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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

World's Apart would've been much better if Mike went home earlier

Jun 2, 2015 by RodneyRules1219
If Mike used the idol on Shirin, he would've come in seventh, leaving the alliance of Five + Shirin at the final six. Once they eliminated Shirin, it would've gotten really good.

My dislike for Mike aside, if Mike and Shirin were eliminated leaving (presumably) Rodney, Will, Dan, Carolyn, and Sierra as a final 5, the season would've been awesome! There is the problem of whether they would be well liked, but it was fairly obvious that Mike got a really good cut and Will and Rodney got really bad ones. Will's just a bad guy, cut or no cut, though his only problem was his Shirin explosion.

The alliance would've had to fold to figure out who was the final three, and I would venture a guess that it would be Rodney, Dan, and Will, with Rodney winning. If this was true, the cuts would've been a whole lot different, and Rodney and Dan might actually be viewed as good people. Mike could've been a villain, you never know! Maybe Sierra would've been slightly relevant (let's be honest, what move did she make?).

The even BETTER scenario is that they vote out Mike, THEN Joe. This leaves Jenn, Shirin, Tyler, Carolyn, Dan, Will, Sierra, and Rodney. The Super Six would still be intact, Jenn and Shirin get to stick around for two more episodes. Final Six, it's three blue collars, two white collars, one no-collar. This is where the biggest moves of the game come in.

Overall, this season had a great underdog story, but it could've gone down in history gameplay-wise if Mike goes home earlier, and this isn't just my dislike for Mike speaking.



I think I might do controversial blogs like this about Survivor more often. It gets a good conversation going.

Sent by RodneyRules1219,Jun 2, 2015
Yeah Mike got a GREAT edit obviously but I frankly hate immunity streak winners normally. I didn't like Bob in Gabon, I REALLY didn't like Mike here but I mean what else was there. Will? Shirin? Rod? Lol the cast got all the strong players out early and left idiots with no social game or strategy at the end. The only person I saw who played a half decent game was Mama C who I think deserved the win frankly. She convinced Mike to save her and gave her a chance over Rod and Dan? That in itself is a big move as she (assuming the jury was fair) was the ONLY other chance at the win. Idk Worlds Apart wasn't spectacular for me but I hope Cambodia will be better lol
Sent by WitZ,Jun 2, 2015

I think Rodney gets some crap he really shouldn't. I mean I hate to talk about cuts, but from watching/reading post-game interviews with Carolyn and Mike, it wasn't like they hated him. Carolyn said she would've taken him on a reward if she got the chance, and Mike said he thought Rodney had the best chance of beating him.

Carolyn DEFINITELY deserved the win. She was awesome and I don't see why she didn't make Cambodia, though Shirin and Joe should be fun to watch.
Sent by RodneyRules1219,Jun 2, 2015
yeah, so you want Mike to save Shirin to screw himself over, XD. Anyway, we wouldnt have know if Mike will make f3 at f5 anyway as we didnt know if Mike can win 5 challenges.
Sent by jonghyun408,Jun 2, 2015
that's one way it happens jonghyun408 ... however, they could also vote out Mike instead of Joe. if they do that, the dynamic of the season changes drastically. Mike was very overrated and, to me, just seemed fake.
Sent by RodneyRules1219,Jun 2, 2015
Tbh the super six alliance SUCKED! The only good players were Rodney and Carolyn. Mike was ok, but he relied on Immunity... Will, Dan, and Sierra were just extra and Tyler was ehh.. nothing too big.
Sent by Duffybutt11,Jun 2, 2015
Tyler was a good player, but he got way to wrapped up with Carolyn. Sierra was irrelevant and made 0 moves. Will was a floater, Dan got an advantage, and Shirin went from liked to hated to liked to hated among the cast.

Favorite moment...

Mike: I don't like coattail riders. *makes alliance with Sierra*
Sent by RodneyRules1219,Jun 2, 2015

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