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The SUGG007's blog

Posts 32 posts

Centipedes Aug 10, 2016
Giant tropical centipedes share their territory with tarantulas. Despite it's impressive length, it's a nimble navigator, and some can be venomous. As quick as lightning, just like the tarantula it's killing, the centipede has two curved hollow fangs, which inject paralyzing venom. Even tarantulas aren't immune from an ambush.
This centipede is a predator.
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one time i took my dad to comic con and he found the body pillow section Aug 10, 2016
but one time i took my dad to comic con and he found the body pillow section (please keep in mind my dad is about 6'7-6'8 and was at the time dressed as shiro fujimoto from Blue Exorcist, cause me and my brother were Rin and Yukio.) well he found a character so he held up the naked pillow (usually they have sticky notes over the boobs and privates) well he screams to me and my brother "hey! insert my name isnt this the character you like?" at which point the sticky notes fell off. So a 6'7, 45 year old man, dressed as basically satan was screaming at his kids across a convention center while holding up a naked body pillow... we stopped taking my dad to cons.
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Harambe is no laughing matter Aug 10, 2016
People joke and laugh and criticize how a movement embodied by the phrase "Dicks out for Harambe!" can ever gain momentum and grow into more than a bad joke which is frowned upon. The truth is, "Dicks out for Harambe!" is a battle cry and a revolt against reason, spurring humanity to not only literally but also metaphorically extricate their own phallic objects in a display of carnal animalism. For you, me, and Harambe alike are one and the same, animals in this desolate world.
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Why I'm getting a bowlcut Aug 10, 2016
It seems now that the rate by which mass murders of whites by barbaric nonwhite animals is increasing at a rate that we can no longer see as tenable. Leaders of white countries, instead of addressing the plague that is upon us, tell us that we can simply learn to live with terrorism. From Europe to the United States, hordes of subhuman nonwhite animals in black, Muslim, and Mexican form threaten our very existence and the continuance of our culture and people. What is it that we can do to respond to this?
Many in the white community feel that we must continue to use methods which are peaceful and do not scare anyone. This is a betrayal of our race and heritage. Within the ancient Nordic poetry, we can simply look to the Volundarkvidha and see what should be done to the children of one's enemies. In response to unlawful imprisonment, Volund murders the sons of those responsible and rapes their daughter.
Many criticize Anders Breivik for killing the sons and daughters of the Marxist elite which were actively being trained to destroy his nation in a Marxist training camp. Let us reconsider and realize that his actions are completely in line with the poems that founded European morality.
I unequivocally support the killing of children. I believe that our enemies need such a level of atrocity inflicted upon them and their homes that they are afraid to ever threaten the white race with genocide ever again. So the hordes of our enemies from the blacks to the Jews to the federal agents are deserving of fates of violence so extreme that there is no limit to the acts by which can be done upon them in defense of the white race.
We will not relent until far after their daughters are raped in front of them. We will not relent until far after the eyes of their sons are gouged out before them. We will not relent until the cries of their infants are silence by boots stomping their brains out onto the pavement.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. We must secure this by any means necessary. Our enemies have made it clear: us or them. Let it be us. White genocide cannot continue.
So if I support killing children, I of course support killing adults as well. Dylann Roof's trial is coming up and I am thankful for his personal sacrifice of his life and future in defense of his people. In honor of Dylann Roof, I will be growing out a bowlcut in solidarity for his trial. As the white supremacist terrorist prophet Sam Hyde once said, "I just got the ultimo bowl cut." 14/88
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Trump Aug 10, 2016
President Trump will hopefully fix all the problems this clown of a president has created. President Trump will be one of the greatest presidents in history. Following the worst president in history, by far, this is exactly what America needs more than ever. Obama single handedly formed ISIS, created the Syrian refugee crisis, gave the go ahead to Iran to get nuclear weapons, destroyed the health care in America, decimated the millions of jobs, more than doubled the nation's debt (more than every other president added together) and made unemployment the highest it may have ever been. 60% unemployment with black American youth, over 20% over all. Not to mention the fact that he made America the laughing stock of the world. Good job Obama, "Destroy America from within," is his motto.
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I'm a dab God Aug 10, 2016
I hope they know that I'm being completely serious and I dab like a fucking pro. I learned from only the masters who have graduated college by only their pure will to dab. I come from an elite family of assassins who will stop at nothing to make sure anyone who dabs incorrectly will, in fact, be eliminated. There are no obstacles, nothing at all in my way to bring the Dab Queen. No, not a Trap Queen, not a Drag Queen, but the highest rank of all, the Dab Queen. I can end your life with a swift movement of my dab, and that's not a prank. You think you're original with your 'dank memes' and 'Peep' jokes? Well, you've been proven wrong by me, and only me, the Dab Pro. Not everyone can meet my price when it comes to my hitdab service, and the lowest amount of money I will take is $89,627.34. Those who have stepped up and paid me to eliminate someone with the power of pushing my delicate forehead into my powerful elbow were never dissatisfied with my work. I always bring their life to an end with no more than a single dab.
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