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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

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Oct 28, 2012 by karolusmagnus


How are T-Bird and Helen not on this list?!?!
Sent by splozojames50,Oct 28, 2012
How are T-Bird and Helen not on this list?!?
PS Ew Terry/Colton/Rory
Sent by ILoveSleep,Oct 28, 2012
Colton and Terry were at least interesting
Rory was the funniest thing between Cesterino and Cirie

Idk found them pretty boring kind of like Gretchen from Borneo
Sent by karolusmagnus,Oct 28, 2012
Sally/Terry/Becky/Frosti meh
Sent by Kantus,Oct 28, 2012
since when are Helen and T-Bird boring but Becky isnt?!?!
Sent by splozojames50,Oct 28, 2012

Becky was a good player though
Sent by karolusmagnus,Oct 28, 2012
Sent by RobM,Oct 28, 2012
Karolusmagnus Helen and T-Bird are kind of the opposite of boring, especially Helen check this clip out
Sent by Yerg,Oct 28, 2012
Sounds like a typical whiny juror to me. I've heard enought from them in the 3 all stars seasons.
Sent by karolusmagnus,Oct 28, 2012
Needs more Crystal Cox
Sent by Tits_McGee,Oct 28, 2012
RC and Denise are amzing
Sent by aimers,Oct 28, 2012
And NaOnka and Phillip and Alicia and Sue and everyone else that makes the general population think survivor is a trashy show for people in the 85-90 IQ range?
Sent by karolusmagnus,Oct 29, 2012

Sent by Tits_McGee,Oct 29, 2012
The only ones I really strongly disagree with and would be opposed to seeing again are:
Brian Heidik
- He's just such a revolting person outside of the show... he fucked an underage girl, shot a puppy, domestic abuse, blegh. He'd never win again. Nobody knows where he is and nobody wants to. He's a waste of space. I liked him in Thailand but never again.

Rafe Judkins
- Overrated. His game was a joke and he was entitled and whiny and self-righteous.

Shane Powers
- Entertaining once. Wouldn't really be again. Showed too many signs of uncomfortable self-righteousness. And I'm kind of sick of the OTT5 "wacky! zany!" characters that we've gotten forced upon us every season. He was good back in Panama but I don't think he'd be fun in modern day Survivor. He's actually a really unlikable person, it was just masked beneath a craziness in Panama that I doubt we'd see again.

Terry Deitz
- Hahaha

Sierra Reed
- Yeah, no. She was self-pitying and boring. She was basically invisible in most of the season. She was only a big deal in the premiere and her last two episodes. People need to stop pretending she's a character she wasn't. She was so whiny and ugh. I just can't stand the way people act like she was really some ~OMG UNDERDOG~! when that storyline lasted... literally one episode in the premiere.

Colton Cumbie
- No. Revolting human being. NO. Awful. Terrible. Attention-whore. No. Never.

Denise Stapley
Roberta "RC" Saint-Amour
- Too early to say anything about them one way or the otehr

The rest of your picks I'd either love to see back or don't really care either way. This list needs more NuYaxha though (Corridan, Gary, Amy, Brandon)
Sent by zimdelinvasor,Oct 29, 2012
Yeah Sierra Colton and Brian are terrible people, but entertaining characters. Sierra is just pathetically funny.

Lol at you calling in Zim to help you out
Sent by karolusmagnus,Oct 29, 2012
karolusmagnus I didn't need to call Zim in to do anything, I thought he'd find your accusation that Crystal is trashy hilarious when several people on your list do nothing but add to the trash factor of Survivor.
Sent by Tits_McGee,Oct 29, 2012

Wait. You think Crystal and ~SUE HAWK~ were trashy? ...Sue? Really?
I didn't read the comments
but yeah saying that sue hawk is a trashy character and COLTON needs to come back.. really? Colton was a blatant attention-whore.
Crystal I disagree with but I can understand, but even then, like.... you have Colton on your list. You cannot possibly include Colton and then say other people are too trashy. Like.. he's the definition of Survivor trash.
Sent by zimdelinvasor,Oct 29, 2012

But Colton played the game well. When you add someone who does nothing but scream and cause drama its entertaining, but degrades the quality of game play.
Sent by karolusmagnus,Oct 29, 2012
karolusmagnus I don't really think of Trashy when I think of Crystal and she certainly played the game.
Sue didn't scream other than two times, when she quit and the speech.
She's just a great character but trashy doesn't really describe her
Sent by Yerg,Oct 29, 2012
karolusmagnus Colton played the game like a bull in a china shop. He never would have won at the end because of how polarizing he was. Yes, he somehow managed to gather up the misfits of his tribe to take control but that's exactly why the men met their downfall in that season.

Anyway, you can't really sit there and argue that Crystal didn't play the game. She was obnoxious, yes, but no more so than Colton, she managed to have an abrasive personality yet was still liked by most of her tribemates even though she was polarizing, and she was a joke of a physical competitor yet almost made it to the very end.

If we're going by trash-o-meter, Crystal is 1/100th of where Colton would lay.
Sent by Tits_McGee,Oct 29, 2012

Colton didn't play the game well. No jury would have voted for such a ridiculously egocentric freak and he has said in interviews that he would have just aligned with Kim the way everyone else did if he'd made the merge. He was another Kim sheep and nothing else. And Sue played a game that was ahead of her time so I don't know what the hell you're going on about.
Sent by zimdelinvasor,Oct 29, 2012
Why Kelly? She wasn't a great player or a particularly dynamic personality. You know, they considered bringing Brian back for Heroes vs Villains, but they changed their minds. You know why? He was deemed too "Repulsive."
Sent by masterchef,Feb 12, 2013

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