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That Awkward Moment...

Posts 80 posts

That Awkward Moment.... Dec 8, 2011
When someone Blogs about "that awkward moment". GODDAMIT I HATE IT!
Points: 0 0 comments
For the game I just played! Dec 8, 2011
15: Inactive I tried to make an alliance with you
14: You were a threat, too much karma
13: You were a threat, too much karma
12: Basically we made stuff up about you to doctor to make him hate you, which lead us to voting you out.
11: Straight up, you are the doctor
10: Inactive,but you survived many evictions
9: You pretty much almost figured it out, there were 5 people in an alliance, I was in 2 of them, the other 4 were split in 2 groups and I lead them both.
8: inactive yo.
7: Mega cool girl!
6: Mermaidsinger
5: Lol, you said nothing all game, yet you were active, I can't believe you made it to 5, but good work.
4: As a christian man, I just want to say, god loves you.
3: (probably tommark) You did well. I trusted you the most next to terry, you played madden and stuff. Cool dude.
2: (prob terry) You did well too, I trusted you all game whether it seemed like I was making deals with other people, you were the most loyal person all agme.
1: What can I say, I'm the sheriff.
Points: 0 0 comments
Why Coach will win Survivor Dec 8, 2011
Coach is going to make it to the final 4, at least, because of his immunity idol. The hidden immunity idol is such a powerful tool in the game of survivor and when people know you have it, if you have at least more than 1/3 of the votes on your side you will never have to use it because it can't be flushed and nobody wants to be voted out because of the immunity idol.

Next, he's going to win because he is always nice to the members of the tribe who are going to be out, which is a genius strategy because by taking the players who are at the bottom under his wing it prevents them from talking to the up and coming losers and forming an alliance. Whether Coach knows he is doing it or not, it is working perfectly for him.

Brandon Hantz, should I say more, this guy is the perfect guy in this game, he never betrays you even if he knows he is going to be voted out at 5, he was a key factor in why nobody was able to make any big moves all game. He is the reason that Albert, Sophie, and Coach never switched, because they know they are taking each other to the final and they can easily get rid of Brandon.

Right now it looks like the only thing stopping Coach is the jury, he is probably going to have Coachran's vote wrapped up, as well as edna's. He will probably have Brandon's vote, and I could see Jim voting for coach too. It will be a close one, but I think Coach will win.
Points: 57 6 comments
Why JesseM, the 3rd place for Karma, sucks. Dec 7, 2011
I played a game of rookies with him. The slow kind. I knew he was a threat right from the start. He sent me a kind message, how he lures in all his bait. Now the HoH gets selected and I have already "agreed" to work with him, knowing it would get me further in the game. The POV comes around. I thought to myself, "anyone would be an idiot to keep this guy" but the POV person decided to use it on JesseM! This guy is clearly just wooing you all, how do you think he got to be 3rd in Karma? Anyway, long story short, the next person out of the game was that person who used the POV on him and JesseM was HoH at that point, probably screwing me when I got out and screwing her. Nice on the outside, but toxic on the inside. Why oh why are you so desperate to win? Why oh why do people listen? Don't people know, get the REALLy good people out first!
Points: 108 6 comments
Why premades suck Dec 6, 2011
I hate premades, I wish there was a game where you signed up and you didn't know who you would be matched with and nobody knew who was in the game until the game started.

Too many times premades have caused losses. Too many times. Then when you exposed the people who are clearly in an alliance by looking at their friend lists, they accuse you of causing drama. You tell everyone that if you don't get rid of them they will win. They accuse you of causing more drama and try and get you nominated. You get nominated and voted out.

They end up winning.

People don't you get it. We either need a way to prevent premades or we need to get rid of those people right away regardless. People in premades will never hurt your game and the longer they stay the more number power they have. This is just a message from a sad man, to all the haterz premaderz.
Points: 3 2 comments
How to ALWAYS win! Dec 6, 2011
Just take the first deal, it is typically the best one you will get. Either that or you will lose horrible or 5% of the time you MIGHT win.
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