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The SkillzDatKillz's blog

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My Ranking of TAR Teams from the Seasons I Rewatched Sep 18, 2013
Ron/Christina (12)
Charla/Mirna (5)
Kent/Vyxsin (12)
Points: 0 3 comments
My BVW Pre-Game Ranking Sep 16, 2013
Ranking the 20 castaways on the new season of Blood vs Water on who I think will win.
20th=Colton-Obvious reasons. If he changes, that's great, but I haven't seem him yet and his "supposed" new self so I'm just basing it off of what I know and that is he is a racist and a disgusting human being.

19th=Candice Cody (Woodcock)-I really don't know why she gets so much credit as a good player and gets brought back at all. I swear it is just because of her looks. She is a terrible player social/strategic wise. She fucks everything up and it is just annoying that someone like her is being brought back.

18th=Monica Culpepper-She is one of the biggest wastes to come back. She seriously is nothing special and will easily be a non-entity. I hate when Survivor brings back people so fucking random or puts them back on the show because of someone and in Monica's case it is because of her husband.

17th=Caleb-I don't have Caleb that low because from what I hear, if Colton does end up changing it is because of him and that is awesome on his part...but that has yet to be seen so for him to even want to date someone like that puts him low on this list.

16th=Laura B.-I don't see anything special in her. I really and truly don't. She won't play a big part in the game unless she ends up being like a Lisa or Dawn. I seriously don't expect much from her at all.

15th=Rupert-I think his ego is bigger than his actual ability to win the game. I think since America gave him the million, that he believes that he is America's favorite human being. When in reality, we really don't care that much for him. Sorry Rup.

14th=Rachel-She is going to get overshadowed by Tyson easily. She says also that she may be the big crier of the season and if that happens, ughhhhhhh. Only older ladies can pull that off!

13th=Brad-I think he is going to be a great physical player for sure, but his reputation is going to hurt him big time. I don't expect him to make it far once the merge comes around.

12th=Kat-She had some funny moments in One World, but lets be honest here, she will never win the game. She is too lulzy to do anything smart and always wants to make big moves. She may be comic relief for awhile, but that will slowly fade away.

11th=Tina-I really don't see her winning again. Out of the two winners this season, Aras has a way better chance to win than Tina. She is just too old and her gameplay is legendary so people are gonna be aware of it. Hopefully she can teach Katie well so that at least her daughter can have a chance at winning.

10th=John-Now John is going to be a hit or a miss. I think he has great potential to make the merge, but then if he is not in a solid, majority alliance, I see him being cut quick when he does not have immunity. He is going to be a wild card for sure.

9th=Hayden-Same thing with Hayden just like John. I see him easily making the merge, but if anyone recognizes him from Big Brother (which they should but you never know) then he will be an early casualty.

8th=Gervase-He has the most to prove out of all the returnees and I think he has a good shot at doing well, but being on the first season and after all these seasons, I don't know if he will be able to adapt well enough to be a fighting contender. He has the potential, but can he use it well?

7th=Laura M.- She was one of my favorites in Samoa and I honestly believe she is a great player. She has a strong faith in God which I absolutely love (TEAM GOD!) and she is good at getting into the majority alliance. The only problem I see with her is that she is not afraid to get confrontational and that may not work in her favor.

6th=Tyson-Tyson is hilarious and I think that works for him. The only thing is that I just can't see Jeff saying "And the winner of Survivor: BVW is Tyson". Like it would just be a lol wut moment for me. He is too goofy/funny that I just can't take him seriously. Then again, I said the same thing for Fabio and he ended up winning. So you never know.

5th=Vytas-The first brother is down. Vytas I can see winning the game. My only problem is I'm not sure if he will be great at the social game. I can see him having a kickass strategic game and a physical game for sure because I picture him a snake, but I feel like he will lack a bit in the social aspect of the game and that will obviously hurt him.

4th=Katie-The offspring of the great Tina Wesson is here! Now we will have to see if what she learned from her mother will help her 25 seasons later. I believe she has great potential to win the game, the only problem I hold against her is that she is the offspring of the great Tina Wesson so if people catch on to Katie and see similarities between both of their gameplays, that may hurt her chances of winning.

3rd=Aras-I can see Aras being the first two-time male winner. I actually wouldn't mind it! He is probably my favorite male winner because he knows how to deal with such different personalities and be able to work with them to help achieve a common goal. My one issue with him is that will he be targeted because he already won? If he can sneak around that, then I see him having a great chance at being the first two time male winner.

2nd=Ciera-She is going to be amazing! I expect great things from her. She has been through a lot in her life and she is only in her early 20s! She had a child when she was like 17 so she is definitely going to have a strong presence just like her mother. My one thing with her is that, just like her mother though, her mouth may run her into trouble.

1st=Marissa-Obviously I put her #1 cuz, well, duhhhhh she is going to be the Queen of the season! She is strong physically, her social game seems to be in the right place, plus she said she is not afraid to make big moves when she needs to even voting out her uncle. She has a lot of potential to win and I expect a great deal from her and I can't wait to watch the Queen in action! People may doubt her because of her age, but then again, look at Jud and Jenna. They were both young and won, so there is always hope for the younger generation.
Points: 12 1 comments
A Message From Sue Hawk Towards Spencer and Andy Sep 6, 2013
image"I have no questions. I just have statements. Spencer, you are a very openly arrogant, pompous human being. But I admire your frankness with it. You have worked hard to get on the block every week and you started working hard way before you first set foot into the Big Brother House. So with my work ethic background, I give that credit to you. BUT, on the other hand, your inability to admit you suck at the game, without going into a whiny speech, makes you a bit of a loser in life. Andy, the rafting persona queen, you did get stomped on by national tv, by a city girl who never shuts her mouth let alone ever heard of the word shut up or used it in a proper sentence. You sucked on that game. Anyways, I was rooting for you at the beginning of it, really thinking that you're a good game player. I was willing to sit there and vote for you to be MVP each week and at that time you were sweeter than me because I'm not openly a very nice person. I'm just frank, forward, and tell it as it is. To have you sit there on my tv and make Elissa lose 500,000 dollars just to stomp on somebody like Candice. But as the game went along and the alliances crumbled, you lied to us all. Which showed us what the true person that you are. You are very two-faced and manipulative to get where you are at anywhere in life. That's why you fail all the time. So at this point in the game, I just decided to go out and stop watching the show just to hold my dignity and values in check and hoping that I didn't lose too many of them and, uh, watch the show just as long as possible and hang in there just as long as possible. But Andy, go back a couple of times Helen said to you, "What goes around, comes around"'s here. You will not get Elissa's vote, it will go to the Baked Lays. And I hope that is the one vote that makes you lose the money. If it is not, so be it. We will shake your hand and go on from here. But if I were to ever pass you along, in life again, and you were laying there dying of thirst, I will not give you a drink of water. I will let the vultures take you and do whatever they want with you. With no ill regrets. I plead to the jury tonight, to think a little bit about the house you have been living on. This house is pretty much filled with two things: Floaters and Rats. And in the end of this house, we have Spencer the floater, who knowingly floated through this game and Andy, who turned into the rat, that ran around like rats do in this house, trying to run to the HoH. I feel like we owe it to the producers and Julie Chen that we have come to know to let it be in the end the way the game intended it to be, for Alison Grodner to bring back Rachel and let her win.
Points: 30 0 comments
Top 10 Hottest Survivor Black Gurls Aug 17, 2013

Overall, she is the perfect package. She can easily be one of the best looking females out of all the reality tv shows. She's got such beautiful eyes, a gorgeous body, a smile only God himself could hand create, she just destroys in this category hands down! B E A UTIFUL!!!

Honorable Mentions:
Alicia Calaway

Points: 79 3 comments
Top 10 Hottest Survivor Black Gurls Aug 17, 2013

I've had the biggest crush on Tijuana forever and she will forever be my personal best looking black female (actually she beats everybody) in the history of the show. She was soooo damn pretty! Her smile is out of this world gorgeous! She has an amazing body and a great set of legs to go along with it! Ugh I absolutely love Tijuana to death!!

Points: 22 2 comments
Top 10 Hottest Survivor Black Gurls Aug 17, 2013

It breaks my heart that she didn't win, but at least she wins in the beauty department! She is stellar!! I mean, she's got probably the best hair out of all of them! I love it!!!! Her smile is sooo pretty plus she has a nice face and a nice body to go along with it. God I love me some Sabrina!

Points: 33 4 comments