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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Aug 1, 2009 by greta
image"people keep saying how skeet is playing a great game but I see now evidence of that.

    All I see is her being nominated constantly and having an army of skanks
    Sent by Richpaca" she has like four really good bffs root for her during her nominations? you want her to have no friends? hun it's only like four votes..if it was only up to her 'army of skanks'

(nice mean girl quote btw totally proves what an idiot you really are, sorry if not being a 2faced bitch, wanting my friend to not get ass kicked off after all her hard work) and yes she's working hard because ugly hates like shaybay and lizzie are tryig to bring her down, but they never willl cause that girl got more class than a school district.
and she sends thank you notes to whoever makes it obvious that they voted for her..

w.e you're just a nobody. and apparently you're voting for an idiot who cannot spell genuine right, that's real cool of you. vote for nothing. cause that's all you'll ever be.



You're the main skank, you just proved my point.
People like you pop up when someone needs saving, get on your high horse, then vanish until needed again.
Sent by Richpaca,Aug 1, 2009
how am i vanished????? LOL. um i vanished by going to sleep. wow you're real smart aren't you.
Sent by greta,Aug 1, 2009
Assholes are BEAUTIFUL
Sent by JeffW,Aug 1, 2009
LOL I didn't say that. Idiot
Sent by Richpaca,Aug 1, 2009
I said people like you pop up when needed, then vanish.
You are still needed, so you are still here unfortunately.
Sent by Richpaca,Aug 1, 2009
he means to spell Jenuine you div
not to mention skeeet said "lovas" in her speech- haha!
Sent by BengalBoy,Aug 1, 2009
Yeah the Jenuine thing is an in-joke on here.
Something you'd know about if you didn't just come here to troll.
Sent by Richpaca,Aug 1, 2009
its a bad inside joke
ya'll are just mad she beat out your precious alegeeter and patrick. xoxo

and richpaca, people like you need to get some class
and stop assuming. (: get pretty

Sent by greta,Aug 1, 2009
Ok, I assume you are a man.
Sent by Richpaca,Aug 1, 2009
lol richpaca u guys did the same thing to skeeet is that like
your way of trying to win a battle
i have a vag.

ps men dont go 'xoxo gossipgirl' get real.
Sent by greta,Aug 1, 2009
Actually the majority of people who act like a complete bitchy girly girl on here turn out to be men.

Anyway back to my point: show me some evidence that

A) Skeet has played a good game
B) Skeet is actually a nice person and not a twat

and I might vote for him
Sent by Richpaca,Aug 1, 2009
in fairness, from what i saw nearly the whole pollbox was in his favour.. if people had spammed for him like some spammed for skeeet im sure he couldve made it through
Sent by BengalBoy,Aug 1, 2009
Wait no, regarding B), you can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep
*looks you up and down*

I think I'll save Alex.
Sent by Richpaca,Aug 1, 2009
:O :O
Sent by palkia1992,Aug 1, 2009
I've lost brain cells reading this; yet I'm still smart enough to know this blog is stupid as a bag of immobile shit.
Thanks for wasting my time.
Sent by Vindication,Aug 1, 2009
Asshat is a much more palatable version of asshole.  Consider adding it to your lexicon.
Sent by cheznahuf,Aug 2, 2009

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