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The Super Awesome Pa(i)ges

Posts 18 posts

Nothing against MarkiePoo (Or any shop owners)... Jun 1, 2010
Hey everyone,

Firstly, I have nothing against the shop owners or anything, they all seem incredibly nice and I wish them all the best of luck and I'm not sure how the whole shop thing works but I've been reading through the rules and trying to understand it.

So my question is, instead of buying the 475T$ shirt, wouldn't it be worth saving up the extra 25T$ or so (From what I know I think it cost 500 to get your own shop) and making your own shop and selling yourself and the public some 1T$ designs?

Again, I don't know how it all works and I honestly wish Markie and the shop owners the best of luck, I just want to make sure I understand what is going on.
Points: 77 4 comments
4th Place... May 29, 2010
Hey everyone,

I just want to say I am so sorry to all my betters. I seriously don't understand how 4th place happened. I had more activity than anyone in the game. I really liked everyone, they were such great friends and I had so much respect for them. My last day activity was absolutely insane. Someone I truly like and care about was negging my private messages apparently and it cost me the game that I controlled the entire way.

I lost to a person who had less than 1 hour of activity the entire game but had veto 3 straight times. This man had over 13 hours of inactivity every single day.

I still like all the people in that Rookies but I seriously don't understand. There is something seriously wrong with the algo choosing the winner.

Congratulations, I guess, Kgaddis, if I wasn't second place you apparently had it in the bag since we were 4-10 times more active than anyone else in that game at any given time.

Really sorry betters... that was the most bets I have ever had and the way I was controlling the game, I thought it was in the bag.
Points: 78 7 comments
You should vote! May 27, 2010

Hey everyone!

You don't have to vote for me, I just think it would be fun to get more people involved :) Best of luck to my fellow contestants! Let's have some fun!
Points: 13 1 comments
Dark Green May 7, 2010
I am dark green now, please assist me with some T$? (Let's be honest, that's the only reason anyone blogs about their color level)
Points: 43 5 comments
Why Russell's Move Was Great. May 6, 2010
Alright first of all, I would like to say before I talk about Russell at all, I HATED Sandra in Pearl Islands and I was honestly unhappy when I saw she was in this season and I have to say, she has truly impressed me thus far and I am incredibly happy she is around.

Secondly, Russell's only mistake thus far was underestimating Sandra.

Thirdly, I LOVE that Russell cut the tie between Parvati and Danielle, could Russell beat Danielle in the Final 3? Yes. Could Russell get to the Final 3 with Danielle around? I don't think so entirely. Russell openly admits that he realized he is not in control of the game completely. What did Russell's move of removing Danielle do? It gave him an opening with the Heroes, it put Parvati in her place, and he is once again sitting in a position of power.

Russell will ALWAYS have Jerri in his pocket. The second he did the amazing move against Tyson, she was won over, and that was the million dollar play right there. When Russell showed what he would do for his alliance, he won Jerri, and it paid off (again).

Parvati is a great player, I'm not going to sit here and act like anyone in the game shouldn't be there, I have seen some true colors of players I was not impressed with in their past seasons. So honestly, if you have a favorite player that is not Russell, I totally understand. I have no hate feelings towards any of the players and I hope you understand that I am only writing this because I saw some of the blogs before I saw the episode and I was thinking "Wow, looks like Russell doesn't make a good move..." but that's not the case, I just think people keep themselves closed off from him and his reasoning.

I honestly don't believe Russell will get a single vote to win the game, but he surely does deserve to be there and every time he plays survivor he adds another element to make it more interesting.

Best of luck to your favorite players, and I hope they make it as far as possible!
Points: 29 5 comments
Congratulations Ev32! And Betters! May 4, 2010
Hey everyone,

So we are on the final day of my first Rookies and I am happy to say that I went all the way without being nominated. It was an amazing experience and I like Rookies so much more than castings.

We had some AMAZING surprises throughout this run and it was an absolute joy meeting some of these people. I would like to say Congratulations to Ev32 and his betters because I believe he is getting 1st Place (again) and I'm looking at 2nd or 3rd.
Points: 43 4 comments