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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


1stNov 5, 2011 by XRyn0618
since no one made a blog yet about maze.. ill make it :D

Maze is a new minigame that can be used in survivor/frookies/castings.. the point of the game is to make the blue ball go from the green line to the red.. to play this game u have to use the arrow keys.. and the point is to get to the red place the fastest
Practice link below

Practice link:

also unlike endurance.. the mazes are in random order

Also it alredy came out.. a tribe is playing maze as a challenge right now


+12 :)
Sent by schmooboy,Nov 5, 2011
Have you actually played itin castings/rookies/survivor yet though?
Sent by Timster,Nov 5, 2011
I like it :)
Sent by realitynerd,Nov 5, 2011
I don't like it in random order :/ it's not fair
Sent by aksp53,Nov 5, 2011
askp how is it not fair in random order? It makes it more fair. If theres a noob playing & someone whose played it over 30 times, no1 has the advantage. Because if it was in the same order.. people would know where to go each time and it'd be so dumb just like endurance. I LOVE that its random :)
Sent by Timster,Nov 5, 2011
When does it come out?
Sent by bigT,Nov 5, 2011
^ it already did
Sent by aksp53,Nov 5, 2011
iagree with as=ksp53
Sent by avatar3939,Nov 5, 2011
lol thats me ;D
Sent by somedevil55,Nov 5, 2011
Sent by saxonmath,Nov 5, 2011
Wow finally a new game!
Sent by Megan,Nov 5, 2011
I loved it!!
Sent by RobbieRIOT,Nov 5, 2011
Scored 318 with 144 time :P
Sent by TheThomas,Nov 5, 2011
i love it :D

just scored 57 on the practice link lol
Sent by Etienne,Nov 5, 2011
its really fun
Sent by dmpwb,Nov 6, 2011
timster is right :D
Sent by titan24maniac,Nov 6, 2011
86 first game
Sent by Indie,Nov 6, 2011
Idc cuz I know if I ever play it imma suck dick at it
Sent by snowflake3,Nov 6, 2011
83 on the practice link is that good :p
Sent by supergoten,Nov 6, 2011
The practice link is glitched though. Watch your score and notice it adds 1 point to your score every time...js
Sent by aliceinnewfoundland,Nov 6, 2011
seems alot of fun hehe
Sent by Ohiobeauty,Nov 6, 2011
123 on the practice link
Sent by MorganX,Nov 6, 2011
Sent by Hootyui,Nov 6, 2011
the mazes get bigger as you complete them too, the first maze is the smallest, the last ones are the biggest.

and you get points if you are going in the right way, i would have preferred you get total point for completing it instead of getting poitns for going the right direction but w/e
Sent by Piddu,Nov 6, 2011

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