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WyoChuck's blog

Posts 45 posts

Day 10 Jul 21, 2011
10th day here on Tengaged... Really nothing eventfull happened today. I played one game and got stabbed in the back by a noob I was trying to help.  I recovered nicely and exposed him having him go next and then uncovered another ally before I finally gave in and asked to be evicted because there really wasn't much I could do at that point, might as well help make their decision easier. 

I have noticed today though that I have 6 friends, 5 of whom have added me yet there are 4 more who added me and I have no idea who they are... Thanks for the add guys but I'll add you back if you tell me who you are.

Points: 0 0 comments
Day 9 - Is this a trend? Jul 20, 2011
So day 9 on Tengaged.

I did the exact same thing as yesterday and the day before.  Played one game, did badly and couldn't connect with any players.  Now on my second game I loved the crowd I was with even if they were a little quiet.  Great playin with all you folks.  In this game I'm in the final three so I'm pretty syked. As I always am.

So I guess this is my trend: Do badly in my first game and hate the folks then do great in my 2nd game with a great group of people.

On an unrelated note my group game is kicking off, so far all we have is our first HoH which sadly was not me but its gonna get going here soon....Hopefully it will make for some good blog posts.

Points: 0 1 comments
Today I learned... Jul 19, 2011
...Many different things. Not all have to do with tengaged but I figured what the hell some of them do, might as well post about it.

1.  I have a follower on my blog.  Possibly two but I'm not sure about the second one.  My gut says you guys are just messin with me but if your not this is for you.  I should probably give credit to all the guys that passed around my name to rage neg me as well, they probably got me some readers.  Thanks to you guys as well.

2.  The internet bring out people's inner idiot.  Really look around at some of the conversations going on. Even here they can get pretty bad.  Last night when I posted a small blog on ESPN about a baseball game I went to I get lambasted pretty badly by some guy who evidently had nothing better to do than bash my team. Some peoples kids right.

3. I have no life.  Really lets be honest here I just wrote a big ole blog on things I wouldn't have learned otherwise. Oh well. Kills time I guess.

4.  You have no life?  Hey you read this, gotta say something about you right.  Nah I'm just kiddin, I'm sure you clicked it on accident.  But really thanks for reading.

Points: 0 1 comments
Day 8 Jul 19, 2011
Only played two games today.  Can't really complain though with time being an issue and all.

My first game was nothing special, took 9th but didn't really try that hard as I was distracted during a good portion of my time in the game, it was really a relief to leave so I could go about my business.

Came back about an hour ago and place in the top three in my game.  It truely was an enjoyable game, lots of folks I enjoyed talking to, believe me guys it really killed me to vote you out.  Games like that really make up for the terrible games and probably lower half of the community I played a few days ago.

Points: 0 2 comments
Day 7 - One Week In Jul 18, 2011
Day seven here, I have no active games going but figured I'd post a daily blog anyway.  Can't hurt anything right?

I wanted to play today but sadly can't because some other things just came up.

But the other day I got some major hate because I was called out be a very angry kid who pretty much said I ruined his tengaged experience so he'd ruin mine.  Pretty much made me roll on the floor and laugh to the point where I probably looked like I was having a seizure.

Whatever though, am begging to notice the higher up you go the more people can be D-Bags and the game gets less fun.  Who knows how much longer I'll stay but to you guys trying to run me out go ahead and take credit, even though you don't deserve it.
Points: 21 2 comments
??? Jul 17, 2011
I was just told I could be perma-banned for making my rookies noms as HOH. This kids on crack right? And he's the one insulting my intellegence and maturity. Some people's kids.

Really guys you gotta stop taking things too seriously, its just a game.

But to you mods out there. If I have been too disruptive to the site because of my gameplay go ahead and ban me, I'll accept my punishment wihtout question just tell me where I broke the rules.

Points: 48 4 comments