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Posts 1015 posts

"The Creature Within"! My New "Blog Book"! Jan 9, 2010
Hey guys!

If you haven't read it already, I have a new "Blog Book" called "The Creature Within"! If you'd like to enter Sarah Henderson's creepy visit to Camp Freezemouth, check out these two links!

Here is Chapter One:

Here is Chapter Two:

Thanks for reading!
Points: 3 0 comments
Light Green! Jan 8, 2010

All thanks to my new "Blog Book", "The Creature Within", I only need 4.3 T$ and 10 Karma to get Light Green!

Please comment and plus for me! Thank you SO much!
Points: 7 2 comments
"The Creature Within": Chapter Two Jan 8, 2010
Hey guys! So, how'd you like Chapter One of my new book "The Creature Within"? Exciting? Boring? Well, it's so nice to see that the first chapter came out as a pretty great success.

And now, for all you bookworms out is Chapter Two of "The Creature Within"!
Arriving at Camp Freezemouth was...well, pretty boring. I got out of the car and started exploring. Well, never mind about exploring. There WAS nothing to explore. Trees surrounded you, and the only thing you could see in the distance were those awful, ugly, DECAYING TREES.
A cool and chilly breeze swooped across my face, carrying my long brown hair directly into my mouth. I swatted the hair away, and continued to explore. The breeze came as a surprise for me. Why would there be a breeze when there are no clouds anywhere?
Nothing seemed to be different from all of the other camp sites we went to. But I noticed something. There was a creepy feeling. You know, that feeling you get when you feel like you're being watched? Yeah, THAT feeling. My goosebumps popped out, making me feel all tingly and timid.
Feeling tense and uncomfortable, I skipped back to the campsite. I decided to get my bike and go around Camp Freeze Mouth. Maybe it wouldn't be so scary if I could stop hyperventilating.
Hopping on my bike, I drove out of the campsite and onto the main road. It was quite dark by this time, about 7:00 PM, but what the heck? I've been through worse. I've actually hiked up a steep mountain at 10:00 PM at night! 7:00 PM? No biggie.
I dove through the bushes and the trees, following the main road. The funny thing to me was that there wasn't anyone else here. At least when you go to a campsite, you would see some other people, right? Well, there weren't any here.
I took a small trail that went right into the forest. I kept going, and going, and going...and going. 10 minutes passed. 20 minutes passed. 40 minutes passed.
By now, I was starting to get worried. It was almost 8:00 PM, and this trail still hadn't ended. I looked back to see if anyone was following me. Nothing. The chirping of the birds had disappeared, and it made me feel scared. I mean, who wants to be in a dark place all by yourself? That hiking trip I went to was with a group, so it wasn't scary at all. But by myself? I don't think so.
I decided to go back the way I came. Getting on my bike, I started to pedal. Then I noticed that the gears were loose. I couldn't get anywhere without my bike now.
Slowly walking, I followed the path, thinking that I should be able to get out of here. I kept walking and walking. About an hour had passed already and I still hadn't found a way to get out. I was starting to freak out, get hallucinations of evil ghosts and ghouls chasing me from behind. I started to quicken my pace, and at one point, I was already running.
I ran and ran until I ran out of breath. What happened to this trail? Why haven't I gotten out yet? I kept on walking for about 10 more minutes, but I was still in the forest.
At that time, I decided to sit down on the dusty ground and rest. If I've been trying to get out of here for one and a half hours, what were the chances that I'd make it out of here NOW?
Will I EVER get out?
Points: 109 19 comments
Hives Jan 7, 2010
Ah...just came back home from the hospital. I had a case of the hives. Something caused an allergic reaction in my body.

Points: 0 0 comments
"The Creature Within": Chapter One Jan 7, 2010
Hey guys! I'm currently going to be writing a new story, called "The Creature Within" on Tengaged in my blogs! If you like what you read in Chapter One, please continue reading by adding me as a friend, and writing your name down here, so that I may add you back. This will give you quick access to my blogs, and my new story.

Thanks again, Happy Reading, and Enjoy!

The bright sun rose up in the morning sky. My eyes opened, readjusting to the light of the sky. It was camping day. Every year during the summer, my family and I get together and go out into the outdoors to rough it up a little bit. We take a trip away from the hustling and bustling of the city, and enjoy the life outdoors. But personally, I couldn't care less. We never had much fun on these trips. Most of the time, it was just the common routine of "eat-sleep-eat-sleep", so what was the point?
If you want to know, my name's Sarah Henderson. I'm 14 years old, an average girl with no siblings. Somebody you would probably be able to relate to. Sounds pretty simple? Nuh-uh. Filled with drama, at school and also at home. Not everything I hoped it would be.
As I came down the stairs, I could smell the refreshing smells of bacon and eggs and toast flowing out of the kitchen. It made my stomach growl. Of course I would need a big breakfast before the big camping trip. This year, we were going to Camp Freezemouth. It's a weird name, I know.
After eating breakfast and loading our trunk with our stuff, we all loaded into the car. We drove a small Toyota that had plenty of trunk storage for all of our camping equipment and backpacks. The trunk space was necessary. If we didn't have enough, I'd probably be sitting in the back of the car with two sets of tents beside me.
It was supposed to be a three hour drive, not including the small pit stops we had to make due to...personal reasons. Altogether, we took about 4 hours. We passed large dense forests, stale rocky mountains, and brisk blue lakes. Every one of these scenes could have belonged on a postcard! But I couldn't care. My parents were always nagging me about each trip. They expected me to be happy. How could I be happy when I knew that something would go wrong?
Every trip went wrong.
Like that time our family went to Freer Lake. My dad was trying to take a picture of us near the lake, and a bunch of wild geese attacked him. He got bruised everywhere, and he got a few scars. We never went back there.
Oh yeah, what about that time our family went to Camp Askal? My mom went in to get firewood, and she got stung by a whole bunch of wasps that "came from nowhere", or so she said.
But anyways, it didn't matter. Every trip ended the same way, with someone getting hurt. The same boring trip with the same boring family. What difference could this trip make?
I was wrong.
Points: 82 13 comments
Pokemon! Jan 5, 2010
Points: 14 2 comments