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Posts 723 posts

ORG May 14, 2015
Ever thought about playing an ORG? Check this out and plus please
Points: 0 0 comments
ProSurvivor4: Cyprus ORG May 14, 2015
imageHello everyone! I know I'm not around much any more, however I still am involved in Survivor based Org, or online reality games. I am part of a very successful skype/proboards/cam game called ProSurvivor! We are going into are 4th season and its going to be great! I know there are some great tengaged players out there that would be great at Orgs! So if you are interested please comment in here or shoot me a message or hit me on Skype at corey120. I will also include in this blog one of the episodes of S2. IN this episode you will see tengaged players such as jm101 schmooboy and others!

Points: 138 3 comments
ORG May 11, 2015
Hey guys! Long time no see!! Have you ever want to play a survivor game that is a little more relasitic than what Tengaged has to offer? If so message me on skype at corey120 or send me a pm here. I am one of the hosts of a very successful Skype based online reality game. We are set to go into our 4th season. If you are interested please shoot me a message!
Points: 1 1 comments
:) Mar 14, 2015
Points: 21 1 comments
ProSurvivor Aug 9, 2014
Hi Everyone! I know I haven't been around lately and I bet you are loving it! LOL. However, I am now part of the ORG community. I am here to bring a new ORG game to your attention that I would love for some people from here to apply for. It is hosted by my good friends Audrey and our own robbyrob . Here is the promo and a bit about the game!

PRO SURVIVOR PRESENTS: SURVIVOR BELIZE- EMPIRE OF THE SUN! This is the trailer for the game . You can apply now here:
Get prepared for the greatest social experiment you’ve seen an ORG provide yet. The oldest thing known to man is our universe. We still are unsure of it’s size, number of occupants, or how we truly even came to be apart of it. Through the course of time many ancient cultures have looked up to the heavens and used the stars as a guide for their course work here on earth. Categorized by 12 constellations, The Zodiac wheel encompasses a map of the exact origins of each planetary position at any and every moment during their cycle of transition. Each of the 12 signs are apart of a unique combination of one of the four Elements -- Earth, Air, Fire, Water. They individually represent a different aspect of the whole human; Aries starts the cycle, representing the self, and Pisces completes it, representing the mass unconscious of all mankind. In between, every other sign carries the energy of a different phase of man's evolution. These elements and qualities demonstrate that we are all part of the environment, and that there is a connection between all living things and all matter on this planet. Today’s skeptic challenges the idea though, that the planetary positions and stars have any effect or influence on our way of life at all. How deeply have you delve into understanding the nature of your zodiac sign? Is it possible to provoke actions or reactions from others just from knowing the nature of theirs?
This season ProSurvivor is challenging it’s contestants to rely on the same instincts that the ancient cultures have relied on for centuries before us. Interpreting the stars to access secrets of hidden forces throughout the game, as well as truly understanding the elemental nature of their competitors. The future belongs to those who know where they belong. The only way for these castaways to thrive, is to find their rightful place if they want to outwit, outplay, and outlast the rest. In the end, one will win, and be crowned the first ProSurvivor of Belize: Empire of the Sun.

Points: 0 0 comments
Loves when a BB cast member Jun 19, 2014
Wishes u a happy birthday
Points: 33 2 comments