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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The HOF Games-Episode 15

Aug 27, 2011 by PinkTuhtle
Season 1-ILM

1. Damien(BbDamien)-Voided by Owee in Week 8 Pt.1!
2. Matt(Phenomanial)
3. Sandizzle
4. Fink(Finklestein)
5. JesseM
6. DinoM
7. Aquamarine-Didn't get chosen for a team.
8. Minsi(Minsikid)
9. Matty(MattyBB9)-Voided by Owee on Week 13!
10. WillyEx-Voided by Emmaleigh on Week 10
11. TeePee(PrincessTeePee)-Voided by Owee on Week 8pt.2
12. Emmaleigh
13. Owee(Owee13)
14. Lonlee-Voided by Damien in Week 7!
15. Etienne-Voided by Megan Week 5!
16. Alegeeter-Voided by Alegeeter Week 4!
17. Megan-Voided by JesseM in Week 12!

Week 14

Owee's new deal with JesseM and DinoM seems promising, but Owee fears he might get backdoored. He strikes a final two deal with Minsi, and then devises a plan to get JesseM,DinoM,Minsi & Emmaleigh against Matt.

Matt tries to get Sandizzle and Fink against the growing alliance.

At the next challenge, Minsi falls first and gets put in the box. Emmaleigh wins paymaster. Outnumbered, Matt & Sandizzle get throwed into the box.

Emmaleigh: Last girl standing? This week,I think everyone can feel a little more anxious because we're so close to the end that we're losing sight of winning. But the honest fact is that Fink is the biggest floater along with Minsi,which is why they need to go.

Fink: You dumb bitch I'm not in the box you botox whore!

Minsi: I'm the in the box,and botox is for old women.

Fink: She's like fucking 76!

Emmaleigh: Anyways,the check that is voided.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................MATT.

Your the big threat out of those three. Bye.

Matt: Great to leave. I guess at the end I sorta didn't want to win for the simple fact that this game has gotten so many hands dirty.

What will happen at final 7? Stay tuned.

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