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The ehunt16's blog

Posts 14 posts

Survivor:India (Cast Introduction) Part 1 Jan 25, 2013
So I've never really done this before. I'm not sure if people will really read this stuff or not but at least I will entertain myself. Here are the first 10 contestants in my fantasy Survivor. I'm going to try to make this 'fan fiction', if you will, as interesting as possible. So her goes...

Sam Holmes- Sam is a 26 year old tattoo artist from Santa Monica, California. He has jet black hair, usually pulled back in a ponytail, and has a skinny build. He has multiple tattoos and a few piercings. “I think I get a lot of weird looks out in the real world because of the style I have and the way I carry myself. I might be a little unapproachable but I can promise you I’m really down to earth and can carry an intelligent conversation.”

Toni (Antoinette) Stewart- Toni is a 41 year old spitfire attorney from Chicago, Illinois. She is good at what she does and can make a good argument. However, one of her strengths is that she is a chameleon; she has the power to blend herself into any social situation. She is very observant and can pull her own weight in challenges. “I can come across as smug at first, and I think that can be intimidating to a lot of people.  But if I have your back, you can be assured that I am with you all the way to end.”

Danielle Norski – Danielle is a 27 year old African-American woman from Tallahassee, Florida. She attended Florida Tech and majored in education, what she now uses in a local high school. She is extremely girly and stays to true to her faith, however she can get really physical too. She was on the girl’s basketball team in college. “Ey, I ain’t afraid of no boys. I can kick some ass out there in the challenges and I think that will come to a surprise, being how passive my personality is.”

Dayton Brunner- Dayton is a 32 year old entrepreneur hailing from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is very intelligent and knows how to deal with people. He can also be very flirty and seduce the girls with his Christian Grey good looks. He works out on a daily basis and will be an asset to his tribe. “I’m a very good talker and will definitely use that to my advantage. And hey, if I see some girls I like, I will definitely have to reevaluate my strategy.

Trey Hudson- Trey is a 29 year old construction worker that lives in Oklahoma. He’s a purebred farm boy and loves his regular rodeo. He can be very goofy and lighten any mood, which will be a plus if his tribe can handle it. He’s bald headed and big shouldered so his physical demeanor isn’t anything to not acknowledge. “I’m a big goofball so I hope my country boy charm can hide my strategy and give me a poker face in this game like no one has seen before.”

Jenn Campbell- Jenn is a 37 year old pediatric nurse from northern New Jersey. She has a really soft personality because she deals with children on a daily basis. She has fire red hair and a really good figure and is currently engaged to the love of her life. $1 million would just be the cherry on top for her. “You know, I deal with kids in my life all the time so I can handle a lot. But this is Survivor and it is totally different. They’re not my patients, they’re my competitors.”

Gabby Melona- Gabby comes to us from the Big Apple, from a strong Italian background. This beautiful, dark-haired 25 year old is a model and a total diva. She knows what she wants and is confident in herself. However, do not underestimate her, she is smart and can handle strenuous physical activity. “You know, Jenna Morasca one this game at one point so I really wouldn’t underestimate me. I’m hot, but I’m also capable of handling difficult situations.”

Eric Alexander- Eric is a 22 year old student that comes from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he studies at Temple University. He’s easy-going and down to earth, which will help him get along with his fellow competitors. He is stocky and is half-Italian, half-Mexican. “I think I can come off as the naïve, young kid, but the truth is I think I have an old soul. I get along well with people of all ages, not just my age group and I think that will be a big plus to my game.”

Sal O’Neill- Sal is a 50 year old family man that resides in northern Michigan with his wife and four children. He is intelligent as he works for a computer programming company, and also has an interesting background. He was a cancer survivor and has been since he was 19. He is very friendly and wise and will be someone people look up to in the game. “I’m not sure whether I’m going to share my past because I don’t want people to think they need to pity me. You know, that was a long time ago, and I want to be more of who I am now.”

Diana Cedrone- Diana is a 24 year old law student in grad school. She comes across as bubbly and very ditzy, which she hopes will be to her advantage. She is short and pretty and has a nice beach body which will catch the attention of the men. “I realized when people meet me they automatically assume I’m a dumb blonde. So I’m gonna use that to my advantage in this game and not tell people about the law degree I have.”

Post any names of people you may root for :) (If you want)

Points: 37 2 comments
Win yourself bitch!!! Jan 21, 2013
So this chick that goes by the name of haiiderr , comes in, demands we let her win and then flips out and calls us out when she doesn't win and gets evicted. You wanna win a game, play it yourself. There's no free handouts bitch, its called putting the work in to win it yourself.

Sorry I dont get heated over stupid things but this just pissed me off.













Points: 17 4 comments
Survivor: Army Vs. Navy Jan 13, 2013
Just a sweet idea for a future survivor season. They could use current soldiers or veterans, it would be so awesome. And the challenges and tribal council could all be military theme.
Points: 6 0 comments
Tengaged App(For IPhone and Android) Jan 5, 2013
Maybe other ppl have thought about this too but wouldn't it be awesome if a tengaged app was created? Alot of times I have to leave games because I don't have 24 hr computer access all the time. Being able to play tengaged on my phone whenever would be pretty convenient. I think it would help to reduce the number of inactives in games too. Just a thought!!
Points: 1 3 comments
Friends and fellow tengagers!!! Jan 1, 2013
Hey, this is probably a pain but if anyone has a free minute can you go to this link and post "Papeete" on it? Much appreciated!
Points: 0 0 comments
Any good souls out there?? Dec 29, 2012
My friend and i are being accused of being multis by someone when we aren't and they're trying to get us banned. :/ who can i talk to or contact so that doesnt happen please
Points: 2 3 comments