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Posts 1015 posts

"The Creature Within": Postponed until Weekend Jan 15, 2010
Hey, people!

I know you guys might have been expecting Chapter Five to come out this week, but I've been really busy with school and stuff. I haven't been able to write it on Tengaged yet. I can tell you that it's going to VERY interesting, so please wait until the weekend for Chapter Five.

Thanks a bunch for supporting my new book!
Points: 0 0 comments
Rock, Paper, Scissors... Jan 11, 2010
Lazer Sword beats everything!

Points: 4 2 comments
"The Creature Within": Chapter Four Jan 11, 2010
Hey everyone!

Hope you enjoy Chapter Four of "The Creature Within"!

Just to let you know, I have NO idea how long this book could be. It could be 10 chapters, it could be 20. I don't know. Just keep enjoying the book. Hehe!

Happy Reading and Enjoy!
Slowly waking up, I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand, readjusting to the sunlight. Everything was so quiet, the wind was blowing, the ground felt soft...Wait, the ground?
Everything started to sink in again. The crazy trail I had followed, the bloody shirt on the ground, losing consciousness, it all hit me all at the same time. I stood up, slightly losing my balance, but straightened up after a while. I was not in the clearing anymore. I had somehow moved to a damp cave.
Okay, now I seriously had NO idea where I was. It was just a small, dark and damp cave, nothing special. What really surprised me was the pile of wild grass in the back corner of the cave. "Maybe that's just where a bear lived before.", I thought.
Hold your horses there. A bear. Wait a minute...A BEAR!? I've gotta get out of here. I ran to the opening of the cave, but something was obstructing my way out. "What is that..."
Then I noticed. It was a person!
I fell back, crawling away from the mysterious shadow. Who could this be? The shadow started to walk toward me. Well, more like LIMPING toward me.
I was still backing away from him. I didn't know what he was going to do to me. He took something from his pocket. A flashlight. He turned it on...but then I noticed that the person wasn't a man. It was a woman, about 20 years old.
The woman had a kind expression on her face, but her face was covered with dirt and soot. She had raggedy clothes, which meant that she'd been her for a while now.
She didn't say anything, but waved her hand at me to tell me that she wasn't going to hurt me. I stood up slowly, but was still alert in case she...I don't know, tried to "eat" me. Hey, if you're in a forest all by yourself for a while, wouldn't you start going crazy, ESPECIALLY when you see another human being?
I walked toward her cautiously. She opened her mouth to show me something. What I saw...would scar me for the rest of my life. Her tongue had somehow been...removed. What was left was a small stub, where her tongue SHOULD have been.
We walked slowly out of the cave. She reassured me that it was safe outside. She drew out her name with her finger. Her name was...Nathalie.
"Nathalie...Nathalie...Nathalie...", I thought. Why does that name sound so familiar? Where have I heard it before?

She guided me toward another clearing. It was definitely not the same clearing that I had been last night. It was a small beach that was deserted. A beautiful sunset appeared in front of my eyes. It was such an amazing sight after what I'd experienced last night.
Nathalie and I decided to sit down on the soft sand, and just wait until the sun disappeared. We wrote things in the sand, and she tried to tell me more about herself.
She told me that she was camping with her family. She had been separated from her family, and had roamed the forest trying to search for her parents. It started to grow dark, and she decided to settle in the small cave that I had been in a few minutes ago. Night came, and no one had found her yet. She decided to settle for the night and gathered a bunch of wild grass to use as a bed. Everything seemed quiet and she decided to sleep, when suddenly a shadow dashed into the cave. It was a big monster, nothing like a human. It had fur all over its body, and it had a deafening growl that would make all of the hairs on your arm stand straight up. The creature dashed into the cave, then ran back out right away. It was the most terrifying moment of Nathalie's life.
Her story seemed a lot like mine. I had gone exploring by myself, and had gotten lost. I told her my story, and we began to talk about our own lives.
We talked and talked, but forgot about the time. We only noticed that the sun had gone down after a very long time. We started to get scared, because we both knew that the monster would be roaming the forest once again tonight.
We cuddled together, not leaving each other's sight. We became instant friends, but we had to save each other too. Would we be able to stay alive here? Would we ever get out of this nightmare?
Points: 37 7 comments
"The Creature Within" Chapter Three is Out! Jan 11, 2010
Hey guys! Please read Chapter Three of my new book "The Creature Within"! It's a shocking tale of Sarah Henderson, a 14 year old girl who meets the unexpected on her camping trip to Camp Freezemouth!

Read Chapters 1-3 now!

Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three:

Points: 2 0 comments
"The Creature Within": Chapter Three Jan 10, 2010
Hey, you bookworms! Chapters One and Two have been a great success, and I've decided to continue writing my "blog book" on Tengaged! Thanks for all of your support!

And here it is, I present to you...Chapter Three of my new book, "The Creature Within"!

Happy Reading, and Enjoy!
I couldn't feel my legs. It was so cold that I couldn't stop shivering. My watch told me it was 10 PM, but it seemed a lot later than that. It was impossible to move.
You know, it's funny. It had only been a few hours earlier that I was at home, safe and sound without any worry. Now, I was sitting on the dirt ground, with nothing to protect me, and no food. What was I going to do?
I put in enough strength to stand up. I dragged my bike along. It obviously wasn't working, and there was no point in wasting my time to "fix" it. First of all, I didn't know how to fix it. Second, I probably didn't even have the tools to even try.
Everything was starting to get foggy. I finally noticed that the temperature had dropped dramatically, and I probably looked worse than I felt. I kept on walking, still having no hope. I couldn't even think of what would happen. It seemed like nothing was real anymore. It was just a dream.
"Just a dream, it's just a dream.", I thought. But oh, it all felt SO real.
I reached a small clearing. Nothing much but a few trees surrounding me and a bunch of shrubs here and there. Nothing there could help me survive.
And then...I saw it.
Near one of the trees was a shirt. But not just any shirt. It was red with blood, nothing I had ever seen. I slowly backed away, my eyes wide with fear. Whatever, or WHOEVER, had worn this shirt...was gone now.
Then it all sank in. Whatever had gotten this person was obviously still around. Wouldn't it still be around? Wouldn't I be its next victim? Could it just all be over?
I started hyperventilating, feeling very dizzy. The world swirled around me. The trees turned into massive monsters. Then, the ground slowly rushed up to meet me.
Points: 85 14 comments
Happy Belated New Year! Jan 9, 2010
Hey everyone! I know it might be a little late to say this, but...Happy New Year 2010!

Look at the new picture I made! You likes? XD
Points: 0 0 comments