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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Not giving up - Dancing with the Stars/Strictly Come Dancing

Dec 24, 2009 by jay_sensi
imageRight people, I kind of refuse to give up. My first Blog achieved little to no interest what so ever. So I thought I'd try again, I was initially going to make the group myself, but apparently you need 25 $ tz things (which I haven't quite grasped the concept of just yet) Needless to say I think there will be enough interest for the group to be successful. If X - Factor works so can Strictly or Dancing with the Stars, it can follow the same format and we can go from there. I'm even happy to help the person who creates it, I just can't do it myself ... so come on people ... lets make this work... please :) x


Sent by Joee323,Dec 24, 2009
You won't get 25 T's from a blog. It takes SOOOO much spamming/fame.  The top blog right now would possibly get 8 t's.  Just keep playing games and you'll eventually get enough t's
Sent by HatsukiSohma,Dec 24, 2009
Thanks Hatsuki ... I wasn't planning on getting it form the blogs, I just wanted to make it clear that I'm not just blogging about this for no reason, cause in effect someone could be like "why dont you just create it" you know? But thanks for your help ... just want this to work, think it would?
Sent by jay_sensi,Dec 24, 2009
+ + + :)
Sent by JonMaker,Dec 24, 2009

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