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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Mama Zu's Find My New League Main Ep. 9

Jul 24, 2019 by Zuelke


if i call your name, please step forward.


you're safe.  the rest of you represent the tops and bottoms of the week.


rakan (defeat):  i queued up for jg but i had to switch with sup bc he had no sups and panic-locked lee sin. he was in a premade with the botlaner and they both thanked me for switching with him, and me and the tristana snagged so many kills!  she called me the best support she has ever had in a game, and i was like uwu.  but we still lost bc mid versed ryze who is so fucking broken now and top fed...kayle?  somehow?   i will never understand how ppl lose to kayle lvl 1 but ok.

warwick (victory):  ganked, farmed, snagged rift herald and ended the game in only 21 minutes.  if there's one thing i love about warwick, it's that he can end the game before it even starts.  this must be why he falls off late game, bc he is so strong early... this game was a RADIANT SUCCESS.

ornn (defeat):  this game i versed a ryze and i had a twitch jg who never ganked and had no idea how to play the game in general.  we did have a fed botlane but the complete lack of jg presence screwed us.  when im versing a ryze, it's literally impossible to harass or farm at all, and i cant set up kills for my team either cuz most of the enemy team is fed.  it's just ugh!

brand (victory):  this was the most intense game ive ever played in my life.  almost everyone in the game besides me had either a dash, a speed up, a teleport, a leap... the fights were straight out of an avengers movie.  i wish i recorded it!  most iconicly of all tho, i set up a lot of kills for my team without actually taking them myself, which is important as sup.  and then we won so yeah!

xayah (victory):  even though my sona sup levonini was complete balls i still clapped the game with the best kda and 3rd highest damage.  THIS is what im looking for in my next league Main: a champion that i can do well with despite how well the rest of my team performs.  my teammates were good, but my point still remains.  i felt like how well i did was not due to me getting carried on my sup's back.

twitch (defeat):  where i feel i can carry with xayah despite how well my sup is doing, twitch is the complete opposite.  having a good sup is an automatic win, but when i dont, i do no damage whatsoever.  twitch is excruciating to play from behind bc it feels like he can never catch up, even tho he's a late game carry.


i have made my decision.

xayah, you proved this week that you're an absolute gangster.  can i call you big bird?  you're safe.

warwick, from the depths of irrelevancy you leapt into the limelight this week and really put your name on the scoreboard.  condragulations, my dear, you are the winner of this week's challenge.

brand, you're safe.


you're safe.

ornn, twitch, you both have something in common, and it's that you both have proven to be only as effective as your team is.  im sorry my dears but you are up for elimination.


two champions stand before me.  ornn, twitch, it is time to lipsync for your life!  this is your last chance to impress me and save your nexus from explosion.  good luck, and don't fuck it up!

lipsync: hero


*twitch hops around in place*

i have made my decision.

ornn, shantay you stay.  you may join the other champions.

twitch, your ambush ends here.  go forth from this competition and continue to spray and pray and slay!  but for now, sashay away.

6 champions remain.

who do you think will be eliminated next?  who are you rooting for?  who do you think will become my next league Main?





tag me lol
Sent by MrBird,Jul 24, 2019
Honestly maybe I have to stan Warwick... his arc is just so random and iconic
Sent by Absol,Jul 24, 2019
omg Ornn was almost a shock boot...still stanning Neeko and Warwick!
Sent by Whoa,Jul 24, 2019

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