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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

F*** You Owee13

Jul 23, 2010 by gtagcm
you can suck it thankxz for voting me out you2 john love yuhs and emma take owees ass out!!!. good luckk emma, manny, and shark you got the numbers remember owee, then john. Been a plessure to play with you.


I love negs. :)
Sent by owee13,Jul 23, 2010
bitter much? owee is a great guy :)
Sent by x0Lani,Jul 23, 2010
you're telling someone to fuck off cause you got voted out of a game?

Sent by ambermansell,Jul 23, 2010
I know right! Thanks Lani and amber (:
Sent by owee13,Jul 23, 2010
furk off
leave owee alone
Sent by Sizzle_xD,Jul 23, 2010
nooo cuz hen fukked me the hole came whores
Sent by gtagcm,Jul 23, 2010
Sent by owee13,Jul 23, 2010
Thanks sizzle.
Sent by owee13,Jul 23, 2010
idk who you are but dont do owee like that!!! if you're on his bad side then you must be some asshole, i assume :)
Sent by kidmacr,Jul 23, 2010
I loveee Owee.
Sent by CherishFawn,Jul 23, 2010
<3 thanks kid and cherish.
Sent by owee13,Jul 23, 2010

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