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Posts 15184 posts

I doubt he can find 10-15 Jan 25, 2021
ppl who aren't biased
Points: 4 1 comments
I agree with the 18+ idea Jan 25, 2021
parents should know exactly what their kids are seeing on this website. Big Brother/Survivor is cast for adults so adults should play as such.
Points: 0 0 comments
Aquamarine acting like hes gonna be Jan 25, 2021
a "member on the council" yet hes made racist comments years back but since it happened so long ago we're just gonna forget? I made my comments months ago, so does that mean a person just stops being a racist after a certain amount of time? When is my probation over then if that's the case that's what I wanna know
Points: 0 2 comments
Y'all throwing the F word around Jan 25, 2021
like its not a derogatory term for homophobia which also falls into the profanity category just the same as the N word. Yet y'all are on this witch hunt. I may be a lot of things but I'm not a hypocrite who sets double standards based on simple hatred. xo
Points: 0 3 comments
I mailed randomize multiple times Jan 25, 2021
filing for harassment and that you guys are always mean to me so when I was drunk I made a few comments that I don't remember.
Points: 0 2 comments
Also if randomize wanted to ban me Jan 25, 2021
I'm sure he would have by now after the 2nd time because this is like the 3rd time I've done this. He clearly has more on his plate to deal with than me because you guys keep harassing him. Yeah the first thing he's going to do when he signs on is ban me for something I said months ago when everyone is throwing the word pedophile on numerous ppl, bitching about mutliple accounts which I'm sure is what he cares about most because he wants to make MONEY off this website.

Ofc hes gonna spend more time banning multiple accounts that are making free Ts off of him when he probably needs the money to fund his livelihood. So just because you hate me and prioritize me getting exiled it doesn't mean its an actual issue.

The obsession is real and its been this way since 2012' stay mad hoes
Points: 0 4 comments