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Posts 95 posts

Favourite Quote!! Sep 22, 2011
What's your favourite quote?? Post here!!
Mine is, "Trying is the first step to failure.

You tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is: never try."
Points: 6 2 comments
Curiosity killed the cat Sep 20, 2011
And so did the car. But that's an irrelevant subject. Now, it's human nature to be nosy as hell and want to know every little quirk about someone else, but I don't think that should allow someone to post secrets about themselves, or other people for that matter. "Hey, guess what, Joey had sex when he was twelve!" or, "Miranda is pregnant!" or, my personal favourite, "I'm gay!"  I mean, I understand that you wanna get something off your chest, and that's perfectly fine. But degrading someone else's secrets just to get points for your blog that no-one reads anyway, is pure crapola! People who wanna know your personal secrets seriously need to get laid or something. I recommend it! I mean pedophiles can read that. Like, Ted Bundy, or a clown, or, or Jebus!

No-one cares about my dumb-ass opinion, but I do!

And that's all that matters.
Points: 0 0 comments
How to manipulate someone. Sep 18, 2011
If you're not a good liar, leave now, because you need to be a very good one in order to do the most basic manipulation. First your going to need someone, just make sure they aren't someone you've played with before (assuming you manipulated in the game they were in with you). Take that person under your wing BEFORE the game starts, then when the game starts, request an alliance with a random person. If you aren't too confident, have a third person that you really trust, (well, you're just gonna manipulate them later). And if the crap comes back on you, you have someone you trust to back you up. Never make a Chatzy, someone can easily back stab you and easily reveal that Chat. Sure you can clear the chat, but, odds are, you aren't gonna remember.

Pit the two people you've recruited against each other, say something like they're trying to vote each other off. If you've taken them under your wing as instructed, they'll trust you. Trust is your biggest weapon, you can twist and bend it until everyone is evicted. Never trust anyone, sure, it's easy to make friends, just because they're on your friends list doesn't mean they'll step on you for a few extra Karma.

You need to know what the human person would do when backed into a corner. Attack. They'll find any way to stay in, even teaming up with the most despicable person there because they'd have numbers against you. Remember about the person I told you about earlier, find someone you trust, this is when you take them out. Every single vote can be traced back to you, and your little friend. Refuse and run into the other alliance, say your friend was behind it all, and watch the results. Now, this isn't a nice man's game, if you wanna be a nice guy, play somewhere else.

No, this isn't a guaranteed result, i can't read every mind on Tengaged, if you get voted off real quick, it ain't my fault.
Points: 23 1 comments
Some People. . . Dec 12, 2010
Do I really have to be on 24/7 in order to get a decent standing, or should I quit my job to play this?
Points: 0 1 comments
Stars: Who Should Win? Nov 27, 2010
Obiously we are all really excited about the Stars, ZEEnon, owee, those guys, but who do you think should win? My sole cheering goes for ZEEnon, Good luck, mate! If you think someone else should win, comment on this!
Points: 4 1 comments