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Winston my Welsh Cardigan Corgi

Nov 3, 2017 by Movieexpert16
image(Picture attached of what he looks like) So we had to put down my dog Winston who I've had for about 15 1/2 years ever since I was about a couple years old. About a month ago it was getting harder and harder for him to walk even with a ramp and he would just topple over after walking a few steps. So my parents decided it was time to put him down because they didn't want to see him suffer anymore. Today I went with my Dad to the vet's office since I wanted to be with my dog since he's been with me my whole life so far. I petted him and told him I loved him so much. They gave Winston one sedative to relax him and after about 5 minutes he became really drowsy and was sprawled out and I continued to pet him and tell him that everything was going to be ok. A little while later Dr. Beechy who is our veterinarian gave him another shot through one of his veins in his leg and he said to us that his heart stopped. When he said that and once I saw my dog's face at the end everything inside me just stopped for a second and it became too real. Also seeing my Dad hold back tears devastated me. Then he asked if we wanted him to be cremated and we both said yes and as we walked out the door he told me and my Dad to take care. The car ride home was pretty much silent. I miss him so much right now and I never shared anything this personal before but I have to get it out because today has been one of the most shittiest days of my life. Anyway I just hope it will get better.


sorry that really sucks hope you take the great memories with him forever
Sent by Lowwww,Nov 3, 2017
Aw I'm sorry to hear that, it's rough losing a pet. You got a lot of great years with him though and the memories will last. He looks really cute too :)
Sent by cheritaisdelicious,Nov 3, 2017

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