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WyoChuck's blog

Posts 45 posts

To all the ragers on me... Jul 17, 2011
...I accept it. I screwed up someones charity. I did NOT want to be there but I wasn't just gonna go without a fight like we all knew I would.

I know I'm going next. I know I pissed people off. But the guy whose charity it is I'm still supporting, just those that he dragged along are in the target, I don't want to be there and i want to give people I fighting chance.

Go ahead and neg all my blogs and stuff, lets see how low we can get this one, I accept it and will not complain.

Points: 0 4 comments
Day 6: Victories and Ranks Jul 17, 2011
Day 6 on Tengage

I'm less than a week in and won my first slow casting, needless to say I'm pretty syked about it especially after I was taking shit from some vets for being a noob but I guess having 5 keys is pretty good in a 10day game...

Because of this victory I was able to buy yellow which I'm pretty syked about as well, now time to join my first rookies game, yet once I'm in I find out its a charity game. Damn :(
Points: 0 4 comments
Question on Blogs Jul 17, 2011
How is the money awarded for blogs determined?

I thought it solely depended on points but the other day I got different dollar amounts for two blogs that had the same number of points.  I'm guessing the number of posts has something to do with it as well.
Points: 0 5 comments
Day 5 Jul 16, 2011
Day 5 on tengaged.

Had a little bit of everything today. Great conversations and new friends but today I got both of my alliances busted :(

Once we invited the wrong guy and once someone randomly called out a guy in our ally and he spilt the beans trying to cover for himself (he was still evicted).

Lesson learned:

1. If you've already got the numbers don't go trying to find more allies to join.

2.  Don't turn on your ally, then EVERYONE is against you.

3.  I can't blindly trust people anymore.

So I don't think people actually read this but if you do please comment, I like posting my daily adventures but don't need to take up space.

Points: 0 2 comments
Day 4: Flippers and Reunions Jul 15, 2011
4th day on Tengaged.

Still working on figuring out whats I'm doing. 

I played 2 fast castings today, got about halfway in my first one before a flipper busted my alliance. Dang leader tried to bring too many people in and scared off one of our guys.

The second saw me teamed up with an old ally and in a familiar room, once again we made top three but I feel bad for those we had to take out both games.  Sorry man, you know who you are, its nothing personal.
Points: 12 0 comments
Whats gotten into people Jul 14, 2011
Suddenly people have been telling lies that I'm in huge alliances but somehow they can only name me and that I'm neggin people when I never do and that I send messages I haven't been.

Whats gotten into you people?  Why am I such a target?
Points: 34 3 comments