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The ksnyd2504's blog

Posts 1047 posts

HAPPY CANADA DAY :) Jul 1, 2013
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Kayla's Survivor Jamaica Short Story Episodes 3 & 4 Jun 29, 2013
JGoodies (Jonathan)
Nattie (Natalie)
Cornelia (Cali)
MichelleObama (Michelle)
Lemjam6 (Jake)
Orlando652 (Orlando)
RoboZoe (Zoe)
TheThomas (Thomas)
Tycoon1234 (Isaiah)
Jouix (Jamie)

AngelOfWater (Kenya)
natalyaxo (Natalya)
CharlesDawn (Charlie)
brandonpinzu (Brandon)
Spinner554 (Austin)
_Aria (Aria)
LindseyPirtle (Lindsey)
TheGoodMan (Rashondaloofalqueef)

Episode 3: Target Fire: At the Samburu camp Zoe and Thomas try to find clues about the secret scroll. Zoe finds the second clue for it buried underground beside a tree. She does not tell Thomas because she fears that Thomas might uncover more clues than her and gain the advantage in the game. Meanwhile Thomas is trying to tell everyone he overheard Zoe talking about it to Jonathan so that they would be an easy target if needed. Over on the Tagi tribe Rashondlaoofalqueef and Aria are attempting to gather up a possible allaiance since they have a feeling they are main targets if there tribe fails to win immunity. Brandon, Kenya and Charlie make a deal to never vote each other at tribal council until merge. At the immunity challenge the Samburu tribe sits out: Jamie and Michelle. The challenge is a puzzle challenge which is the Tagi tribes strength but the Samburu tribes weakness. In the end the Tagi tribe came out on top and won immunity for their tribe. Back at the Samburu tribe camp Zoe came clean to Thomas about the second hidden scroll piece. Thomas thought it was a perfect opportunity to get Zoe out and take control over the hidden scroll. Zoe thought the same thing. For the rest of the day Zoe and Thomas tried to gather up votes to get each other out. That night at tribal council Zoe and Thomas stirred up the drama by telling all to their tribe but in the end the votes came close to a spit. 6-4 votes Zoe was the third person voted out of Kayla's Survivor Jamaica.

Episode 4: Bid On It!: In week four the two tribes were invited to their first rewards challenge of the season! The challenge was the classic "Bid On It" but it had certain twists. One at a time the two tribes went to see the possible rewards. Both tribes secretly bid on them one by one in their tribe. After both tribes had finished voting they calculated who won the bid.
Kayla: We have the winners of all four bids but... each bid comes with a sacrifice. Say you won the "Feast For Four" you might just have to sit out in the immunity challenge. The disadvantages are for only three of the bids. One of the bids also includes individual immunity for this week! Our first bid was the "Feast For Four" the disadvantage is as I said you must sit out in the immunity challenge. This went to....Orlando from the Samburu Tribe! The next bid was "Immunity for another" the disadvantage is that you must use it this week. This went to....Cali from the Samburu tribe! The third bid was "Makeover for two" This was where you could get a makeover for you and a friend. This bid offer also had the individual immunity! This went to....Rashondlaoofalqueef from the Tagi tribe! The fourth and last bid was "Surprise basket" This includes Treats, Camping equipment and much, much more! The disadvantage is that a surpise guest will be coming to the contestants tribe that won this for 12 hours! This went to....Jamie from the Samburu Tribe! Congratulations to all! If you won something it will take place next tomorrow!
Later that day at the Tagi tribe Charlie and Lindsey found a connection between them but Natalya also really likes Charlie. Charlie was found dumb-founded. He didn't know what to do, he had never had two girls fight over him before. Although the tribe was getting very annoyed with Lindsey since she was eating all of the Tagi tribes food.  Charlie had to decide between Natalya or Lindsey but who would he choose?

On the next two episodes of Kayla's Survivor Jamaica: The immunity challenge takes place. Both Charlie and Cali suffer tough decisions. The winning contestants from the immunity challenge are rewarded. More contestants are voted out.

20th: Grace ( Guillomouve)
19th: Caroline ( donaam)
18th: Zoe ( RoboZoe)

Please give me some feedback xoxo GL competitors! Next two episodes will be posted soon!
Points: 40 2 comments
wait so is Big Brother USA... Jun 29, 2013
Only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays now?
Points: 11 4 comments
CHECK IT OUT! Jun 29, 2013
and give me some feedback! contestant or viewer!
Points: 0 0 comments
Give me feedback! Jun 28, 2013
and the contestants please read!!
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Kayla's Survivor: Jamaica Short Story Episodes 1 & 2 Jun 28, 2013
JGoodies (Jonathan)
Nattie (Natalie)
Cornelia (Cali)
MichelleObama (Michelle)
Lemjam6 (Jake)
Orlando652 (Orlando)
RoboZoe (Zoe)
TheThomas (Thomas)
Tycoon1234 (Isaiah)
Jouix (Jamie)

AngelOfWater (Kenya)
natalyaxo (Natalya)
CharlesDawn (Charlie)
brandonpinzu (Brandon)
donaam (Caroline)
Spinner554 (Austin)
_Aria (Aria)
Guillomouve (Grace)
LindseyPirtle (Lindsey)
TheGoodMan (Rashondaloofalqueef)

Episode 1: Blood In The Water:  In week 1 the 20 contestants were sent off to their camps and right off the bat there was an immunity challenge. Samburu won and won immunity. On the other hand Tagi was immediately sent to tribal council without even meeting each other. After the whole tribe casted their votes there was another twist. The viewers had voted for individual immunity it went to...Rashondlaoofalqueef. With 9 votes cast to Rashondlaoofalqueef that didn't count. Grace was sent packing with 1 vote cast against her. Back at the Tagi tribe an alliance had already formed between the broseph and Girlie alliance best friends Cali and Natalie and best friends Orlando and Jake made a promise to stick together no matter what. Finally when the Samburu tribe had returned to their camp site it was late night. Aria awoke in the middle of the night to find Caroline and Austin sleeping together. On the first night she thought? she ran to tell her new friend Rashondlaoofalqueef. She thought she had to do something fast. But how?

Episode 2: Fish Out Of Water: As the Tagi and Samburu tribe start to settle in it was time for the immunity challenge. The challenge was called "Never look back" the tribes had to rope around a high ropes obstacle course to ensure their tribes safety. The Tagi tribe struggled to keep strong but in the end their whole team failed to succeed. Once again they were heading to tribal council. Back at the Samburu camp Jonathan stirred up some drama by trying to expose Orlando, Jake, Cali and Natalie's secret alliance. Why Zoe and Thomas found a clue to a secret scroll that could take them farther in the game. At the Tagi tribe Aria and Rashondlaoofalqueef tried to rally up votes to take out either Caroline or Austin because of their snuggle time the previous night. While Caroline tried to deny it but Austin revealed his secret and also told Caroline that he didn't like sleeping with her. Caroline had a tantrum and came a very easy target to get out. At tribal council the votes swayed but in the end it was 1 vote for Rashondlaoofalqueef, 3 votes for Austin and 5 votes for Caroline. The Tagi tribe now turned down to eight members with the Samburu tribe with ten.

On the next two episodes of Kayla's Survivor Jamaica: Zoe and Thomas learn more about the secret scroll. Another twist is put among the two tribes. A reward challenge includes big prises and another two contestants will be voted out.

20th: Grace ( Guillomouve)
19th: Caroline ( donaam)

Please give me some feedback xoxo GL competitors! Next two episodes will be posted soon!
Points: 65 5 comments