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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Begging for money =0

Jun 27, 2009 by WillyEx
Hey yall, I need T$ to buy the hippy headband from the auctions, please plus and comment, post your blogs and design links and ill plus them for you.


Sent by D0ubl31,Jun 27, 2009
Sent by xAdam93x,Jun 27, 2009
++    can u plz plus and comment...

thanks :)
Sent by badboy123,Jun 27, 2009
You can beg better than that
Sent by MeganHauserman,Jun 27, 2009
ok i hear typing long comments get ppl lots of money
It is said that dental toothbrushes and toilet bacteria are somehow connected. How unpleasant it wouldn’t be, but these rumors are absolutely true, and if not considering some strict rules in keeping the dentistry toothbrush clean than it can be easily considered that while washing your teeth you are putting the toilet brush into your mouth.
It may sound rude and impolite but latest discoveries show that your dental toothbrush is full of influenza virus, herpes simplex I, streptococci, staphylococci, bacteria that cause gum disease, cavities, and even diarrhea illness. All of them can survive and even thrive in high numbers on your toothbrushes.
Scientists have found more than 10,000,000 bacteria living on a single toothbrush. This huge number does not vary a lot. Now think how dangerous becomes the everyday procedure of ‘cleaning’ your teeth if not to take the right care about your dental toothbrush. Millions of bacteria infects the oral cavity and can badly infect your damaged gums, too.
The main reason of all this is considered the wrong bathroom design, easily met in many today houses. The restroom and the bathroom are usually situated in the same area. When you flush the toilet many water droplets are expelled from the toilet bowl into the air and affect toothbrush.
Researches in the University of Arizona proved that these expelled droplets will fall on other thing like walls, shelves, floor, sink, including your towels and dental toothbrushes. It’s not necessary telling that a big quantity of evaporated water from the toilet bowl is being inhaled regularly when you enter the bathroom.
Toilet bacteria easily infects your dentistry toothbrush because the moist bathroom’s environment is a perfect place for bacteria and different infections development. It’s well known that the fog contains the most dangerous bacteria and a healthily weak person will easily get sick.
The same situation is about bathroom places. Toilet bacteria and toothbrushes have direct contact through the evaporated water. It usually comes from flushing the toilet, washing your hands, brushing your teeth. All activities connected with water increase the probability of transporting successfully the toilet bacteria onto the dentistry toothbrush, especially if the bathroom is badly aired.
There have been found over 3.2 million microbes per square inch in the average toilet bowl. According to germ expert Chuck Gerba, PhD, a professor of environmental microbiology at University of Arizona the aerosolized toilet water is propelled as far as 6 feet, settling on your dental toothbrush inclusively.
Than, this number of bacteria increases because of keeping toothbrushes together. It can be usually met in big families who live in small flats. E. coli bacteria is commonly found on your dental toothbrushes which, if enters the bloodstream, can cause a serious infection or even death.
It was calculated that your dentistry toothbrush becomes dangerously infected in one week to one month period of time after the initial use of it. Now remember that it is highly recommended to change the toothbrush once in two, three months. Now observe that people do change their dental toothbrushes only once or twice per year. Do you see how irresponsible are some of us?
The main idea of treating safely your dental toothbrush is keeping it as far as possible from the toilet place. It should not be covered with anything. The moisture environment is more stabilized when the brush is not aired. If not considering these measures fair then try to find some special devices designed to sterilize the dentistry toothbrush for you.
Sent by wafflecone,Jun 27, 2009
Sent by MeganHauserman,Jun 27, 2009
Wafflecone :O Wow. +++
Sent by CherishFawn,Jun 27, 2009
i love u guys
Sent by WillyEx,Jun 27, 2009
+10 heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Sent by NoelSarah,Jun 27, 2009
Sent by BioDork,Jun 27, 2009
Hey Noel<3333333333
Sent by WillyEx,Jun 27, 2009
I don't have any designs.. and probably never will but +9 :)
Sent by RiDsTeR,Jun 27, 2009
plusses fo money
Sent by Emmaleigh,Jun 28, 2009

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