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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

My Idea For a Group Game

Apr 21, 2012 by coolnarwhal88
Do you think this would work very well if I made it into a group game?

I don't know what it would be called yet, but this is how it works:

There are 10 players. Each player starts out with about 100 points.
There are no teams, it starts with 10 people on their own.

So each week, the 10 players will have to complete in three different challenges, only one person can win a challenge, but the winners can be three different people, or the same person.

After all three challenges, there will be a Results ceremony. Each player will have the power to take away ten points from any person. So this makes the game much more interesting, because in one ceremony, no one could go home, while in another, half of the remaining players could.

Oh, but I forgot to tell you what happens when you win a challenge.

Each of the three challenges give you a super power for the current week.

If you win Challenge 1, no one can take points away from you for that round.

If you win Challenge 2, you can take 10 points away from TWO players.

If you win Challenge 3, you can't vote, but you can put a bet on any of the players, meaning all the points they lose will go towards your point collection.

It is a very challenging and long game, but I think it would be a fun way for people to test out a new strategy. Of course you can make alliances, but you don't really need them.

Oh, and at the final two, the remaining players will be able to keep their total of points, but the people who got:


will be able to give 10 points to the player they want to win.

If you're reading this, do you think my idea could work?
If not, please tell me how I could make this game better?
And, if anything confuses you, I can surely answer :)


I like but maybe there could point and power games.
Sent by Snowgirl57,Apr 21, 2012

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