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The borncofan7's blog

Posts 10 posts

Idiot #3: Sir Flexs A Lot Jun 28, 2010
Let me start off by saying that body bulding and working out is a wonderful thing to do. But the wat this douche conducts himself is just downright idiotic.

Every Facebook status is how this guy going to the gym to get jacked. Than a couple a minutes later he's talking about how pumped he is and talking about his arm size. (Because we all need to know his arm size.)

When he's around friends he wears these kid small t-shirts and is constantly flexing his muscles as well. Also this douche is particulary proud of his six pack. (It's not really a six pack, but it's a skinny pack. But he doesn't admit it.) Let me give you an example of how he shows off his abs. Does he go to the beach? No. Does he go to the pool? No. When he has to cough he lifts his shirt off. Wow! I know what a tool.
Points: 6 4 comments
Idiot #2: Smart ass douchebag who farts at inappropriate times. Jun 27, 2010
Everyone knows a smartass who thinks he knows everything. Everyday we go through the same shit. This douche questions someone everyday about random stuff. And whenever he's proven wrong he freaks out and starts yelling, "DUDE YOU"RE WRONG!."

By the way I thought I should point out this douche farts and than walks away. That just shows how much of a douche he is.

Overall this kid is one of the weirdest I will every know. I can't see this guy every getting a girl. He actually goes around shrieking like a baboon. It's really weird. I can already see him approaching a girl.

Girl: You look sexy, I'm so horny!

Smartass douche who shrieks like a baboon: RRUUURRRUUURURURU!

And yes thats what baboons sound like.
Points: 5 1 comments
Idiot #1: Douchebag Basketball Kids Who Think They're Sweet Jun 26, 2010
My friends and I like to have a nice friendly basketball game every morning. By friendly I usually mean people arguing about random shit. But like at normal pick-up games we have people who take the games way to serious. By the way I should tell you we play five on five games. Overall there's 8 white kids, one mexican, and a one black kid. Which makes this kid even more of a douche because seriously, we're all white.

Anyway this guy comes in and gets the check. For some reason he keeps trying to cross the black kid but that never works at all. Than he gives up on that and starts driving. Than after that he starts calling cheap fouls like goal-tending and over the back. Seriously, it's a pick-up game. You don't call fouls in a pick-up. Than at the end of the game he's start talking shit to us. Again it's a pick-up game, take it down a notch Michael Jordan.
Points: 35 2 comments
Blog Jun 24, 2010
Look at me I post on a blog. Because everyone cares about what I think.
Points: 0 0 comments