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Vivian's Blog

Posts 198 posts

Cherish what you have... it could be gone tomorrow Nov 8, 2010
I went to work last night to find out that 2 of my co workers have passed away. I'm still not sure how they passed but it came as a great shock to me and many others. We play these games together, sometimes we make friends and sometimes we make enemies but I think that we should all take the time to cherish what we do have in life if it be your friends, family... buddies on here, whatever it may be. You never know when the things that you cherish so much will no longer be there. I just want to say think before you fight and stuff like that and just to make each day everything that it can be. To my friends, they will be greatly missed.
Points: 25 6 comments
NO KEYS ??? Nov 7, 2010
I've seen 6 apples and no keys. It's been almost 24 hours since the last key. If anyone else having this problem or is it just my game?
Points: 0 6 comments
I want a pillow pet Nov 1, 2010
:( I don't know which one I want yet but I'm gonna get one lol. I'm way too old to have one but screw it... I want a pillow pet. They look so cuddly... kind of like some people that I know lol ;)
Points: 59 7 comments
The Real CUBZFAN26... Get To Know Him Oct 31, 2010
imageAs you all know by now that cubz is not so nice of a person... he has said some not so nice things to me and I wanted to share those things with you so that you could see what kind of person he really is. You can be the judge of what kind of person you think he is but if you agree with me then please pass this on. Thank you.

In case you can't see the photo try this link

[10/20/2010 11:21:36 PM] Cubzfans26: Wanna do a Rookies ?
[10/20/2010 11:25:47 PM] Cubzfans26: HEY SLUT, IM TALKING TO U
[10/20/2010 11:25:51 PM] Cubzfans26: FUCKING LYING WHORE
[10/20/2010 11:25:56 PM] Cubzfans26: GET OFF YOUR LAZY FUCKING ASS
[10/20/2010 11:25:58 PM] Cubzfans26: YOU BUM
[10/20/2010 11:26:03 PM] Cubzfans26: GO GET A JOB OR SOMETHING
[10/20/2010 11:26:06 PM] Cubzfans26: SLUT
[10/20/2010 11:26:14 PM] Cubzfans26: YOU LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING U DO
[10/20/2010 11:26:22 PM] Cubzfans26: YOUR A FUCKING WASTE OF SPACE ON THIS EARTH
[10/20/2010 11:26:30 PM] Cubzfans26: I HOPE YOU DIE OF ALCOHOL POISONING
[10/20/2010 11:41:00 PM] Cubzfans26: your a bitch
once again have a look
Points: 487 26 comments
To Michelle About Cubz... you think he is your friend ha ha Oct 31, 2010
imageOh Michelle baby girl. I love you like there is no tomorrow but let me tell you this that cubz is nothing but a no good for nothing liar! He has asked me over and over again for photos and all that I can give him are what are provided on my model site which are a little too much for 16 and under but nothing nude. I am a professional model and I have the right to do tasteful nudes if I want to but that has nothing to do with this site and he is theatening me to post those photos here where there are children! There is nothing untasteful about these photos and I am not in the least bit ashamed but he has NO RIGHT to post them when I trusted him not to and he promised never to. you can continue to be his friend as long as you like but this is just a warning to all.
Points: 110 6 comments
imageYou sit there and threaten me with posting nude photos of me on a website that children have access to so if you post those photos you will probably be banned for good so I hope you enjoy playing with something else because it's all that you'll have left.

BTW - this was my halloween costume... hope you all like it

BTW again... to those who are wondering, I'm a model and the photos were on my model site (tasteful nudes) but still should not be posted here.
Points: 666 40 comments