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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


1stMay 4, 2018 by Sameed27


Sent by danyyboy67,May 4, 2018
Sent by Kingkumar,May 4, 2018
Sent by oswordo3,May 4, 2018
Sent by Matisse,May 4, 2018
Sameed27 is one of the nicest people I have played a game with on Tengaged. He may have made a mistake, but in the past so have you, Matisse. #forgiveandforget  #itstengaged #notimportant
Sent by Jujubee,May 4, 2018

Aw, thank you! I loved that casting we've played together! Maybe we can play one together sometime? :)
Sent by Sameed27,May 4, 2018
Release all the chats of you crying like a little girl when you dont win, blaming other people when you get 4th in fastings, and generally whining like a little bitch about absolutely everything that doesn't go your way. PLEASE do that instead of this useless blog always playing the victim card bullshit since that's all you can ever do is play victim to people that don't know the true rat snake cry baby little bitch you are in reality.
Sent by Slynxis,May 4, 2018
First of all, love your grammar, and yes I totally love playing victim! I didn't even have to make this blog, but you're grandmother called me a pussy and that I don't have the balls to say anything. Second of all, I'm not the one getting catfished by a 55-year old.
Sent by Sameed27,May 4, 2018 are a pussy along with a snake and crybaby so was something said here not accurate? Oh but wait in the fantasy victim card world you live in none of it is true and you are a nice person I forgot.
Sent by Slynxis,May 4, 2018

You keep repeating the same thing over and over here, and the casting chat..
Sent by Sameed27,May 4, 2018
I told you and everybody the kind of trash she is! You were one of them, you get what you deserved. Anyway, I'm glad that you realized now!
Sent by KatieBell,May 4, 2018
Sent by meduncan,May 5, 2018
DEAD at this all
Sent by Matisse,May 5, 2018
We believe you don't worry. She's always been a generally horrible person. And slynxis probably isn't even relevant to this convo so why he's throwing his two cents in is beyond me
Sent by BrainJak,May 5, 2018
Sameed27 Yaaas girl stand up for yourself
Sent by BambiBoo6,May 5, 2018
Thank you sameed!
Sent by jjvawesomeness0511,May 5, 2018
I'm sorry matisse but we aren't friends anymore, I understand this for real now
Sent by jjvawesomeness0511,May 5, 2018
Sent by fuckshroom,May 5, 2018
I have a lot of shit on Tracey if anyone is interested
Sent by fuckshroom,May 5, 2018
fuckshroom I would love to know!
Sent by Sameed27,May 5, 2018
sameed27 Basically when she started this website she was a catfish and I exposed her and leaked her real identity, she denied it for a long time but eventually admitted to it and started post  pictures of her real self on here acting like she was sexy when she really wasn't. I trolled her for a while by posting videos of her dancing and shit and kept exposing her multis because its really obvious with all the gifs and music videos. She took down all her blogs of when she was a catfish on her bklyntracey account. I screenshotted a lot if shit that she has done and still have it so if you need anything lmk. I also have a way that you can prove its her but I can't say it on this comment or else she will read this and it won't work
Sent by fuckshroom,May 5, 2018

You can mail it to me :)
Sent by Sameed27,May 5, 2018
please vote
Sent by PIM1234,May 5, 2018
Sent by dutchone29,May 5, 2018
fuckshroom Just saying but stalking someone and posting videos of them IRL on a website is taking it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to far. I don't know what Matisse or Sams life is like irl and making assumptions about ones life based on whatever bias you have is not fair in regular life or online.

I think everyone has their own emotions and feelings and I do not support bullying of ANY kind, I wish everyone would just be kind to one another. Nobody deserves to be harassed, end of story, period, and leaking someones real identity AGAINST them is certainly in that category. All parties, everyone involved. There are two sides to every story.
Sent by greyconverse,May 5, 2018
eyoomarcus you need to stop making multis and bullying people , GET A LIFE SIS
Sent by Crayadian,May 5, 2018
greyconverse If you are a catfish then you deserve it. End of story.
Sent by fuckshroom,May 6, 2018
Sent by Disneybabe,Jul 5, 2018
Sent by Disneybabe,Jul 5, 2018

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