé “I Was Here”
Just like Ami’s this was more SAVE THE WORLD! Then on I’m dead! While Ami’s felt more towards the funeral way, this was more like this whole country is about to be dead, and I’m going to save them. It kind of missed what I was after. I wanted to soul intention to be about yourself, this song takes that away from you as it’s focusing on a group. It’s not a bad song I just don’t think it was right for this theme, and for someone who has been in the Top 5/6 rounds, I MUST give you the truth and nothing but the truth because you’ve given me pure perfection all Season long. I just wanted something different and in-line with who YOU are, and who YOU want to be remembered as after death, you get me?

🍌 Finally, my fingers are burnt and my keyboard needs keying. Let’s take a break and you can all return to the Computer Lab to consider why life sent you to Melinder. Have fun!


🫐 Welcome back Everyone! The Safe Music Lovers have returned at the back of the stage, with the rest of the Tops & Bottoms awaiting their fate on stage…. Let’s begin.

⚪️ hellocat
🔵 You’re safe! It’s been a long time coming, but you’re back in the Top Baby! Well done! You may join the back with the others.

⚪️ CutieAmy
🟢 Congratulations! You’re the Winner of this Rounds Challenge! You’ve truly got me thinking, am I about to Lose someone too? That’s how you make a good song. A lovely job and another win for you! You may head to the back of the Stage!

⚪️ Amixoxi
🔵 You’re also safe! Help the People, remember who you are, will it be A Winner? Who knows but for now a killer job, you may head to the back.

⚪️ paul028
⚪️ You. Are. Safe. I was OK with the RISK, but only take it when it’s truly necessary. Don’t want to missing out on your First Finale! For now however, you can head to the back of the stage!

⚪️ rellizuraddixion
🔴 I’m sorry, but you’re up for Elimination. Remember sometimes a Winners Journey begins at the Bottom. Maybe your winning journey starts now?

⚪️ Vixens
🔴 I am truly sorry lovely, but tonight you’re also up for Elimination. You’ve been a Video-Sync Assassin before, can you do it again?

🟠 Times_Places, that means you’re SAFE. For now…. Dont become a one hit wonder lovely.


= = 🔘 Bottom 2 Video-Sync 🔘 = =
Heller, this is the Video-Sync for the Bottom 2. Simply put all you have to do is find a song SIMILAR to my Song that I post, this can be the message, the beat, the video. If you think it has the same vibe as my song use it. Don’t over think it! This is your solo chance to shine truly. Many Winners land in the Bottom, it’s getting out of it that matters.
🔴 rellizuraddixion vs Vixens

⚪️ Video-Sync Battle Song
🎵 Cee Lo Green “Forget You”

📍You have 24 Hours to MAIL ME your song!

= = 🎵 Season 14 Cast 🎵 = =
⚪️ Amixoxi
⚪️ CutieAmy
⚪️ hellocat
⚪️ paul028
⚪️ rellizuraddixion
⚪️ Times_Places
⚪️ Vixens

🦩 Chart -


awh ty xx
Sent by hellocat,Apr 19, 2024
I will not die this round!
Sent by rellizuraddixion,Apr 19, 2024
*gasps* thank you ma
Sent by Amixoxi,Apr 19, 2024
*bigger gasps* thank you ma
Sent by CutieAmy,Apr 19, 2024

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