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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

How I won Castings Game 9340

Aug 13, 2009 by Nintendowan6
I thought I'd share a little insight on how I won first place in my first tengaged game!! To my fellow houseguests, you played a great game. Please don't be upset with any comments here. It's nothing personal, just a game. Lastly, I won't share ALL of my strategies (because I obviously want to play more games on here!!).                                                                 

I started the game knowing I wanted an alliance. I made an alliance with 4 people. I figured that would be a good number. I won't reveal them all because they may not want it known. Beagle was the first one I made an alliance and we stayed true to the end (ironically he got 2nd place). My first mistake in the game was voting out inactives in the beginning. The algo could have taken care of them, but I didn't realize that as a new player. As time went on, a few people I voted for to go actually got kicked out and others stayed. Around Day 2 I added a member to my alliance.                                                 

Around Day 3, one of my alliance members was voted out, but he was not active at all, so I didn't care too much. Around Day 4 I had an idea with my alliance. Let's PM each other about who to vote out before we vote, that way if our votes are consistent we will have a better chance of getting the person we want out. Everyone liked that idea and it worked fairly well. Everything was going great until Day 7 when an alliance member I wanted to keep got kicked out...Ellie. I tried to campaign for her, but it didn't work. That was the first thing that went wrong for me.                             
Towards the end I was realizing there were some threats. Zoee and Ultimate were good friends, very nice, and extremely active. I assumed an alliance between them. Other people voiced to me that they wanted Zoee gone to break up the alliance. But I was also asked to keep Zoee by someone else. So what I did was encourage people to vote out Zoee when they told me they wanted her gone, however, I actually didn't give her the 3. Why would I take such a risk? Because I knew there would be enough votes against Zoee and I wanted to form an alliance with a person who asked me to keep Zoee. Zoee got the boot and I kept my word (somewhat). If Zoee didn't get the boot, I would have discovered that my alliance went against me. It was probably the most important vote in the game.   
The only other thing in the game that didn't go the way I hoped was that Ultimate made it to the Final Four. I do consider him a friend, but I recognized that he was the biggest threat in the house. He was well liked, a ton of fun to talk with, and he was the most active. I didn't think I had a chance against him, but when he made it to the Final Four, I said to myself "he really deserves to be here". I was extremely shocked that I won, but even more shocked that Ultimate placed 4th.                                                               
Well, that's just a look at how I played and won my first game. I enjoyed it the whole time and was happy to be in the Final Four with some great guys: Zachup-who always stayed true to his word, Beagle-Who stayed true to our alliance, and Ultimate-who made the game fun and enjoyable and helped spark the discussions in the chatroom. P.S. We all changed our avatars to wearing shirts and ties for the end of the game hahaha.


interesting... good luck in future games
Sent by knixuk,Aug 13, 2009
oh and you might want to invest in some paragraphs ;)
Sent by knixuk,Aug 13, 2009
agh nice! you have paragraphs :)
Sent by knixuk,Aug 13, 2009
Sent by Ellie992,Aug 13, 2009
congrats nintendo!
Sent by beagles514,Aug 13, 2009
Good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sent by BlairWaldorf,Aug 13, 2009

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