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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Mybash_'s blogBlog

  1. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #1
  2. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #2
  3. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #3
  4. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #4
  5. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #5
  6. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #6
  7. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #7
  8. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #8
  9. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #9
  10. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #10
  11. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #12 & 11
  12. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #14 & 13
  13. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #16 & 15
  14. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #18 & 17
  15. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #20 & 19
  16. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #22 & #21
  17. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #24 & #23
  18. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #26 & #25
  19. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #28 & #27
  20. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #30 & #29
  21. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #32 & #31
  22. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #34 & #33
  23. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #36 & #35
  24. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #38 & #37
  25. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #40 & #39
  26. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #42 & #41
  27. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #44 & #43
  28. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #46 & #45
  29. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #48 & #47
  30. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2023馃帳 - #50 & #49
  31. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2022馃帳 - #1
  32. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2022馃帳 - #2
  33. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2022馃帳 - #3
  34. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2022馃帳 - #4
  35. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2022馃帳 - #5
  36. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2022馃帳 - #6
  37. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2022馃帳 - #7
  38. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2022馃帳 - #8
  39. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2022馃帳 - #9
  40. 馃帳Top 50 Songs of 2022馃帳 - #10

BB Challenge Day 1-30

Jun 27, 2012 by Mybash_
I hope y'all like mine!!!!

  Day 1: Post a picture of your favorite male houseguest of all time and why they鈥檙e your favorite.

    Day 2: Of the seasons of Big Brother you鈥檝e seen, which runner-ups deserved to win over the winners and why?

    Day 3: Post a picture of the Big Brother houseguest (all seasons) you find most attractive.

    Day 4: Which houseguest gets/got on your last nerve and why? (all seasons)

    Day 5: What is your favorite HoH competition of all time and why?

    Day 6: Post a picture of your favorite female houseguest of all time and why they鈥檙e your favorite.

    Day 7: Which houseguest鈥檚 diary room sessions do/did you like the most and why?

    Day 8: What season of Big Brother was the first you ever saw and how did you get into the show?

    Day 9: What game move in the Big Brother house was the smartest and why?

    Day 10: Of all the people who have won the Big Brother game, who is your favorite? Who is your least favorite?

    Day 11: Which eviction speech was your favorite and why?

    Day 12: Post a list or some pictures of what you鈥檇 hope to find in your HoH basket should you win.

    Day 13: What Veto competition was your favorite and why?

    Day 14: What moment in the Big Brother house frustrated you the most and why?

    Day 15: Post several of your favorite Big Brother gifs.

    Day 16: Post several of your favorite quotes from Big Brother houseguests.

    Day 17: What twist in the Big Brother game has been your favorite and why? What sort of twists do you hope to see in the future?

    Day 18: Select 5 past houseguests who would be your selections on a dream Big Brother All-Stars.

    Day 19: What Big Brother tune is your favorite?

    Day 20: Whose punishment costume inside the Big Brother house was your favorite?

    Day 21: Do you think Big Brother seasons should be either all newbies or all veterans, or do you like the mixture?

    Day 22: What is/was your favorite alliance in the Big Brother house of all time?

    Day 23: Which fight inside of the house was the most memorable?

    Day 24: Whose nomination speech was your favorite and why?

    Day 25: Which season of Big Brother was your all-time favorite and why?

    Day 26: Select your favorite showmance (or real romance) of all time.

    Day 27: Whose temper was the absolute worst inside the house?

    Day 28: Who do you predict will make it to the final 3 of Big Brother 14?

    Day 29: What would you like to have in the jury house if you were to be sent there?

    Day 30: Do you want to be a Big Brother houseguest someday? Whose game would you most like to emulate? Feel free to take little bits from several houseguests.

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