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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Nathaniel Pretzel

Mar 21, 2014 by SmoothStalker12
Say hello to NatePresnell, the Navy trio native:

Votes Cast............... 71 / 98.... 72.4% participation
Votes in Majority.......31/71... 43.7% accuracy
Votes Cast Against....4 total
Trio: Navy w/ Jxhn(11th) & FelipeS (91st)

A vote for me is a vote for somebody who played a low effort and efficient game. I鈥檓 sticking to my philosophy and also making my speech low budget. Also, I鈥檓 bad at explaining things and I鈥檓 probably missing a lot of my game but this is what I came up with in 30 minutes!

In season 1, I was a very aggressive player which resulted in me being targeted round after round. I received a total of 82 votes and was evicted just before the final. Having to constantly make group chats and message people the vote individually every day was not something that I wanted to repeat. This time around, I wanted to flip my game 180潞 and play a simple and efficient game, and I can honestly say that I did that. If I didn鈥檛 have to spend more than a minute a day on this game, I wasn鈥檛 going to.

Read the jury questions as I think that explains what I want to explain and then if you really want read the speech but like I probably would not recommend that:

1. What differentiates you & your gameplay from the other 2 finalists? What makes you stand out as the true winner?

The main difference between myself and the other finalists is the fact that I had to navigate this game with far fewer connections than they had. A small friendship in this game can go a long way, particularly when knowing who to include in group chats, and that鈥檚 something I had with a very limited number of people in the cast. Prior to this game beginning, I had interacted with less than 10 people in this cast during my time on tengaged. I was very few people鈥檚 priorities and as a result was hardly ever added to chats without me having to ask to be added. Of course, as time went on, I got to meet more people in the cast either via the game or just from around the website. That鈥檚 why going into the final 35 portion of the game, I truly felt very protected. In PureEssence, I think I was dealt a worse hand than the other finalists were to begin with.

I therefore believe I deserve to win because I overcame the odds of being so out of the loop at the start of the game to being so well protected from the final 35 onwards without even having to put that much effort into the game. I can honestly say I probably messaged less than 15 people individually throughout this game but it was 15 people that I believe were key in getting me here. Yes this is a jury game but it鈥檚 unrealistic to think that I鈥檓 going to message and get to know over 100 people for their jury votes and I鈥檒l own that. From the final 35 onwards, I probably voted more times incorrectly than I did correctly, and from the final 15 onward, I only voted correctly 5 times. I had insulated myself so well with people that were not targeting me that I could go days without voting and be fine.

2. What was the biggest move that you pulled off? In other words, what is one event that you performed that proves you deserve to win?

Honestly, my best move in this game was somehow being able to come across as so shady to Sam_Hamwich that he excluded me from all of his plans even though I told him I wanted to work with him. I truly believe that me being so shady that it caused him to not include me in his group chat of 25 people at final 35 was the one move that landed me in this final 3. What that move did was essentially shove me to the side with 9 other people who I had not spoken to this entire game, got us to make a counter chat and take down his own chat. Now, I suddenly had a new group of 10 people that would not vote for me, I had my closest allies of Will, Bryce and James in the other chat protecting me and I really didn鈥檛 have to do much after that. The people that I met via Evan鈥檚 exclusion included people such as Holly, Patrick, Espon, Alf and Ess who all became very close allies of mine for the end game.

3. How did you use the trios twist to your advantage. If you did not use it to your advantage, why not?

Trio: Jxhn and FelipeS

I absolutely did not use this twist to my advantage because my trio was split up within the first two weeks of the game. The early stages of this game are luck and FelipeS was a casualty of a larger group chat as well as not having the necessary connections to stay in the game. The one thing I can say I did with this twist was that I would publicly tell people who my trio was in chats to draw attention off myself so they wouldn鈥檛 think I was in any trio. However, this twist did allow me to meet one of my closer allies John who I worked closely with the entire game.

4. Who do you feel was your biggest asset/helper in this game, and who was your biggest enemy/obstacle  during the course of this game?  How did you navigate those relationships?

I believe that J2999 was my biggest helper this game. Evan had a lot of pull over people in this game and I know that James was close with him and would keep my name clear in that regard. In return, I did the same for James because we were on opposite sides towards the final parts of the game. Our group chat would often use straw polls to pick people to vote for, and whenever James name was being voted, I would make sure to vote several times in the straw poll to keep him safe.

My biggest obstacle although it wasn鈥檛 mutual was Evan. The amount of influence he had over the game was ridiculous and at points annoying. I would not be included in his chats and he often sent people messages pinning me as one of the middle players that would be relayed back to me. Because the numbers were not there to get him out, I simply would message him individually every few days reminding him that I wanted to work with him so he would hopefully not vote me. In a chat of 30, why message 30 people when I can message the person calling the shots to keep myself safe.

If you have any questions let me know! (approved per PureEss legal team)


They piss me off. Not making them happy in return.
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Mar 21, 2014
since you plus my spam, i will ;)
Sent by CutieAmy,Mar 21, 2014
BlueBarracuda the faster the designs get in, the less spam they'll have to send you

CutieAmy Thank you :)
Sent by SmoothStalker12,Mar 21, 2014
That logic doesn't work though.. they are still going to spam me and faster day change = more designs = more spam.
Sent by BlueBarracuda,Mar 21, 2014

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