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The goxusses's blog

Posts 11 posts

Total Hunger Drama Island [Season 1] Jun 15, 2013
I'm going to announce my first THDI, 12 contestants will appear in an island.

They will need to fight until the victor is made.
This is how it works:

After they arrive, they will be in separate places not knowing each other, they will have a Cornucopia Pad so they can arrive to that place easily for the first rounds, the tributes are selected in different regions. The separate places I mean is the districts, they have 20 days before the first rounds. At the first rounds, they don't really know each others but sometimes they have relation to other tributes.

The first rounds happen as they are separated from their fellow members.
They will face other tributes for the weapon they need.

Their is a 2nd round called Tribute Battle, two random tributes engaged in a battle at Cornucopia Fort, the winner will get tons of prizes.

Here is so far announced:

Lightning - Season 5
Anne Maria - Season 5
Leshawna - Season 1
Izzy - Season 1
Alejandro - Season 3
Gwen - Season 1
Blaineley - Season 3
Courtney - Season 1
Sierra - Season 3
Heather - Season 1
Cody - Season 1
Gwen - Season 1

This is the official cast :)
Points: 20 2 comments
The Big Brother [Series 1] Week 1 - Head of Household Jun 15, 2013
The name of this challenge is The Keep.

How to do: I'm gonna do this quickly and sharp, the challenge will have 3 keeps.
Each housemate will need to guess the code of the keeps. The keeps will have a number hint. The numbers are representing letters of the alphabet. 1-26. Now the numbers are scrambled.
So first, guess all numbers and form letters, then you will unscramble all letters and form the correct word.

So if it isn't it clear.
Mail me ;)

Here is the keeps:

1. 13-11-25-14-21-5

2. 15-1-18-18-25-19

3. 5-5-1-15-21-4-8-15-6-8-19-8-15-4-12
Points: 19 1 comments
The Big Brother [Series 1] Week 1 - Entrance Jun 15, 2013
As soon as they entered, they got real fast!

JG and DJ was called by Big Brother.
Ali formed an alliance with Tameka and Matt.
Ali was seen by JG, JG decided to make an alliance with Matt telling it to his teammates.
Ali argued with Connor.

Michael & Connor was called and they were told everyone voted that what should be their nicknames. Till' they voted on JessieM for Connor and Chimpanzee on Michael.

Everyone laughed at Chimpanzee making him mad and decided to take a rest.
Notice: Confessionals, PMs, Alliance can be only made with me included.

HoH Challenge - Posting It Later!


JG - SirDragon
Mia - Mia595
DJ - coolexchangestudent
Dolly - obey_me
Matt - survivornerd
Tameka - Crazy_Clown123
Ali - Ali123Francesca
Michael "Chimpanzee" - munkeyboy18
Connor "JessieM" - constaff
Points: 20 5 comments
The Big Brother [Series 1] Cast Reveal And Twist Jun 15, 2013
This is it, the final hms revealed!

It is,

JG - SirDragon
Mia - Mia595
DJ - coolexchangestudent
Dolly - obey_me
Matt - survivornerd
Tameka - Crazy_Clown123
Ali - Ali123Francesca
Michael - munkeyboy18
Connor - constaff

Now here's the twist!
They will be divided into 3. Team Astro, Nexus and Nebula.
The team who wins get a chance to win immunity.
The losing teams challenges their selves and need to vote one from their team to win immunity. The one who wins immunity can void one of the vote, the winning them needs to participate in a challenge with HoH at stake. The nominees will be voted.

The first 3 is Team A, the 2nd 3 is Team B, the final 3 is Team C.

Alliances can be formed. Gonna post the first week. :)
Points: 13 5 comments
The Big Brother [Series 1] Applications Jun 13, 2013
{ Made by Goxus }

Guys! Hello, this is goxusses.
I'm here to tell you that I'm making my first blog games.
If none would join this. I would make random characters' name and there I will do it!

Goodluck :)

Here's form:

Name -
Username -
What would you bring -
Age -
Timezone -

Applicants Accepted:
JG - SirDragon
Mia - Mia595
DJ - coolexchangestudent
Dolly - obey_me
Matt - survivornerd
Tameka - Crazy_Clown123
Ali - Ali123Francesca
Michael - munkeyboy18
Connor - constaff
[ Final HM is unknown ]

So here's form! And goodluck everyone, hehe.
(Just Trying)

FYI - I will post public confessions. When makin' private confessions, always include my name. Do nominations, confessions, eviction votes via mail!
Points: 14 13 comments
What happened if ya get banned and removed? Jun 13, 2013
Points: 6 3 comments