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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The HOF Games-Episode 3

Aug 26, 2011 by PinkTuhtle
Season 1-ILM

1. Damien(BbDamien)
2. Matt(Phenomanial)
3. Sandizzle
4. Fink(Finklestein)
5. JesseM
6. DinoM
7. Aquamarine-Didn't get chosen for a team.
8. Minsi(Minsikid)
9. Matty(MattyBB9)
10. WillyEx
11. TeePee(PrincessTeePee)
12. Emmaleigh
13. Owee(Owee13)
14. Lonlee
15. Etienne
16. Alegeeter
17. Megan

Week 3
With the teams chosen,they are forced to choose 1 side of the house to sleep in. JesseM, DinoM, Megan & Lonlee already create a plan for majority in their team just in case, and enlist Owee's help for numbers. In turn, Willy and both of the Matt's also devise a plan, but plan to get numbers from the Gold team instead.

On the Gold Team,Damien takes Sandizzle and the two form a secret final 2 alliance. With Fink the only person from his final 4 alliance on his team, he quickly gets Fink,Sandizzle and Minsi together to form the Bromance Alliance.

In their first challenge, Green Team's Willy, Matty & Matt try to throw the challenge, which becomes clear to Jesse. Owee begins to question whether he should take out frontrunner Jesse with Willy and the Matt's, or stick to his deal. In the end, The Green Team pulls a victory,shocking the Gold team.

The Gold Team goes to vault and votes in TeePee,Alegeeter and Etienne. The paymaster is decided, and the paymaster is DinoM.

Who will Dino eliminate? Find out next time on Hall of Fame Games!


easy vote
Sent by DiNoM,Aug 26, 2011

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