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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


May 14, 2013 by VisualDelirium
I'm an atheist.
I'm not an atheist because its cool,
Im not an atheist because of religious oppression in some depraved corner of the world,
I'm not an atheist because I don't think evil can exist in a world with a God,
I'm not an atheist because I think science can disprove God.

I'm an atheist because of one simple fact:
The burden of proof lies on religion. If you propose the existence of something, you must follow the scientific method in you're defense of its existence. Otherwise I have no reason to listen to you.

Adults with imaginary friends are stupid.


I like this blog
Sent by TBIbetch,May 14, 2013
visualdelirium You are positing something when you say God is not real and then the burden of proof falls on you to disprove God's existence.
Sent by user5,May 14, 2013
I changed the name, I don't feel like listing all the things that prove god isn't real.
Sent by VisualDelirium,May 14, 2013
visualdelirium You can prove a negative. You can say that there is a lack of evidence for a God(s).
Sent by user5,May 14, 2013

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