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Posts 150 posts

my macbook Aug 12, 2012
is making weirdddd noises. i think it might be the fan? genius bar bettaaa fix this baby it's only a year old :/
Points: 41 1 comments
so happy pt deux Aug 12, 2012
Writing this to add on and agree with redsoxfan520 in

SO. I join to help aes222aes with her charity game. I've never talked to the girl, nor have I ever heard of her, but she didn't have anyone joining for her and I felt bad! The game starts off fine, I made it obvious that I was there for aes to win, which I had full intention of being honest to. Right off the bat, as Zach said, it became apparent that neither of them knew how charities worked. They were convinced that negging everyone and only plussing aes would ensure a victory at the last day, and were also under the notion that EVERYONE joined the game to ruin it. I don't blame the girl for being paranoid, but it was getting ridiculous. Then, I get added to a skype chat with cecumecu and aes. They immediately tell me Other_student is going to ruin the charity because it's her milestone game too. I don't know the chick, so I pay no attention. Then, they start bashing redsoxfan520 and try to convince me to neg him because apparently he was being "sketchy" and wanted to "take over the charity.' AH HELL NO. I draw the line when they start attacking my friends like that. So I inform them that Zach is nice and wouldn't ruin someones charity for kicks and that I have full intention of bringing him as far in the game as possible, all the while still allowing aes to win her charity. So all is fine, I win first HoH and they suck up to me, I nom as they please, then a good friend and frat member _ares_ gets algoed and I tell the crew that I'm going against there wishes and giving him a 0. Keep in mind, he was algoed, he had not said 1 word the entire game, and would clearly continue being algoed. They were pissed, but whatever. So I win next HoH (at this point theres 8 left) and I nom the cecu chick cause frankly, she was annoying and I didn't like how she was trying to tell us all to do when it wasn't her charity. So she's nommed, gets 6th, and then proceeds to send me hate mail and also get me banned (I sent her multiple emails telling her I hadn't locked in my votes cause she sent me multiple harassing me about how I voted). So that was that, I got banned for the last day, aes222aes still won her fucking charity, yet I still get hate blogs and hate mail from them. SO fun charity huh?

Last time i join for someone random!
Points: 80 7 comments
lmao Aug 12, 2012
faygo quitting 3 days into his charity. what a great guy!

ps. whats theee drama?
Points: 48 2 comments
HIIII Aug 12, 2012
im back after that fun 24 ban
thanks to the sweetie cecumecu
Points: 49 6 comments
Goodbye tengaged Aug 9, 2012
It's been a blast. But I gotta go. My mom's finally talked some sense into me. I'm throwing my life away on here. I already have a hard time being social irl now. This is making it worse. I've loved my year and a half here. I felt welcomed and I didn't feel out of place. I met so many awesome people and I want to keep in touch via FB or texting.

I've loved hosting 14 seasons of Survivor and I'm sorry to Bingo21 because I have to leave you to host the season alone. I just have to leave.

I'll be mailing individual people my FB link and my phone number to text.

After today, I'm logging off for good.

Originally I wanted to perm myself. But maybe I'll come back one day. Not to play or host. But just to see how it's going.

Y'all have honestly made this a blast. I've accomplished a lot.

Made Black Level.
Became one of the best Survivor Hosts.
Won 2 Crookies that weren't charities.
Made it in the OC.
Met so many awesome people.
Bought a design.

Guys it's just been a blast. Thanks a lot. Sorry I'm leaving. But I have to get my shit together IRL.

If you want my FB/number mail me me.

Bye guys, Jessica is out in less then 24 hours.
Points: 38 5 comments
lol Aug 7, 2012
popeye trying to get me banned for showing everyone what an asshole he is :) go head keep reporting my blogs boo i really dont give a fuck if you get me banned.. whatever helps ya sleep at night
Points: 32 2 comments