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The garfield989's blog

Posts 14 posts

Guess Who's Back ;) Jun 27, 2011
imageOK so I'm back after a few months even though I said I'd never play again, but that's because of one small change to the site, quicker games! Yes I just played one and even though I only came in 10th it was such a fast game that even if you have inactive players it doesnt matter. So I can see me playing quite a few of these, and who knows maybe I'll finally win one!
Points: 26 0 comments
Rant + Goodbye Apr 7, 2011
imageEverybody loves a good rant right? Too right :P So here's the thing I've made the Final 3 in a Castings game 7 times but have NEVER won. And quite frankly I'm sick of it. I'm sick of working my ass off trying to make it to the finals and hoping that I will randomly be chosen as a winner because lets face it anyone that says its the most active that wins is full of it because normally the least deserving player always ends up winning in my seasons and they were normally the least active also.

I know that 'old' Castings has just come back but I'm not really interested in giving that a shot because the same thing will probably happen so I'm going to say goodbye to tengaged. I might be back but at the moment I feel like a break from it. I've played non-stop since December last year and we're in April now so that's 5 months of 22 games including 1 Survivor (18th Place = Mega Fail)and 5 failed attempts at Rookies (Including 2 13th Places).

That's all from me. Over and out!
Points: 46 3 comments
My First Rookies Game Jan 26, 2011
imageSo after FINALLY getting enough Karma to enroll in my first Rookies game I can say that I also FINALLY found a quick game that played out within the hour. I came in 6th Place which I was quite proud of considering that the word 'premade' can be associated with this game quite a bit. So let's start from the top:

As soon as I joined I made a quick alliance with two people: SuperFreak and w0witztyler. Soon enough I disconnected myself from w0witztyler, and ended up working with SuperFreak and JayElVee. I never worked with anyone else in the game. From the start I found out it was w0witztyler's 150th Game and that she had joined with enough people to carry her to the end so she could win. I found this so frustrating because I had never really played with a premade alliance before and knew within a few minutes I would be long gone. However, this was not the case...

JayElVee won HoH and when it was pretty much my turn to go I asked him  not to nominate me, and he didn't and told me to evict w0witztyler when he nominates her. She was nominated, I voted to evict her, and she was gone with only one vote being the different (which could have very well been my vote). It was a big move and got me to the Final 6 and JayElVee eventually ended up getting 3rd Place. The rest of the game panned out as usual with what I can only assume was the remainder of a premade alliance in the finals.

It was an interesting experience but I'm really hoping not to come across anymore of these premades anytime soon, even though I know they are around in many games. It just ruins some of the fun of making new friends and alliances I think.
Points: 20 0 comments
#23551 Blog & Questions for Tengaged members Jan 25, 2011
imageOk so I'm going to start this post with a blog about the game I just finished, then I have some questions for any Tengaged members that might be able to answer them for me.

First things first: I got 2nd Place! Stoaked about that, though 1st Place would have made me even happier ;) It was an interesting game because I only ever spoke with 3 people the entire game in Private Messages, two of which were in the Final 3 with me. The other, Madea, I made an alliance with on Day One but she became inactive quite quickly and was voted out shortly after.

With my only alliance member gone it was lucky that greyconverse, and shortly after dmann, started working with me and the three of us eliminated the competition. All in all it was a good game, and both of these guys were very loyal and true to their word as we all knew we were threats to win but still took one another to the end. Thanks for the great game guys xD

Now, on to some questions (and these will mostly be Castings related):

1. How is POV chosen. I used to think it was who was most active but inactive players have receieved POV in my games before.
2. What's the deal with the + and - with comments. What will happen if I plus or neg someone's comment and why do people flip out when someone negs them. Does it really affect them in anyway when it comes to the game?
3. I finally made my Karma go up to 16, and according to the FAQ table this means my colour should change from white to yellow, but it's still white. Why is this?
4. How is the winner decided from the Final 3? I've been told it was the most active player but I was beaten by two inactives in one of my games and that pretty much squashed that theory.

I hope someone can answer these for me :)
Points: 4 3 comments
5th Game = 5th Place ;) Jan 16, 2011
imageAs the title says, its only fair that on my 5th Castings game that I come in 5th place right? Guess so :( Normally I write a really long blog after a game and talk about everyone and how I played the game, yada yada yada, but I don't really feel like doing that this time. I'm not really sure why, is Tengaged getting a little old for me now? Am I starting to lose interest? Perhaps...

The past week or two have been pretty crazy for me. For those that don't know Australia has had a pretty frantic week with floods in QLD, and this week I started my first 9-5, 5 days a week job so I have been slightly pre-occupied this week and Tengaged has sort of been in the back of my mind. However, I still played, and still made the Final 5 which I'm proud of. It was a quiet game, and it wasn't very eventful. For the first time the person that won wasn't in an alliance with me so I finally broke that trend ;)

I made an alliance on Day 1 with two people: DonGigalo and corey123, both of which made the Final 3, but a very active member by the name of Weetmaster ended up winning. I played a very minor role in our alliance and pretty much just nominated and evicted whoever I was told to, but it kept me safe and was probably the reason why I didn't get past the Final 5. Oh well, that's how it goes.

So I havent signed up for another Castings game yet. Doesn't mean I won't, I'm just maybe having some chill out time. I'm actually REALLY looking forward to playing a Rookies or Survivor, and I know to do that I need to play more Castings, so bring them on I say!!!
Points: 0 1 comments
2nd Place; oh so close! Jan 10, 2011
imageAnother Castings game completed and another oh-so-close finish but I still have yet to win a game ;)
So let me start by saying this is the 4th game I've played, and while it started out as my worst game and I was nominated earlier than ever before I actually managed to get my best finish out of it; go figure :P

This was the first game in which I never had an alliance. In my other three games I really went out of my way to make sure I was always voting the same as someone else and that I had a tight bond with at least one other person, but this time I decided to see what would happen if I just rode solo. To begin with nobody actually nominated for the first round and for some reason 2 people were just automatically nominated (I had POV so I was safe) so Mentalist was the first go go.

An interesting conversation/argument came around about people 'negging' others comments, and because I was online at the time I was accused and thus for nominated because of this. I thought I was toast, and at the time didn't really care, but despite getting the same amount of votes as netali I was more active so she got the boot. So right now I'm feeling like I'm a goner no matter what; yet ironically I was never nominated again :P The next five boots (saamlot75, KrisStory, rosieskeleton, CindyStar & emo_chick) were all eliminated because of the same reason netali was; being inactive.

So right now its down to 8 and this is when I started having small chats with rhysarnie14; the only person I would ever have PM conversations with. I would hardly say we had an alliance because we shared around 8 posts in all; yet both of us avoided nomination and watched the other members fall one after the other starting with MatthewAlvarez then conza1994 and RonnyKuhh. While summerlover and I talked in the public chat, and even played online games together on another site; we never spoke strategy; and she followd RonnyKuhh.

Now we're down to the Final 4, and thankfully I got POV at the right time because it meant I would be in the Final 3 and have a shot at winning. rhysarnie14 wanted Lotta gone, so she did. I didn't know if I would have a chance winning against rhysarnie14 or FEY91, and in the end I didn't because rhysarnie14 won with FEY91 coming in 3rd. I'm pleased that I've made my best position; but now I'm more hungry than ever for a win.

Oh and a side note; all four winners in the four Castings games I've played worked with me in the game. The moral of the story being if you work with me you will end up winning LOL ;)
Points: 13 2 comments