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Real names of BB cast revealed! Jun 30, 2014

(hint: it's alphabetical)
Points: 72 6 comments
My initial thoughts on the first 8 cast members. Jun 26, 2014
Sup 'Gaged, been almost 9 months since I've done anything on this site. Can't say I'll ever have the time to play any games ever again but y'all are entertaining as fuck when it comes to blogging during Big Brother so I'm back for that haha. Just thought I'd give my opinion on the cast cause I'm bored.

1) Amber - She comes off as the smartest and the biggest competition threat out of all the girls. However I think she'll have trouble keeping a target off her back for that reason once people recognize how potentially dangerous she can be, and thus will be a mid-game exit.

2) Donny - He sounds so EXACTLY like Marty Huggins from the movie 'The Campaign' that I laughed the first 4 or 5 times he spoke. His demeanor and home state make that comparison all the more parallel. Donny comes off as a genuine guy but I'm not sure if he'll be able to translate his Big Brother superfan knowledge into gameplay. He has every telltale sign of a 7th-5th place floater. I like him a lot though and hope he does well.

3) Cody - Thankfully less of a douche than I thought he was gonna be. He didn't do anything gameplay wise in this episode though and isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Not sure how I think he's gonna do yet, we didn't see enough of him.

4) Joey - She has the best social skills of the girls (and second overall n that only to Frankie as far as I can tell). I think jumping into the 4 girls alliance right off the bat was a terrible, terrible idea. You can't start an alliance of that kind before you've even met half the cast and expect it to they waited a day to assess what the other 8 would bring to the table and adjusted accordingly, the end product would be much better.

5) Devin - Really nice guy who has his mind in the right place to start. Was one of the ones to push forming an all 8 alliance as a fallback for what could happen when the other 8 come in was smart, and making an unexpected alliance with Donny was smarter. However he is going to struggle mightily in that he's likable and threatening enough to carry a massive target with him going forward. He will do better than Howard did last season though, he already comes off as more socially savvy.

6) Frankie - Was the most pleasant surprise of the episode. I had a negative opinion of him going in because I thought he type-casted to be the princess of the season (based on his youtube videos), but outside of the flamboyancy he definitely isn't one. He is the most socially skilled player in the first 8 by far, and as long as he can avoid an obvious alliance controlling role he will do well.

7) Nicole - Quiet girl who has a lot of smarts buried under an image that she gives off as vulnerable and innocent. She was the most skeptical of the all girls alliance and that got respect from me. She will definitely not be an early target and if she can maneuver herself into a position of quiet influence she will do well. However I think she'll to passive to win.

8) Paola - Already my least favorite by a mile. She's full of herself and gives off a vibe that she thinks everything is centered around her. Creating "her" alliance of girls is gonna come back to shoot her in the face because she can be blamed as the ringleader pretty easily. Her gushing over Cody is also gonna bite her in the ass. I can guarantee though that when she inevitably goes on the chopping block, some entertaining ass shit is going down.

P.S. If anyone wants a gift and can provide a logical reason why I should gift them below, let me know. I have $3500 Ts that I won't be using haha.
Points: 31 5 comments
I'll gift someone if this makes the top blog Sep 29, 2013
Just post your best one-liner and whichever makes me chuckle most gets gifted.
Points: 6 3 comments
My End of Season BB15 Rankings! Sep 20, 2013
I'm basing these ranking off of a 2 part scoring system. The first number is a grade of their gameplay 1-5, followed by a grade of their likability (in my eyes) from 1-5. Tiebreaker is finishing order.

16) David - 2 Points (1/1) - Overall he was a completely wasted casting slot. He was beyond stupid and had no idea what he was doing in the house or why he was even there in the first place. There are thousands of better personalities they could've gone with, we got more than enough surfer bum with Braden S11 than we ever needed.

15) Jeremy - 3 Points (2/1) - There's a fine line between being confident and being a total douchebag. I think we all know which side Jeremy falls on. While he did get involved with the Moving Company early, his actions and personality helped kill the alliance. Had he been more humble and friendly towards the people outside of his small circles, he could've gone somewhere in the game.

14) Candice - 3 Points (1/2) - Let's admit it, she was cast more for her interesting backstory and potential drama spark than she was for her brains and strategic mindset. She had no real plan and essentially floated herself into a low jury slot. I don't like her because she preferred to start drama (like call random house meetings to call people out) rather than think of a smart way to get off the bottom of the totem pole.

13) Kaitlyn - 4 Points (2/2) - She was close to winning almost every competition she competed in, but her preference to cling to Jeremy and show her mean girl side in the early part of the game pretty much doomed her from the beginning. She didn't try and make a good move until her fate was already sealed, when she agreed to a fake alliance with Judd and crew. She never had full control of her own game. And she also got pretty nasty, especially towards Jessie that one night.

12) Elissa - 5 Points (2/3) - This is where my opinion swings way far away from the majority. First off, anyone who thinks that Elissa played a good game doesn't deserve to call themselves a Big Brother fan. With her 3 opening HoH's she could've easily put herself in a position of power by using it to form tight bonds with a lot of people. Instead, she would up clinging to Helen's coattails up until Helen left. It was through Amanda's work that she survived the first 2 weeks, not her own. She then proceeded to do nothing all game until she won her HoH, which she completely blew by not putting McCranda up together. In that situation, if you're going to go after a power couple, you either put them up together or you continue to work with them and take out floaters. As we know the plan backfired when Amanda won veto, and her HoH was wasted taking out Aaryn.

From a likability standpoint, I hate her for entering the game with a free advantage that she didn't earn just because her sister is Rachel Reilly. I also don't like that she comes off as a bit of an elitist and talks condescendingly about others because she feels her position in society is superior. She's also unbearably boring and devoid of personality on the live feeds. Aside from those things though, she held strong during Amanda's reign of terror and I respect her for that. I also respect how she stayed out of drama and wasn't much of an attention whore like her sister.

11) Spencer - 5 Points (2/3) - The argument for Spencer's game is that he had no blood on his hands and survived the block 8 times . I would applaude him for that strategy (one vaguely similar to Dr. Will's) IF Spencer had actually intended for things to work out that way. No, he wanted the Moving Company to work, he wanted to be off the block more than anything.

10) Aaryn - 6 Points (4/2) - Yes, she was a competition beast. Yes, she was brilliant for digging herself out of the hole she was in after 3 weeks. But her ignorance to apologizing for the remarks she made is inexcusable, and she loses a lot of likability points for that. Maybe in a few years, once she's had some time to mature, she will be a better BB player.

9) Amanda - 6 Points (4/2) - Up until Judd was brought back into the game, Amanda was absolutely dominating the season strategically. Once Judd returned and Elissa became HoH, she played herself out of the game. She became far too paranoid and cocky at the same time, and I'm pretty sure she has bi-polar issues. Her personality at the beginning of the game seemed awesome, but as time went on we got to see how twisted and fucked up she is. She was easily the most disliked person by the BB fans as whole. That said, I think she is would be PERFECT for an all-stars season, because all star seasons need big brained villains to be entertaining (ala Russell Hantz in Survivor).

8) McCrae - 6 Points (3/3) - McCrae's biggest problem in the game is that he isn't very well spoken. He knew what he needed to do (mentally) up until he was "exterminated," but he could never really talk to the other houseguests and establish the personal relationships with them like the others could. That said, he can turn on the beast mode when he needs to in competitions. McCrae was alright in my book because he was a great example of a real person getting to play BB rather than the many big personalities and mactors.

7) GinaMarie - 6 Points (3/3) - The question posed to her in the finale about ehr biggest game move was hilarious, because she honestly did nothing besides jump into the Exterminators and take out Amanda. She was a lucky floater up until that point. Her lack of fluency when trying to express her thoughts also hurt her gameplay. As a person she was fun for the most part, but the way she acts about Nick is creepy as fuck. And she was also part of the mean girls tirade in the beginning of the season. So I can't say I like her a lot.

6) Nick - 7 Points (3/4) - Nick was my pick to win going into the season. He understood the game better than almost everyone else, and was a likable guy who wasn't full of himself, bitchy, or dull. That said, once he had the moving company he just stopped trying to communicate with the other people in the house. Everyone was scared of him because they didn't know what hw was doing. Had he established a good relationship with people like Helen and Amanda early on, I think he would've gone DEEP into the game.

5) Jessie - 7 Points (2/5) - Gameplay wise, she was a floater and nothing more. She could never get anyone to follow her lead on anything, instead she had to do what others told her until she was evicted. However, she was my favorite girl from a personality standpoint. She was the only person who wouldn't roll over and play dead, instead she tried to blow the house up without attacking anyone personally (*cough* AMANDA *cough*). She was down to Earth and also hilarious when she needed to try and save herself. Props to her for that.

4) Helen - 7 Points (4/3) - Oh Helen, the most overly-enthusiastic player in BB history. Her gameplay was brilliant and she had such a good way of convincing people to follow her lead, and she probably would've won if Andy didn't backstab her the way he did. She knew what needed to be done and made it happen up until her eviction week. She kind of annoys me though because she was all over everyone and pretended to be their best friend when they won HoH competitions. It was a bit fake and excessive and it pissed me off. Also when she would do things like compare Aayrn to Janelle, that pissed me off too.

3) Howard - 8 Points (3/5) - I liked Howard more than anyone else on the season. He was genuinely nice and cared about everyone, and comforted everyone who deserved it. He was targeted by Amanda for that very reason. His big mistake in the game was lying to Helen about the Moving Company, and that ultimately cost him his game. He also hurt his chances with those weird monologues of metaphors he would go on. Ultimately though, he was my favorite from a likability standpoint, and would love to see him play again.

2) Judd - 8 Points (4/4) - Judd the studd played the game exactly how I would have. He built good connections with people and waited to know everyone's game before he started making alliances and deals. Both times he was voted out, it was because he was the most liked person in the house and people wised up to it. He was so down to Earth and genuine, goddamn I wanted him to win. Oh well, hope to see him back sometime soon.

1) Andy - 8 Points (5/3) - He played the best game in the house, and it isn't even close. His social game was brilliant, and his timing with making his alliances couldn't have been better. He helped remove the big guns early on, took out the floaters after that, and when the time was right formed the Exterminators to get to the end and win. You can't argue against his strategy because he's 500k richer now. As far as me liking Andy, he wasn't bad but he also wasn't a golden child. He annoyed the shit out of me with how he seemed to cry at everyone's eviction and play the victim like he wasn't the mastermind until his targets were gone. It was bitchy, but great gameplay.
Points: 0 4 comments
I'm a grown ass straight dude Sep 15, 2013
and I almost cried when I heard Britney Hayne's infant daughter has cancer. It's just heartbreaking :(
Points: 23 2 comments
Let CBS know that this season sucked. Sep 12, 2013
Best way to do that is to vote DAVID for America's favorite
Points: 74 4 comments